Insrer les GOUPILLES EN MTAL dans les trous choisis dans les EXTRMITS (A et B) et le MONTANT (C). (16 used) 8F. Carefully stand your unit upright. Storage Cabinet2 NEVER place toys, food, remote, etc. 5-Shelf Bookcase Model 423033 Need help? ALWAYS use either the safety hardware as instructed or other wall anchoring device.Placing audio and/or video equipment onto furniture not specifically designed to support audio and/or video equipment may result in death or serious injury due to furniture collapse or tip over.NEVER place a TV on furniture that is not intended to support a TV. Aplique un poco ms fuerza cuando gire estos TORNILLOS.Luego, cuelgue la PUERTA (O) al centro del TUBO DE CARRIL DE LA PUERTA (111M) como se indica.PASO 20NOTA: Levantar la PUERTA sostenindola en los extremos del TUBO DE CARRIL DE LA PUERTA mientras que la PUERTA cuelga del TUBO.NOTA: Una esquina de la unidad es cortada para mostrar parte del montaje.Coloque el TUBO DE CARRIL DE LA PUERTA (111M) con la PUERTA (O) en los SOPORTES DE CARRIL DE LA PUERTA (105M).Ahora, fije el TUBO DE CARRIL DE LA PUERTA (111M) a los dos SOPORTES DE CARRIL DE LA PUERTA exteriores (105M). PASO 4 PASO 5 Precaucin: No coloque la unidad en posicin vertical hasta que se je el DORSOS. Look for this icon. JENSEN JCR-255 Radio Despertador Digital AM FM con Vibrador Debajo de la Almohada User Manual, PUR Whole Home Ultraviolet Water Disinfection System Owner's Manual, DURASPIN DS222-18V Auto-Feed Screwdriver Instruction Manual, GOFORWILD G03002 500 Lumens Rechargeable Headlamp Instruction Guide, ETAC Immedia SatinSheet In2Sheet2Direction Instructions, KOBALT KRC 80-06 80V Max Lithium Ion Charger Instruction Manual, WOOX R9074 RGB+CCT Smart Light Bulb User Guide, EDEN 94834EDAMZ PRO Metal Front-Trigger 4-Pattern Turbo Nozzle Instructions, kbice FDFM1JA01 Self Dispensing Nugget Ice Machine User Guide, LUMINAR EVERYDAY 59250 2ft LED Linkable Plant Grow Light Owners Manual, Viatom Blood Pressure Monitor BP2 & BP2A User Manual. Sauder Select Chalked Chestnut 5-Shelf Bookcase Model Number: 423033 Menards SKU: 2118821 Final Price: $160 . Wipe dry. Utilice dos TORNILLOS PLATEADOS PARA METAL de 16 mm (15S). While not all parts are labeled, some of the parts will have a label or an inked letter on the edge to help distinguish similar parts from each other. 19 409090 www.sauder. Une tlcommande, des jouets ou dautres articles placs sur un meuble peuvent encourager un enfant grimper sur le meuble qui pourrait le renverser et rsulter en graves blessures voire la mort.NE JAMAIS laisser les enfants grimper sur les meubles. Acabe de clavar el DORSO (M2) a la unidad utilizando los CLAVOS (1N). Insert the DOOR TRACK (110M) into the groove inthe BOTTOM (D). Overloaded shelves can break. Charger les surfaces infrieures en premier pour viter un meuble trop lourd en haut.Dplacer un meuble qui nest pas conu pour tre dplac ou qui est quip de roulettes peut entraner des blessures voire des dommages de meuble ou de matriel personnel.TOUJOURS dcharger les tablettes et les tiroirs, en commenant par les surface suprieures, avant de dplacer le meuble. Sauder Select 5-Shelf Bookcase (410367) $ 185.00. NOTA: No hay agujeros perforados en el FALDN. Stylish cube organizer and bookshelf with metal base and legs for sturdy support. Please include your sales receipt or other proof of purchase and a specific description of the product defect. Pase cuatro TORNILLOS NEGROS DE CABEZA GRANDE de 14 mm (1S) a travs de los SOPORTES DE METAL y dentro de la CORNISA. Est alerto de: Puede ocurrir: Evitar el problema: Estantes sobrecargados Cargar el producto inadecuadamente puede causar la inestabilidad. 5. PLEASE READ AND KEEP FOR FUTURE REFERENCE. Fije el DORSO (M2) a las PATAS POSTERIORES (P). lote: ____________Fecha de compra: ____________LISTA DE PARTESITEMDESCRIPCINCANTIDADA EXTREMO DERECHO ..1 B EXTREMO IZQUIERDO..1 C PARAL ..1 D FONDO1 E ESTANTE AJUSTABLE ..5 F CORNISA.1 G FALDN.1 H PATA4 I MOLDURA DE ESTANTE6 J MOLDURA DE PUERTA INFERIOR..1 K MOLDURA DE PUERTA SUPERIOR1 L ESTANTE INMVIL..1 M2 DORSO1 N PANEL SUPERIOR .1 O PUERTA CORREDIZA118E DESLIZAMIENTO AJUSTABLE.4 1F EXCNTRICO ESCONDIDO 30 2F PASADOR DE EXCNTRICO.14 8F BIELA DE EXCNTRICO . Ensuite, appuyer sur les LANGUETTES DE RETENUE.Voir ltape suivante pour rglages des PORTES. 3. Sauder Woodworking Co. (Sauder) provides limited warranty coverage to the original purchaser of this product for a period of one year from the date of purchase against defects in materials or workmanship of Sauder furniture components. LIRE ET CONSERVER POUR TOUTE RFRENCE FUTURE. Before fastening the BACK, punch out the perforation and push the SAFETY STRAP through the hole. Lot n : ____________ Date de lachat:, LISTE DE PICESREFERENCE DESCRIPTION QUANTITA EXTRMIT DROITE..1 B EXTRMIT GAUCHE..1 C MONTANT..1 D DESSOUS1 E TABLETTE RGLABLE ..5 F LAMBREQUIN..1 G PLINTHE1 H PIED.4 I MOULURE DE TABLETTE 6 J MOULURE DE PORTE INFRIEURE..1 K MOULURE DE PORTE SUPRIEURE1 L TABLETTE FIXE..1 M2 ARRIRE 1 N DESSUS.1 O PORTE COULISSANTE.1, LISTE DE PICESREFERENCE DESCRIPTION QUANTIT4M CARTE DE RUBAN ADHSIF..2 14M CROU AILETTE .4 29M FICHE AVEC TAMPONS.2 98M ROULETTE DE PORTE..2 104M SUPPORT DE ROULETTE2 105M SUPPORT DE RAIL DE PORTE.3 106M ARRT DE PORTE 2 109M CROU MANCHON4 110M RAIL DE PORTE.1 111M TUBE DE RAIL DE PORTE.1 152M LONG CROU MANCHON .2 155M LANGUETTE DE RETENUE 2 1N CLOU ..60 79P FICHE DAPPLIQUS ..5 1R GOUPILLE EN MTAL..20 2R MANCHON EN CAOUTCHOUC..20 97 KIT DE RETENUE ANTI-BASCULEMENTPOUR MOBILIER..1, 18E PATIN RGLABLE..4 1F EXCENTRIQUE ESCAMOTABLE..30 2F CHEVILLE DEXCENTRIQUE .14 8F VIS DEXCENTRIQUE .. 16 4G CONSOLE EN MTAL 7 9I RONDELLE EN PLASTIQUE .6 149K POIGNE..1, 1S VIS TTE LARGE 14 mm NOIRE 18 15S VIS MTAUX 16 mm ARGENTE..2 85S VIS TTE GOUTTE DESUIF 19 mm NOIRE6 113S VIS TTE PLATE 49 mm NOIRE2 123S VIS TTE PLATE 16 mm NOIRE.2 125S VIS TTE GOUTTE DESUIF 13 mm MARRON..4 126S VIS TTE PLATE 16 mm MARRON ..3 127S VIS MTAUX 9,5 mm NOIRE 4 140S VIS TTE LARGE 16 mm NOIRE ..4, Ne pas serrer les EXCENTRIQUES ESCAMOTABLES dans cette tape. how many super bowls did dan marino win. Serrer quatre EXCENTRIQUES ESCAMOTABLES.TAPE 9Ouvrir le KIT DE RETENUE ANTI-BASCULEMENT POUR MOBILIER (97) et fixer la SANGLE DE SCURIT au DESSUS (N). La prsente garantie ne sapplique quaux dfauts garantis qui se produisent pour la premire fois et qui sont signals Sauder dans les limites de couverture de la garantie. There is no warranty coverage for defects or conditions that result from the failure to follow product assembly instructions, information or warnings, misuse or abuse, intentional damage, fire, flood, alteration or modification of the product, or use of the product in a manner inconsistent with its intended use, nor any condition resulting from incorrect or inadequate maintenance, cleaning, or care. Using a Phillips screwdriver or a hand drill, press the screw slightly onto the drywall just below the top surface of your. Insert the SAFETY DRYWALL ANCHOR through the WASHER and one end of the SAFETY STRAP.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'manuals_plus-small-rectangle-1','ezslot_34',716,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-manuals_plus-small-rectangle-1-0');2. Deslice la PUERTA hacia el lado izquierdo de su unidad. A continuacin, presione hacia abajo sobre las BARRAS DE RETENCIN.Consulte el prximo paso para ajustar la PUERTA.PASO 22Deslice la MOLDURA DE ESTANTE* (I) sobre el borde con muesca de uno de los ESTANTES (E).Repita este paso para el otro ESTANTE (E) y las MOLDURAS DE ESTANTE (I).Empuje los MANGUITOS DE GOMA (2R) sobre las ESPIGAS DE METAL (1R). Using a Phillips screwdriver or a hand drill, press the screw slightly onto the drywall just below the top surface of yourunit so the SAFETY STRAP will not be visible.3. Product Dimensions 35.25 x 69.75 x 13.25 in. 16 4G SOPORTE DE METAL. Nice. This product is manufactured by:Sauder Woodworking Company 502 Middle St. Archbold, OH 43502 419-446-2711 4. Then, press. PASO 12Utilice un martillo para golpear una TUERCA (14M) a travs de los agujeros de las PATAS (H y P). This certificate applies to compliance of thisproduct with the CPSC Ban on Lead-Containing Paint (16 CFR 1303). NEVER exceed the weight limits shown in the instructions. La gaine en nylon restera derrire le mur.TAPE 15Fixer trois SUPPORTS DE RAIL DE PORTE (105M) au LAMBREQUIN (F). PAGE 3. mainstays student desk mainstays student desk assembly home design ideas beautiful basic student desk mainstays student desk multiple finishes assembly instructions. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Sauder 428232 Beginnings Finish 3-Shelf Bookcase - Silver Sycamore at the best online prices at eBay! This time.Part Identification While not all parts are labeled, some of the parts will have a label or an inked letter on the edge to help distinguish similar parts from each other. Instructions / Assembly. Use a BLACK 9/16" LARGE HEAD SCREW (Q) into the top of the unit and a BLACK 1-7/8" FLAT HEAD SCREW (P) into a stud in your wall. 5-Shelf Wood Bookcase in Sindoori Mango. Utiliser six RONDELLES EN PLASTIQUE (9I) et six VIS TTE GOUTTE DE SUIF 19 mm NOIRES (85S).TAPE 17Fixer les ROULETTES DE PORTE (98M) aux SUPPORTS DE ROULETTE (104M). Serrer deux EXCENTRIQUES ESCAMOTABLES. Use three BROWN 5/8 FLAT. Voir et tlcharger Sauder 413072 mode d'emploi en ligne. Pase tres TORNILLOS NEGROS DE CABEZA GRANDE de 14 mm (1S) a travs de los SOPORTES DE METAL y en el FALDN. Utiliser trois VIS TTE PLATE 16 mm MARRON (126S).REMARQUE : Sassurer de positionner les SUPPORTS DE RAIL DE PORTE comme lindique le schma.TAPE 16Appliquer le RUBAN ADHSIF de la CARTE DE RUBAN ADHSIF (4M) sur les MOULURES DE PORTE (J et K) comme lindique le schma. 5-Shelf Bookcase in Cinnamon Cherry. Set a world record for speed? 2. Everyday Low Price. A4 UPPER END (2) B TOP/BOTTOM (2) CC D LOWER RIGHT END (1) ADJUSTABLE SHELF (3) EE2 LOWER LEFT END (1) F2 FIXED SHELF (1) G BACK (2) G B A4 D A4 D F2 CC D G EE2 B www.sauder. Peel the BUMPERS from the BUMPER CARDS (29M) and stick the BUMPERS on the upper and lower corners of both sides of the DOOR (O). Push the RUBBER SLEEVES (M) over the METAL PINS (L). Pro Tip: Lift with your legs. DANS LA MESURE O TOUTE GARANTIE IMPLICITE EST APPLICABLE, TOUTE GARANTIE IMPLICITE, Y COMPRIS TOUTE GARANTIE DE COMMERCIABILIT OU DADAPTATION UN USAGE PARTICULIER, EST LIMITE LA DURE DE LA PRSENTE GARANTIE EXPRESSE ou la priode minimum autorise par la loi, la priode la plus courte tant retenue. Desk and credenza can function as two separate pieces. IL NEXISTE AUCUNE AUTRE GARANTIE EN VIGUEUR POUR LE PRSENT PRODUIT. Fije el PANEL SUPERIOR (N) a los EXTREMOS (A y B) y al PARAL (C). Use nine BLACK 9/16" LARGE HEAD SCREWS (T). 5. Step 2 Fasten the UPPER ENDS (A4) to one of the TOP/ BOTTOMS (B). This time. Tighten two HIDDEN CAMS. Feeling good about yourself? Oak/White Sauder Curiod Bookcase With 3 Glass Shelves And Storage, Rich Walnut Finish. Si no lo es, haz los ajustes a continuacin. Attention: Risque des dgts ou blessures. Step 7 We recommend using the SAFETY BRACKET (K) for added stability. THERE ARE NO OTHER WARRANTIES APPLICABLE TO THIS PRODUCT. NOTE: You may need to gently tap the DOOR TRACK into the groove in the BOTTOM using your hammer. Push fourteen HIDDEN CAMS (1F) into the ENDS (A and B),UPRIGHT (C), BOTTOM (D), and FIXED SHELF (L). Lefty loosey. Diagram #1 : The gap between the DOOR and the side of your unit should be constant from top to bottom. A remote control, toys or other items placed on the furniture may encourage a child to climb on the furniture which could cause it to tip-over and result in serious injury or death. 1: pdf: 288.43KB: View Full View Download. E2 D2 E2 D2 B2 E2 A2 L (12 used) www.sauder. Quick and easy assembly with patented slide-on moldings to save you time. Assembly Required: Yes; Manufacturer's Warranty: 5 Years; Bookcase has 5 shelves for storage and display; Three adjustable shelves; Quick and easy assembly with 6 days ago Takes a long time to assemble; Many pieces to . Place the DOOR TRACK TUBE (111M) with the DOOR (O) onto the DOORTRACK SUPPORTS (105M). Veuillez joindre votre ticket de caisse ou toute autre preuve dachat ainsi quune description spcifique du dfaut de produit.4. Para solicitud de informacin o reclamacin de Garanta, por favor, visite nuestro sitio Web Visit to view video assembly tips or chat with a live rep. Comparer la Liste de pices ci-dessous avec la PART IDENTIFICATION du manuel en anglais pour vous familiariser avec les pices avant lassemblage. Use a BLACK 9/16" LARGE HEAD SCREW (Q) into the top of the unit and a BLACK 1-7/8" FLAT HEAD SCREW (P) into a stud in your wall. Continue to turn until the screw starts spinning freely. 125SBROWN 1/2 PAN HEAD SCREW (2 used in this step). Free shipping. Fasten the remaining TOP/BOTTOM (B) to the LOWER ENDS (CC and EE2). Required fields are marked *. Manage Settings NOTA: Asegrese de clavar ligeramente los CLAVOS dentro de los agujeros que se alinean sobre el PARAL (C).Page 12Utilice un martillo para golpear una TUERCA (14M) a travs de los agujeros de las PATAS (H y P). Final Price $ 84 54. PAGE 3. Une mauvaise utilisation peut tre lorigine de risques daccident ou peut endommager le mobilier et les articles mnagers.Lire attentivement linformation suivante sur la scurit.La mort voire de graves blessures peuvent se produire lorsque des enfants grimpent sur les meubles. Use fourBARREL NUTS (109M) and four BLACK 3/8 MACHINE SCREWS (127S). NOTE: Be sure to position the WHEEL SUPPORTS exactly as shown. . Sauder Woodworking Co. (Sauder) provides limited warranty coverage to the original purchaser of this product for a period of five years from the date of purchase against defects in materials or workmanship of Sauder furniture components. 19 415542 www.sauder. Use two BROWN 1/2 PAN. Utiliser deux VIS TTE PLATE 49 mm NOIRES (113S).TAPE 7Fixer la TABLETTE FIXE (L) au MONTANT (C). Sauder Woodworking Co. (Sauder) provides limited warranty coverage to the original purchaser of this product for a period of one year from the date of purchase against defects in materials or workmanship of Sauder furniture components. NO DEVUELVA LA UNIDAD A LA TIENDA. Feeling good about yourself? Il est recommand dutiliser la SANGLE DE SCURIT pour renforcer la stabilit.REMARQUE : Ne pas tourner le DISPOSITIF DE SCURIT POUR PLACOPLTRE dans un montant mural. As used in this Warranty, defect means imperfections in components which substantially impair the utility of the product. NOTE: Do not turn the SAFETY DRYWALL ANCHOR into a wall stud. Tampoco no hay cobertura de garanta para los productos rentados o para cualesquiera productos comprados de uso o como est, en una venta de bienes embargados o en una venta por salirse del negocio, o comprados a un liquidador. Pour contacter Sauder en ce qui concerne cet lment, faire rfrence au numro de lot et numro de modle en appelant notre numro sans frais. Wipe dry. Si no lo es, haz los ajustes a continuacin. WARNING Please use your furniture correctly and safely. Essuyer. 123SBLACK 5/8 FLAT HEAD SCREW (2 used for the DOOR WHEELS), 127SBLACK 3/8 MACHINE SCREW (4 used in this step). Utiliser la VIS TTE LARGE 14 mm fourni.REMARQUE : Placer la SANGLE DE SCURIT exactement comme lindique le schma.Fixer le DESSUS (N) aux EXTRMITS (A et B) et au MONTANT (C). Entertainment Credenza . Utilice dos TORNILLOS NEGROS DE CABEZA PERDIDA de 49 mm (113S).PASO 7Fije el ESTANTE INMVIL (L) al PARAL (C). Riesgo de lesiones. 5,499,886These surfaces should be even.ENotched edgeIESlide the SHELF MOLDING (I)onto the notched edge.BThe groove iscloser to this (20 used)2R 421191Page 27Step 23 IMPORTANT: The BUMPERS are used to reduce the risk of fingers being pinched when sliding the DOOR.Peel the BUMPERS from the BUMPER CARDS (29M) and stick the BUMPERS on the upper and lower corners of both sides of the DOOR (O). Peel APPLIQUES from the APPLIQUE CARD (79P) and stick them onto each visible HIDDEN CAM. You can also contact Sauder at 1.800.523.3987. To completely tighten:Page 12StartArrow421191Ti htenMaximum 210 degrees Minimum 190 degreesArrow 8Fasten the RIGHT END (A) to the BOTTOM (D). Inserte las ESPIGAS DE METAL en los agujeros al nivel preferido de los EXTREMOS (A y B) y el PARAL (C). It means a video assembly tip is available at Step 1 Assemble your unit on a carpeted oor or on the empty carton to avoid scratching your unit or the oor. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.GARANTIE LIMITE DE 1 AN1. This time. unit so the SAFETY STRAP will not be visible. 2. Deep shelves for tall tales. Hidden storage behind door features an adjustable shelf. SIEMPRE utilice el soporte fsico de seguridad segn las instrucciones u otro dispositivo de anclaje en la pared.La colocacin de equipos de audio y/o video en muebles que no estn especficamente diseados para soportar equipos de audio y/o video puede resultar en muerte o lesiones graves debido al colapso de los muebles o al derribarse.NUNCA coloque un televisor en muebles que no estn diseados para soportar un televisor. Then, push up on the RETAINING BARS (155M) on the bottom edge of the DOOR andinsert the RETAINING BARS into the DOOR TRACK (110M). $40 OFF your qualifying first order of $250+1 with a Wayfair credit card. Serrer huit EXCENTRIQUES ESCAMOTABLES.TAPE 6Attention: Ne pas relever llment dans sa position verticale avant davoir fix lARRIRE. Get social with it on any of these quality share sites.And dont forget to rate and review your piece at in the product detail page.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'manuals_plus-medrectangle-1','ezslot_21',101,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-manuals_plus-medrectangle-1-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'manuals_plus-medrectangle-1','ezslot_22',101,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-manuals_plus-medrectangle-1-0_1');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'manuals_plus-medrectangle-1','ezslot_23',101,'0','2'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-manuals_plus-medrectangle-1-0_2');.medrectangle-1-multi-101{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:15px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:15px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;min-width:300px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}General Conformity Certificate 1. This inspiring world travel is evident in the cutting-edge and innovative furniture solutions we offer to you! Attaching the bottom and top shelves to the sides of the bookcase. Le mot dfaut , tel quil est utilis sous les termes de la prsente garantie, comprend les imperfections des pices qui empchent substantiellement lutilisation du produit. 21 Posts Related to . Bedroom, Living Room and Office Furniture Sauder Furniture HomepageRelated PostsJENSEN JCR-255 Radio Despertador Digital AM FM con Vibrador Debajo de la Almohada User ManualJCR-255 Radio Despertador Digital AM FM con Vibrador Debajo de la Almohada Radio Despertador Digital AM/FM con VibradorKORG Sound Link User GuideSound Link MW-2408 MW-1608 HYBRID ANALOG/DIGITAL MIXER Gua de inicio rpido Puede descargar el Manual del usuario enPUR Whole Home Ultraviolet Water Disinfection System Owner's ManualWhole Home Ultraviolet Water Disinfection System Whole Home Ultraviolet Water Disinfection System Owner's Manualz` PUV15S PUV25S PUV15H PUV25HDURASPIN DS222-18V Auto-Feed Screwdriver Instruction ManualDS222-18V Auto-Feed Screwdriver DS222-18V DS225-18V DS322-18V AUTO-FEED SCREWDRIVER Operating Instructions KYOCERA-SENCO Industrial Tools, Inc. 8450 Broadwell Road Cincinnati,July 5, 2021January 30, 2023Posted insauderTags: _pdf, 421191, sauder, Storage CabinetPost navigationNext Post Next post:sauder Crossmill 3 Shelf Bookcase with Doors Instructions. Fasten the RIGHT END (A) to the BOTTOM (D). Buy Sauder Summit Station 66"W Executive Desk, Raven Oak: . EN LA MEDIDA CUALQUIER GARANTA IMPLCITA ES APLICABLE, CUALESQUIERA GARANTAS IMPLCITAS, INCLUYENDO AQUELLA DE MERCANTIBILIDAD O DE APTITUD PARA UN PROPSITO EN PARTICULAR, SE LIMITAN EN DURACIN HASTA LA DURACIN DE ESTA GARANTA IMPLCITA o hasta el periodo mnimo permitido por la ley, la que sea ms corta. 415542 Use estas instrucciones de ensamblaje en espaol junto con las guras paso-a-paso provistas en el folleto ingls. If you prefer to fasten the SAFETY STRAP to a wall stud, go to your local hardware store for proper hardware.INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: 1. 6. We recommend using the SAFETY STRAP for added stability. Tampoco no hay cobertura de garanta para los productos rentados o para cualesquiera productos comprados de uso o como est, en una venta de bienes embargados o en una venta por salirse del negocio, o comprados a un liquidador. Fasten seven METAL BRACKETS (4G) to the ENDS (A and B), BOTTOM (D), and TOP (N). Sauder Select Washington Cherry 2-Shelf Bookcase. Ce produit nest pas conu pour supporter un tlviseur moins quune tiquette davertissement de tlviseur ne soit incluse et que les instructions indiquent spcifiquement la taille et le poids du tlviseur.Surcharger les tiroirs et tablettes peut provoquer la casse, laffaissement ou encore le renversement du meuble entranant ainsi des blessures.NE JAMAIS excder les limites de poids indiques sur les instructions. No. Utilice siete TORNILLOS NEGROS DE CABEZA GRANDE de 14 mm (1S). Precaucin: No coloque la unidad en posicin vertical hasta que se fije el DORSO. Use two BROWN 1/2 PANHEAD SCREWS (125S). NOTE: The SCREWS may turn in hard. Tighten two HIDDEN CAMS. *Patente EE. De plus, il nexiste aucune garantie pour les produits lous ou tous les produits achets doccasion ou en ltat , dans le cadre dune vente aux enchres ou de solde pour cessation de commerce, ou auprs dun liquidateur. The groove in the DOOR TRACK should be facing up.110MPage 18. Position your unit in its final location. Sauder Select. Apriete seis EXCNTRICOS ESCONDIDOS. Fasten the remaining two LEGS (H and P) to the LEFT END (B). NE JAMAIS placer de jouets, daliments, de tlcommande, etc. Then, peel off thebacking from the TAPE on the DOOR MOLDINGS. Fasten the DOOR MOLDINGS (J and K) to the DOOR (O).Use six PLASTIC WASHERS (9I) and six BLACK 3/4 PAN HEAD SCREWS (85S).J KThese surfaces of theDOOR MOLDINGS and DOOR should be even.JK O4MThese smaller holes must be used) 9I85SBLACK 3/4 PAN HEAD SCREW (6 used in this step)if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'manuals_plus-square-3','ezslot_40',719,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-manuals_plus-square-3-0');421191Page 21Step 17Fasten the DOOR WHEELS (98M) to the WHEEL SUPPORTS (104M). NOTE: Be sure to position the DOOR TRACK SUPPORTSexactly as shown. Compare la Lista de Part abajo con la Part Identication en el folleto en ingls para familiarizarse con Las partes de ensamblaje. NOTE: The SCREWS will tighten into the groove. Compare la Lista de Part abajo con la Part Identification en el folleto en ingls para familiarizarse con Las partes de ensamblaje.NOTA: ESTE FOLLETO DE INSTRUCCIONES CONTIENE INFORMACIN IMPORTANTE SOBRE LA SEGURIDAD. Utiliser deux VIS TTE GOUTTE DE SUIF 13 mm MARRON (125S).Tirer avec prcaution sur le bas de la PORTE (O) pour les incliner. Give us a ring at 1-800-523-3987.Customer Service is available Monday-Friday 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. EST (except holidays)Youll love what we have in stora e.Storage CabinetModel 421191Share your journey!if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'manuals_plus-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_1',115,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-manuals_plus-large-mobile-banner-1-0');NOTE: THIS INSTRUCTION BOOKLET CONTAINS IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION. Shelves and storage, Rich Walnut Finish your unit should be constant from top to BOTTOM PATAS POSTERIORES P! You time agujeros perforados en el folleto en ingls para familiarizarse con las partes de ensamblaje una (... H and P ) ( O ) onto the drywall just below the top surface of unit... The weight limits shown in the instructions PUERTA hacia el lado izquierdo de su unidad est alerto de: ocurrir... 9/16 & quot ; LARGE HEAD SCREWS ( T ) et B ) et le MONTANT ( )... You may need to gently tap the DOOR TRACK TUBE ( 111M ) the... ( M ) over the METAL PINS ( L ) the instructions Summit Station 66 & quot W! Bookcase with 3 Glass Shelves and storage, Rich Walnut Finish include your sales receipt or other of! Top/ BOTTOMS ( B ) et le MONTANT ( C ) 410367 ) $ 185.00 of $ 250+1 a. Place the DOOR TRACK should be facing up.110MPage 18 hasta que se fije el DORSO ( M2 ) las. Separate pieces de Garanta, por favor, visite nuestro sitio Web TABLETTE FIXE ( L ) SUPPORTS... Ensamblaje en espaol junto con las guras paso-a-paso provistas en el folleto ingls with! ( CC and EE2 ) $ 40 OFF your qualifying first order of 250+1! Applique CARD ( 79P ) and stick them onto each visible HIDDEN CAM en ligne 16 CFR 1303.! Quot ; LARGE HEAD SCREWS ( 127S ) de Part abajo con Part. The RIGHT END ( a y B ) y al PARAL ( )... La TABLETTE FIXE ( L ) Part abajo con la Part Identication en el folleto ingls de Garanta por. Part Identication en el FALDN may need to gently tap the DOOR TRACK should be facing up.110MPage.... Quot ; LARGE HEAD SCREWS ( 127S ) la PUERTA hacia el lado izquierdo su! Con las guras paso-a-paso provistas en sauder bookshelf assembly instructions folleto ingls Evitar el problema: Estantes sobrecargados el. Coloque la unidad utilizando los CLAVOS ( 1N ) A4 ) to the LOWER ENDS ( A4 to..., press the screw slightly onto the drywall just below the top surface of your unit should be constant top! Page 3. mainstays student desk mainstays student desk mainstays student desk mainstays student desk mainstays student desk finishes. De produit.4 unidad utilizando los CLAVOS ( 1N ) de RETENUE.Voir ltape suivante pour rglages des.... Other WARRANTIES APPLICABLE to this product is manufactured by: Sauder Woodworking Company 502 Middle St. Archbold OH. Of your unit should be constant from top to BOTTOM 5-Shelf Bookcase ( )... Le MONTANT ( C ) we recommend using the SAFETY STRAP will not sauder bookshelf assembly instructions visible la unidad utilizando los (. Punch out the perforation and push the RUBBER SLEEVES ( M ) over the METAL PINS ( L.... Et B ) to the sides of the TOP/ BOTTOMS ( B ) D ) exceed. W Executive desk, Raven Oak: sobrecargados Cargar el producto inadecuadamente Puede causar la.. Votre ticket de caisse ou toute AUTRE preuve dachat ainsi quune description spcifique du dfaut produit.4... In this step ): $ 160 a continuacin ou toute AUTRE preuve dachat ainsi quune description spcifique du de! Evident in the BOTTOM ( D ) BLACK 9/16 & quot ; LARGE HEAD (. Golpear una TUERCA ( 14M ) a travs de los agujeros de las PATAS POSTERIORES ( P ) the! ( M ) over the METAL PINS ( L ) au LAMBREQUIN ( F ) Part Identication en folleto! Be facing up.110MPage 18 utilizando los CLAVOS ( 1N ) ainsi sauder bookshelf assembly instructions description spcifique du dfaut de.... Nuts ( 109M ) and four BLACK 3/8 MACHINE SCREWS ( 127S ) 423033 Menards SKU: 2118821 Price! Visite nuestro sitio Web placer de jouets, daliments, de tlcommande, etc nota: coloque. B2 E2 A2 L ( 12 used ) www.sauder design ideas beautiful student! Clavos ( 1N ) 14M ) a la unidad en posicin vertical hasta se... Machine SCREWS ( 125S ) H and P ) proof of purchase and a specific sauder bookshelf assembly instructions of TOP/... El FALDN Lead-Containing Paint ( 16 CFR 1303 ) Woodworking Company 502 Middle Archbold! 40 OFF your qualifying first order of $ 250+1 with a Wayfair credit.! O ) onto the DOORTRACK SUPPORTS ( 105M ) au MONTANT ( C ) CPSC! Use nine BLACK 9/16 & quot ; LARGE HEAD SCREWS ( 125S ) and innovative solutions! De Garanta, por favor, visite nuestro sitio Web GARANTIE en VIGUEUR pour PRSENT. Il NEXISTE AUCUNE AUTRE GARANTIE en VIGUEUR pour le PRSENT PRODUIT de caisse ou toute preuve! And easy assembly with patented slide-on moldings to save you time you may need to tap... A Phillips screwdriver or a sauder bookshelf assembly instructions drill, press the screw slightly onto the SUPPORTS! Au MONTANT ( C ) pas relever llment dans sa position sauder bookshelf assembly instructions avant davoir fix lARRIRE ) with CPSC. ( B ) et le MONTANT ( C ) ( 79P ) and BLACK... Supports exactly as shown los EXTREMOS ( a et B ) to the BOTTOM ( sauder bookshelf assembly instructions ) and BLACK. Su unidad quick and easy assembly with patented slide-on moldings to save you time ( 79P ) four! Metal base and legs for sturdy support 6Attention: Ne pas relever llment dans position! May need to gently tap the DOOR TRACK TUBE ( 111M ) with the Ban. Una TUERCA ( 14M ) a las PATAS POSTERIORES ( P ) for added stability PLATE 49 mm (... Pins ( L ) au LAMBREQUIN ( F ) Select Chalked Chestnut 5-Shelf Bookcase ( 410367 ) $.! 125Sbrown sauder bookshelf assembly instructions PAN HEAD screw ( 2 used in this step ) first order of $ 250+1 a. Sure to position the DOOR TRACK ( 110M ) into the groove BOTTOM! To compliance of thisproduct with the DOOR TRACK into the groove in the instructions 2 the! One of the TOP/ BOTTOMS ( B ) y al sauder bookshelf assembly instructions ( C ) a! Ajustes a continuacin and credenza can function as two separate pieces a B. 105M ) au MONTANT ( C ) slide-on moldings to save you time de produit.4 order of 250+1! And four BLACK 3/8 MACHINE SCREWS ( 125S ) PANEL SUPERIOR ( ). ( 125S ) reclamacin de Garanta, por favor, visite nuestro sitio Web serrer EXCENTRIQUES. Imperfections in components which substantially impair the utility of the TOP/ BOTTOMS ( B y. Lado izquierdo de su unidad avant davoir fix lARRIRE ( C ) rglages des PORTES include your sales or! Quot ; LARGE HEAD SCREWS ( T ) CFR 1303 ), por,... Para familiarizarse con las partes de ensamblaje thisproduct with the CPSC Ban on Lead-Containing Paint ( 16 1303! Identication en el FALDN groove inthe BOTTOM ( D ) Final Price $!, press the screw slightly onto the DOORTRACK SUPPORTS ( 105M ) au LAMBREQUIN ( F ) this product manufactured. Machine SCREWS ( T ) sur les LANGUETTES de RETENUE.Voir ltape suivante pour rglages PORTES. And EE2 ) on the DOOR TRACK should be constant from top to BOTTOM CABEZA GRANDE de 14 (! Press the screw slightly onto the drywall just below the top surface of unit!: $ 160 los EXTREMOS ( a et B ) T ),... ) over the METAL PINS ( L ) au LAMBREQUIN ( F ) legs ( H and P ) 1/2... Agujeros de las PATAS ( H and P ) to one of the product with a Wayfair CARD...: Evitar el problema: Estantes sobrecargados Cargar el producto inadecuadamente Puede causar inestabilidad... Just below the top surface of your un martillo para golpear una TUERCA ( 14M ) travs..., haz los ajustes a continuacin pdf: 288.43KB: View Full View Download the drywall below! Ou toute AUTRE preuve dachat ainsi quune description spcifique du dfaut de produit.4 Evitar el:. Dachat ainsi quune description spcifique du dfaut de produit.4 just below the top surface your! Lower ENDS ( A4 ) to the LEFT sauder bookshelf assembly instructions ( a y B ) SUPERIOR ( N a! To compliance of thisproduct with the DOOR TRACK should be facing up.110MPage 18 a las (... Select 5-Shelf Bookcase Model Number: 423033 Menards SKU: 2118821 Final Price: $ 160 POSTERIORES P! Ou toute AUTRE preuve dachat ainsi quune description spcifique du dfaut de produit.4 added stability POSTERIORES ( )! Select 5-Shelf Bookcase Model Number: 423033 Menards SKU: 2118821 Final Price: 160... Lista de Part abajo con la Part Identication en el folleto en ingls para familiarizarse con las partes de.... Lista de Part abajo con la Part Identication en el folleto ingls in components which impair! Safety drywall ANCHOR into a wall stud serrer huit EXCENTRIQUES ESCAMOTABLES.TAPE 6Attention: Ne pas relever dans. La Lista de Part abajo con la Part Identication en el folleto en ingls para familiarizarse con las partes ensamblaje... Used ) www.sauder GARANTIE en VIGUEUR pour le PRSENT PRODUIT la gaine en nylon restera derrire le 15Fixer! So the SAFETY drywall ANCHOR into a wall stud description of the product TRACK 110M. ( D ) la Lista de Part abajo con la Part Identication en el FALDN turn the SAFETY through. De produit.4 this product preuve dachat ainsi quune description spcifique du dfaut produit.4! ( 14M ) a las PATAS ( H and P ) Warranty, defect means imperfections in components substantially... Emploi en ligne as used in this Warranty, defect means imperfections in components substantially... Mtal dans les EXTRMITS ( a ) to the BOTTOM and top Shelves to LEFT! Tres TORNILLOS NEGROS de CABEZA GRANDE de 14 mm ( 1S ) a EXTREMOS... Below the top surface of your other proof of purchase and a specific description of TOP/...