The AP Spanish Literature and Culture exam takes a total of 3 hours and is broken up as follows with each section comprising 50% of your final score. Spanish Language and Culture course develops language and cultural . Click the card to flip Definition 1 / 58 En paises como Espana, es comun que las familias extendidos viven en una casa Qu importancia tienen las instituciones culturales en la vitalidad de tu comunidad? Qu efecto ha tenido la geografa humana en el bienestar de las comunidades contemporneas? AP Spanish PowerPoints for an Entire Year will help your students prepare for the AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam. These subjects are used to produce inspiring lesson plans for you to . Arquitectura sin Fronteras en Espaa, LA VIDA CONTEMPORANEA: El entretenimiento y el ocio, Tianguis (Mexico) Lavapies (Espana), la influencia rabe en Espaa - hay mucha en la lengua/cultura/arte, la lengua de Catalan en partes de Espana (son espanoles pero tambien tienen su comunidad y identidad individual) If you are using assistive technology and need help accessing these PDFs in another format, contact Services for Students with Disabilities at 212-713-8333 or by email at [emailprotected]. LOS DESAFOS MUNDIALES: La poblacin y la demografa, La influencia rabe en Espaa Los judos de Espaa, La Ciencia y la Tecnologia: Los fenomenos naturales, Medicina Alternativa en Cuba Frida Kahlo For more information, download theAP Spanish Language and Culture Course and Exam Description(CED) and theCEDs companion audio files. I'm Jamie. Cmo se establecen las percepciones de la belleza y la creatividad? Cmo se desarrolla la identidad de una persona a lo largo del tiempo? No obstante, hace calor por dentro. 0:00 / 5:45 AP French Cultural Comparison Tutorial 7,020 views Nov 2, 2015 45 Dislike Share Save William Springer 68 subscribers AP French Cultural Comparison Tutorial Show more 4 Great Tips. Commentary that goes along with these audio files can be found in PDF format on the Spanish Language Exam page. Qu efectos ha tenido la participacin en las redes sociales en tu comunidad? The AP Spanish Language and Culture course is a rigorous course taught exclusively in . Stay tuned for more posts on the ways that I tackle the other open-ended tasks! The AP Spanish Language and Culture exam will only be offered on paper in 2021. Learners, are foundational to AP World Languages and Cultures courses. You are paying for ONE printable poster as shown in the thumbnail. Chavela Vargas (Mexico y Costa Rica) It's important to state what 2 places they're comparing. La biodiversidad en Ecuador y las leyes que la protegen. 174 0 obj
Lavapies Here are some sample student responses to the questions in the speaking section of the 2019 AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam. Diego Rivera (Mexico), LAS IDENTIDADES PERSONALES Y PBLICAS: This section consists of a variety of authentic print materials (e.g., journalistic and literary texts, announcements, advertisements, letters, charts, maps, and tables). applied for a job, Mrs. K. asked a colleague to do the interview: ""If Rachael is hired, I don't AP Spanish Language and Culture Course Overview The AP Spanish Language and Culture course emphasizes communication (understanding and being understood by others) by applying interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational skills in real-life situations. Presentational Speaking: Deliver a 2-minute presentation in response to a prompt in which students compare a cultural feature of a Spanish-speaking community with which they are familiar to their own community or another community. 211 0 obj
Espana (tiene un nivel muy alto del bienestar, salud, y progreso social, ha mejorado la toleranci, libertad personal, inclusion, y calidad medioambiental), Shakira y pies descalzos, la dieta mediterranea (Espana? These themes are used to generate stimulating situations for . Your email address will not be published. It allows teachers to listen and give important feedback BEFORE they are graded. Your browser does not support the audio element.Download. RzWu" Qu efecto tiene el trabajo voluntario en el bienestar de las personas en tu comunidad? Read on for some tips! Dinero del club espanol en nuestra escuela para los victimas del huracan maria en Puerto Rico. Diego Rivera, Frida Kahlo, Chavela Vargas, Pablo Picasso, las murales Get the password to my FREE Resource Library!! Maestro Cares (La Repblica Dominicana) - orfanatos con la educacion/musica/deportes/arte/medicina/mas, Pies Descalzos (Colombia) - quiere cerrar la brecha entre ricos y pobres con la educacin (construye escuelas), FECH (Chile) - construyen casas despus de terremotos, Arquitectura sin Fronteras (Espaa) - creacin de hbitats dignos y mejora la calidad de la vida de muchas Cmo se ha visto afectada nuestra vida por las innovaciones tecnolgicas? Pies Descalzos - luchar por buena educacion para todos, LAS FAMILIAS Y LAS COMUNIDADES: La ciudadania global, Arquitectura sin Fronteras en Argentina Menos animales en Espana (para experimentos) It works well because it is something they can save and access all year long. Jos Mart y sus libros y poemas de independencia Cubana hW[o:+|$n-0'IICGN{eEdLoZ{&-V9& 62GJ#}`gh`Mu}KS}?UE;N'|uA_Z/'~}ODEv?u^ ]}187c6A1!%w`p:Fx+. This allows students to get the feel for a real cultural comparison, timed, and without writing out everything first. Cules son los desafos sociales, polticos y medioambientales que enfrentan las sociedades del mundo? AP Spanish Language and Culture 2022 Audio Scripts, AP Spanish Language and Culture 2021 Audio Scripts. -crear un sensaticion de comunidad-->reunin la comunidad. sYPXds3-*I-* bJHqX@"dwJuNs/8@2&zvdv|]@
~.CQHv{!~sX/ABEq;$.6Rs+nGvk>?tMjW0j!~!7AQQxeE:P!C8}cFso,|4LquqCiq%=)B,{N=7^x^EiW#xaV;",nW&F8#. Hay muchas comunidades cerca de nosotros con sistemas educativos muy malos, muchas personas en los Estados Unidos no pueden asistir a universidades porque cuesta MUCHO (hay la ayuda financiera). Menos animales usados en Espana Your email address will not be published. Conneciones a otras personas: Personas en muchos paises hispanoablantes usan whatsapp para communicar. Hay mucha nieve afuera. Maestro Cares (La Repblica Dominicana), Pies Descalzos (Colombia), Ramon Sampedro (Espaa). Students will be asked to: Identify the main ideas and supporting details, Determine the meaning of vocabulary words in context, Identify the authors point of view or the target audience, Demonstrate knowledge of the cultural or interdisciplinary information contained in the text. 2nd Edition Level 4 Un destino, AP Spanish Simulated Conversation Phrases, Espaol AP - Desafos mundiales (El medio amb, Albert Valdman, Cathy Pons, Mary Ellen Scullen, Bill VanPatten, Stacey Weber-Feve, Wynne Wong. Hay beleza en la naturaleza: el paisaje andino en Peru es un simbolo de la belleza del Pais, y es un attracion para los trouisticas. Cul es la importancia de la msica como expresin de la identidad cultural de tu comunidad? Encourage your students to visit theAP Spanish Language and Culture student pagefor exam information. Cmo definen los individuos y las sociedades su propia calidad de vida? Qu impacto tiene el desarrollo cientfico y tecnolgico en nuestras vidas? Section IB: Multiple Choice with Audio. Lavapies es un communidad en Espaa donde muchos inmigrantes viven. La medicina y ropa tradicional de Mxico Students decide which one they want me to listen to. Hablan Cataln en Espaa, LA BELLEZA Y LA ESTETICA: La moda y el diseo, Hijabs de Muslims en Espana En Espana, muchas de las musulmanas llevan hijabs. For this conversation, students will be provided with a preview of the conversation, including an outline of each exchange. Supersticiones en Cuba Presentational Writing: Write an argumentative essay based on 3 sources, including an article, a table, graph, chart, or infographic, and a related audio source (played twice), that present different viewpoints on a topic (~55 minutes total: 15 minutes to review materials plus 40 minutes to write). En mexico, la moda tiene influencia de la cultura indigena. The AP Spanish Language and Culture Course and Exam Description (.pdf/2.11MB) provides complete details about the exam. Las escuelas buenas de Cuba a pesar de la falta de recursos Pies Descalzos ), los experimentos usando los animales en Espaa, la medicina tradicional de Mxico, Ramon Sampedro y la eutanasia la influencia rabe en Espaa - hay mucha en la lengua/cultura/arte, la lengua de Catalan en partes de Espana (son espanoles pero tambien tienen su comunidad y identidad individual), Gallego en Galicia, Espana Click the card to flip Definition 1 / 17 However, with steady preparation throughout the school year, and careful review in the spring prior to exam time, you will master both the written and oral portions of this conquerable exam! AP Exams are regularly updated to align with best practices in college-level learning. Que papel juegan los espacios pblicos en la vida de los miembros de tu comunidad? Students will have access to the print sources and any notes they may take on the audio during the entire 40-minute writing period. Derretimiento de glaciares en Argentina y Chile 190 0 obj
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CULTURAL COMPARISON: Deliver a 2-minute speaking presentation in response to a prompt in which students compare a cultural feature of a Spanish-speaking community with which they are familiar to their own community or another community. La medicina alternativa en Chile es una practica espiritual The following MP3 files contain the recorded directions, questions, and student sample responses for the Speaking part of the 2021 AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam. FECH (huracans) Question 4: Cultural Comparison Requires students to compare an aspect of a Spanish-speaking community with which they are familiar to that in their own or another community, demonstrating an understanding of cultural features of this Spanish-speaking community. Format of Assessment Section I: Multiple Choice | 65 Questions | ~ 95 Minutes | 50% of Exam Score Part A: 30 questions Interpretive Communication: Print Texts Part B: 35 Questions So how can we break it down for students and give them the know-how they need to be successful? AP Spanish Cultural Comparison & Conversation Cheat sheet : Student Study Guide 10 Ratings Preview Grade Levels 10th - 12th, Higher Education, Adult Education Subjects Foreign Language, Spanish Resource Type Study Guides, Handouts Formats Included Zip Pages 8 pages PDF = 8 slides PowerPoint $2.00 Add one to cart Buy licenses to share La dieta mediterania es muy popular en espana, porque es muy saludable. Los argentinos queman los muecos en el nochevieja E. Bach, Mozart, Beethoven Mejores vacunas en Cuba (Hepatitis B, Cancer, etc.) Lavapies en Madrid, donde viven en harmonia AP Spanish Language and Culture Past Exam Questions Free-Response Questions Download free-response questions from past exams along with scoring guidelines, sample responses from exam takers, and scoring distributions. Since then, I focus on making sure what we read, listen to, view and discuss represents a wide variety of Spanish-speaking cultures, and we regularly compare those cultures to our own. In this activity, students interpret an authentic text about family, specifically an infographic about family roles and values. Cmo contribuyen los individuos al bienestar de las comunidades? It works pretty well to do this before a Cultural Comparison practice, to get their ideas flowing. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Education, Holidays, Rhythm of life and more. 30 questions (40 minutes), 23% of exam score. Frida Kahlo (Mexico) Another thing I noticed was that as the AP Exam approached, I wanted my students to take a look back at all the topics we had studied. Since I have been teaching AP Spanish, all of my students have passed except one. Step #1 Rules and Requirements for the Cultural Comparison Review the rules and requirements of the task. arte They must write from 125-150 words. Learners, are foundational to AP World Languages and Cultures courses. Here are some sample student responses to the questions in the speaking section of the 2019 AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam. 2019 AP Spanish Language and Culture Student Sample 3A (Score of 5), Your browser does not support the audio element.Download, 2019 AP Spanish Language and Culture Student Sample 3B (Score of 3), 2019 AP Spanish Language and Culture Student Sample 3C (Score of 2), 2019 AP Spanish Language and Culture Student Sample 4A (Score of 5), 2019 AP Spanish Language and Culture Student Sample 4B (Score of 3), 2019 AP Spanish Language and Culture Student Sample 4C (Score of 2), 2019 AP Spanish Language and Culture Part B Directions, 2019 AP Spanish Language and Culture Task 2 Persuasive Essay, 2019 AP Spanish Language and Culture Task 3 Conversation, 2019 AP Spanish Language and Culture Task 4 Cultural Comparison, 2019 AP Spanish Language and Culture Part B End of Directions. I have them WRITE a cultural comparison as one of their summative tasks, and they are graded on it as such. Zip. AP Central releases examples of questions and even student responses with their scores. &+M&&,D2E%E: v](sC'FJy. C. Picasso, Monet, Van Gogh After listening to some examples from AP Central, or perhaps some that you saved from years past, your students can identify things that met the requirements and things that could be improved upon. Click the card to flip Definition 1 / 7 -puede elevar el bienestar->fomentar las personas para participar y ayudar en sus comunidad Estamos cortando los arboles y este dana a la poblacion de la mariposa monarca. They need to compare 2 countries with specific information. La Familia Mexicana - Family Cultural Comparison/Authentic Reading Activity. Hay mercados en espana donde hay musica, comida, y cosas tradicionales a la cultura espanol. Shakira y pies descalzos, la dieta mediterranea, FECH que ayuda con victimas de terremotos No obstante - nevertheless. El calentamiento global causa el derretimiento de los glaciares en Chile. Its really important to give them a practice run. Ramon Sampedro (quiere morir - no puede mover todo su cuerpo) lucho por el derecho de la eutanasia, Venezuela tiene altos casos de la sarampion porque hay una reduccion de vacunas, Espana - usan menos animales para experimentos (usan un animal para muchos experimentos en vez de muchos animales para un experimento). Habia problemas con la calidad de vida en Venezuela porque hay violencia y guerras porque hay conflictos politicales. La geografa humana en el bienestar de las comunidades contemporneas important to give them a run! E: v ] ( sC'FJy during the Entire 40-minute writing period the Entire 40-minute writing period for an Year. Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Education, Holidays, Rhythm of life and.... 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