Right through a window, nowhere near the E88 guys, who notice him, chase him, and in the end, kill him. Unfortunately the firebomb was a pretty effective one, it torched the school more or less immediately. She fell silent for a moment. Stung. They chased me for at least ten or twelve minutes, until I got trapped in some sort of loading area way off the main streets. An AU, Taylor Hebert loses the capacity for speech after the locker incident. Twenty years have passed since the Fissure opened. She hit the floor and rolled over, then found she couldnt move anything except her eyes. Vicky stared. They stood there for another minute or so. He looked down at the 9mm pistol he was holding tightly, his right forefinger absently flicking the safety. He shook his head. I swear I never stole anything, I never meant to hurt anyone,I swear, I swear that I'm a good kid, A good kid, Who's had a bad run". There was nothing left except for a few fragments of bone. https://amp.reddit.com/r/WormFanfic/comments/e370a2/op_fic_request_repository/&ved=2ahUKEwi3t6rUz57rAhWawTgGHWmBAwMQFjAAegQIAxAB&usg=AOvVaw1xQzIKguPKy-JS7CLQMRmA. Every insect inside a two thousand foot radius attacking anyone involved, or she thought was involved? the woman asked wryly, making him shudder as he contemplated her words. Together with a former serial killer doctor and a heroic organization whose morality is held together by duct tape they will need to find a way to save the world. On. Lowered because of it being restricted to arthropods but even so, its global and absolute. He noticed it had three slender claw-tipped fingers and apparently two thumbs, one on each side. I should publish it, but Im afraid that most normal mathematicians would take one look at it and either ignore it or have an aneurysm. Glowworm is a Worm fanfic written by redshirt. A storehouse of weapons beyond imagination, controlled by an enigmatic old man of unclear origins and an abused teenager. It was obvious from her voice that the lack of family had an unpleasant story behind it. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Not really. And call me Amy. The neural processing backing the sensory system up was unbelievably complex compared to a human visual cortex. I also wanted to tell you that Im putting up some wards around the house. Trap? More appeared, until the effect was a bit like a model of an atom, half a dozen of the insects flying in circles around a common point. Keep the canon discussion to the appropriate thread. Maybe 4 or above. True. Add Mover, probably at least 3 as well, for the flight. Because while you can take the girl out of the conflict, you cant take the conflict out of the girl. Why were they chasing you? Dont worry, my rule will be marked by its complete lack of despotism. Adaptation was good up until Taylor got the monkey form, after that she became an unbearable asshole. Deciding that she was no worse off than if the mystery cape hadnt turned up, she slowly worked her way out into the loading area, edging around the frozen form of the erstwhile mugger, before looking around. Her antennae moved in a way that seemed to convey amusement. She is imbued with a multitude of powers, with which she is to complete a single mission: bring ruin in the Horned Rat's name, or face his wrath. Taylor is a victim. I lost a lot as well. Her voice dropped in a way that conveyed infinite fatigue and sadness. The story begins with Taylor encountering a homeless man in the rain and offering her umbrella to keep him dry. So you're not human, then? he asked. BBPD is still running their own investigation into the surrounding circumstances of why young Miss Hebert was in that locker, theyre interviewing the entire student body and the staff, but so far no one is saying anything. Puzzled and worried she followed as he led her to a meeting room, which she trailed him into. If it had ended there, and Taylor had been rescued, she'd probably have gotten used to it in a week or so and then His companion shrugged slightly. It was the watchman who raised the alarm when he smelled something other than his cigarette burning. Nodding to the folder, he added soberly, The evidence suggests that Miss Hebert was still alive when that happened. Christ. Director Piggot swiveled her chair to look out the window for a moment, before turning back. You may extract some amusement value from it, you might not. Work Search: And apparently likes music as well. Again, they both fell silent, staring at each other. As close as Taylor was to her mom, she barely knew of her time with Lustrum. But Taylor's voice isn't the only thing that changes about Taylor. Shadow Stalker felt someone staring at her, making her peer back over her shoulder with a scowl. A very, very large one. Colin went pale, slumping back in his chair, as the ramifications of her bombshell went through his mind. Hoping you'll continue it soon! Taylor Hebert triggers inside her locker. For what it's worth, though, I've posted what I finished. He grinned back at her. Oh. He couldn't think what to say after that for a little while, during which she went back to looking at the scenery. Much of the current understanding of physics is incomplete at best and completely wrong at worst, so I had to redo a lot of it from scratch. Lost. No matter how much Crystal likes her hunky friend, there's no way she should be telling him this. Shading his eyes with his hand, he peered into the distance, curious for the moment rather than concerned. Person? So, its likely that the same source is responsible. That would be my guess, yes. She looked seriously at him. Come on out. One of his friends tapped his bat on the ground with a metallic ringing sound, grinning. literally all the conflicts just get waved away on accident. Do you have one? No. It wouldn't have ended well. She was murdered, technically by a seventeen-year-old Korean ganger, but he was helped by three fifteen year old girls with no ethical sense. I will continue to work on the problem and will let you know if I find anything else. Good. Closing the folder, the Director pushed it away from her then stared at it for some seconds. That said, without specifically looking for it hed probably never notice. It was very complicated to come up with and like I said a while ago, it was only today that I finally worked out all the bugs. The letters are badly formed, as one would expect from a terrified girl who was being burned alive, so its somewhat difficult to be sure what, if anything, the word actually was meant to be. The exoskeleton seemed to be made primarily of carbon, in the shape of incredible monomolecular structures, all biologically created. She could sense the energy glands pumping sugars and massive quantities of ATP to fuel the energy expenditure. Taylor is the avatar of a Greater Being. They were mixed with some sort of metal in a repeating pattern that defied easy analysis. Are you a Hero? No, she replied, sounding mildly amused. No. Sort of just so competent and sure of herself. Pay attention. Her eyes slid sideways reluctantly to meet the Directors furious expression. Did anyone else notice the Home Alone reference in Crystals section? It seemed impossible, shed seen the photos of what had been in that locker when the fire was finally put out and there was no way Hebert was still alive. I genuinely thought I'd gone mad. She sighed. See you around, Ethan. He watched as she flew away rapidly, flickering out of visibility after a few seconds. Medical, financial, chemistry, biology, and physics data repositories, astrophysics, mathematics, you name it. Nice try. So for now sit back, relax, and enjoy Taylor desperately trying to retire. The storage capacity alone is just staggering. Elephants have nearly three times as many, but humans are right near the top of the list from that point of view. The second story I started is this one. Why muggers? Dawn of Worm Taylor is a Primarch from an AU version of Warhammer 40k, complete. I'd recommend skipping over the chapter from the 'Emperor's' perspective, it delves too much into the AU 40k which isn't great and he's grating. Oh, Jesus, Piggot is going to go insane when she finds out about you, he groaned, holding his head in his hands. Generally the powers escalate from weak to strongest in the world with a good scaling conflict. (Worm), Worm - UFO Defense (Worm/XCOM - Fusion Fic). I was doing some data mining for a project on global health issues and I found something unusual. Which is? he asked absently, moving another part. Danny woke with a start and a strangled shout. Suddenly, the girl who she'd grown up with was practically her worst enemy. She wasn't thinking very clearly but she did try. There was silence for a moment from both of them. Whether it was a vicious prank that went too far or a deliberate attempt at murder I have no idea so far. A Conquerer Returns/Damn It Taylor, That's Not How A Fantasy Happens! Her friend, her oldest friend, someone as close to her as a sister, suddenly wasn't. She looked at him again, while he listened. If Sophia is involved and we can prove it, nail her ass to the wall. If we cant prove anything? Keep a close eye on her even then, Piggot said. Her former friend had a new best friend, a very disturbed individual who was well, a violent sociopath is a kind way to put it. "Taylor?" "It's you!" Taylor exclaimed. And when Dragon revealed that the best, if not only way to save her, was adoption, well She would just have to learn how to be a good mother, wouldn't she? The healer gasped in amazement. But, just before I got there, these three fuckers jumped me, or tried to, anyway. Vicky looked surprised at her language. "I can see where people might find it a little unusual. How much campione knowledge is required to get this fic? What did you do to them? she asked curiously. Lacey and Kurt? Four arms? Vicky gaped at her sister. Her marks suffered, she went from near the top of every class to near the bottom. All four arms were wrapped around her, holding her in an unusual yet surprisingly comfortable way. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Then it copied her mind into it. After some thought she realized that it was a type of electrical generation and storage organ, a lot like the sort of thing found in an electric eel or something of that nature. Only the one, really, but she was a good one. OK, he replied. Turning his head he inspected her from this new vantage point, his eyes widening a little. Too often it is for worse, and hope is crushed beneath annihilation. Kind of. He was pretty sure she was both telling the truth and had a personal interest in this. All this from whats basically a completely broken Thinker/Master combo We havent finished yet either, Piggot sighed, also looking at the monitor. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. That's what it was meant to be. Really, really badly. A new one, presumably, or else a renamed one. The words seemed to mean only what they said. Do I look human? she asked rhetorically, waving one of her hands at herself, one that wasn't resting on the air conditioner. Overpowered much? It proved to be a mistake only a couple of hundred feet further when the alleyway deposited her in a small loading dock with no way out except the way in. my guy,Taylor Varga is the definition of power wank. But her friend did her best to cheer her up and keep her interested in life. I doubt it very much indeed, he told her. Maybe one day. Turning back to him, she pointed at herself. So why do you keep doing it? Because it's funny to see them jump, like you just did, her sister laughed, coming closer and looking over her shoulder with her nose wrinkling a little at the smell. Assault sat next to Miss Militia. "Hey Taylor, you remember us right? A Touch of the Divine sounds like it would fit, though unfortunately the author passed away before finishing it. I think. Walking slowly closer, Amy inspected the creature who was watching her. If what Assault has relayed to us from his conversation is even remotely correct the raw processing power behind her is truly awe inspiring. I have little doubt that she was truthful, Dragon put in helpfully. She tried a couple of doors that led into the buildings she was at the back of, but they were locked. It was a sensible suggestion. Her eyes, when she moved her head a little to look at the Rig directly, had thousands and thousands of tiny facets which made the sunlight refract into all the colors of the spectrum in various patterns, like looking at a DVD from an angle but even more spectacular. This isnt going to go away quietly. Bearing in mind the damage and the loss of life, no, Director, I dont think it will. Moving to a chair the armored Tinker sat down carefully, mindful of the slight creaks produced by the weight of his power suit. You mean Capes? No, she chuckled. Turning to her rescuer, she studied her for a moment, then indicated the house. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Or, in which Taylor is a biotinker, Greg is here to catch when her power's getting up to shit, and they're both adorable. But I hope we can come up with something to give him a little comfort. Unlikely, the tall man muttered. The sky was completely clear, after a cold mid-March night, with not a cloud to be seen. Looks like the plot is getting rolling with Lisa and the Crystals, too. Zero. You know the funny thing is that almost none of them understand what theyre doing. Its absolutely amazing. Piggot didnt look too happy about that. A faint clicking noise echoed around the room every few seconds. But everyone else seemed to believe it. Although Taylor sandbags harder than all of The Endbringers combined, occasionally, she does show her true power. She was lost in admiration of the optical cells covering the exoskeleton when the person she was investigating made an amused sound. In the locker insted of gaining bug powers she becomes Leviathan Jr. Very bad. Fuck, its a trap, she yelled. She noticed Assault looking at her and transferred her worried gaze to him. Basically I'm looking for all the fics where Taylor has an OP power or powers that put her on par or above Endbringers even Zion. Finally, he said, Sorry, I have to ask. Whoever is behind it seems curious about everything. As a demigod, your true class will be hidden from all, lest the powers that be seek you out before you are ready. More accurately, arthropod control, with a few additions. Possibly more than everything else. I can't change what was. At least she has his bullsh!t powers to back it up. Hmm. Turning, she grabbed both her sister's shoulders. Cool beans. There seemed to be a pair of antennae of some sort sticking up from the head area, which were gently moving around a little. In the aftermath, she starts to realize that no matter how much she tries, a normal life on Earth Bet is impossible, not with what she's become, what she can do. I think shes an ex-Ward.. Not any more, no. Humans are animals after all and animals are just really complicated bags of chemicals. Tweaked a lot, of course, but it paralyzes most of the voluntary muscles without causing any deeper issues. Dengue fever cases since the end of January? Wow. Lost in admiration, she stared into the inhuman yet apparently friendly visage for a few seconds, before looking around at the three muggers, who were still frozen in place. He waited silently, thinking there was something vaguely familiar about this. Chagas disease? No. She stopped a couple of feet away and seemed to gaze at him as if judging his sincerity. That's how bad it was. He understood what she meant and winced. Not a good person, that girl. E88 or ABB? the blonde asked. But thank you for explaining all that, as terrifying as it is. Youre welcome, she replied. But I pretty much got better. I have absolutely no idea where youd even begin on something like that. Take over the world? She laughed for a few seconds, sounding very amused. Theyre not going to do anything now. Cautious and very suspicious, Amy didnt move. Perpetuance Taylor is a black hole, short but good, incomplete. The next part was worse. She had ideals, you see, she wanted to be a Hero. That idiot gang member took his stupid little Tinker-tech incendiary and tried to murder half a dozen equally idiotic E88 members who were doing some sort of drug deal around the back of the school. Having lived thousands of years through the eyes of a hundred and more legends from another world, all in mere seconds, chosen through naught but mere happenstance during the death throes of a far distant reality, she found herself the bearer of uncountable beasts and monsters, men and women, abilities and spells, all borne from fantasy, yet far too real to ignore or pretend they did not once exist. No. She shook her head. I was born here. I'm not sure if they just wanted money and my phone or something more but I took one look at them and ran like crazy. She shuddered in remembrance. Undaunted, beaten but unbowed, she resolves to drag Earth Bet to a brighter tomorrow, no matter how much it kicks and screams on the way there. She began a dive for the door, only to feel a sudden pinprick on the back of her left hand. A series of thuds told her that her teammates had met the same fate. Huh, well if you do continue this, note that Taylor referencing multiple gods might make people think shes part of E88 because of their neo-paganism aka worship of Norse gods. But yes, its actually rather terrifying. Her voice sounded wistful if anything. By the time Assault managed to calm his whirling thoughts enough to speak sensibly, the insectoid woman had stood and gone back to watching the Sun rise slowly into the sky, apparently enjoying the sight. She designed that body from scratch. For nearly two years. Fuck me, Assault said, staring at her. A storehouse of weapons beyond imagination, controlled by an enigmatic old man of unclear origins and an abused teenager. Dart? Wasp. At her puzzled look, Hive held up a hand, which immediately had a small insect land on it. Paper and Sand is Endbringer!Peggy Sue!Taylor. The man standing on the other side of her desk nodded once. Yes, thanks. Neither one of them would want me to do it. His voice trembled with emotion but rang with surety. Reluctantly reaching out he picked it up and read the new message. Yep. It looks like the word she, with part of another letter at the end. It was written in blood based on the chemical analysis, Armsmaster replied. If youll pardon the pun. He couldnt help grinning at her comment. Alt-Power Taylor Hebert. Im everywhere. It's a work of art. Is she a biotinker of some sort, then? I'm not sure, I guess she must be. Either way, here it is. As far as Im concerned that entire thing was four centuries ago and I dont hold a grudge that long, generally. Inside she found Director Piggot, Armsmaster, Miss Militia, and on a monitor overlooking the table they were sitting around, the face of Dragon. A faint, deep, humming sound slowly percolated through her mind. Energy generation ex nihilo sounds a lot like the [SOLUTION] though. Now you see me She was visible again. The burn pattern essentially confirms this theory. She suspected that the woman holding her probably couldnt lift all that much more weight, but she seemed to have no real problems dealing with Amy. You are using an out of date browser. Like I said, in my opinion shes a better person than you are. Now, since theyre all locked, that means you must be She could hear approaching footsteps. Everyone forgets that while might doesnt make right, it can make you a throne.Three gangs and a government appoint themselves noble. Im not a threat to you, Amelia, the voice added, making her jerk in shock. But her favorite character in any tale was the prince: charming, handsome, and brave. The Sun was just clearing the horizon, the lower edge a finger's-breadth above the water, the buttery rays highlighting the east-facing buildings with gold and yellow colors, while in the Bay itself the glittering force-field around the Rig glinted with extra shades from the same source. But thanks anyway. They both fell silent again. What? she growled. The end result was impressively strong and tough yet very light. No. Lyme disease? Add to that arachnids, mites, copepods, crabs She glanced at him as he paled. But, the three vicious bitches weren't the only ones who had an ax to grind that day. It was obvious this was her doing. We have too much to lose right now. The real question is: will there be someone left to call Taylor Hebert? You heard those pauses, right? Huddled as far back as she could get she waited for whatever would happen, her heart hammering in her ears. Here, now, the light of hope shines bright. Are you going to go after Sophia? he added after some thought, tensing a little just to be on the safe side. Thats is that normal? Not even slightly. She shook her head a little, a puzzled expression on her face. Ill call you soon. Hive stepped back a few feet, watching as Amy nodded, then turned to walk up the path to the house. Youd probably know her under a different name, though, Sophia. Taylor Hebert A (not so) completed Worm fanfic by Yklia written on the Spacebattles forums. We haven't been over much lately but we used to come have barbeques with your mom and dad." She winced a little at her own statement but otherwise did an admirable job of pretending that my dad hadn't just been killed in an accident. She laughed bitterly. It would be a considerably darker story that Taylor Varga although not to the level of unrelenting grimness that canon Worm is. The armor of the suit had an oddly iridescent effect about it, a predominantly dark gray color sparkling through a rainbow of shades depending on the angle the light hit it and where it was on the body. Repositories, astrophysics, mathematics, you name it strangled shout the one, it torched the school or. Not to the house of bone turned to walk up the path the. Way she should be telling him this remotely correct the raw processing power behind her is truly inspiring. 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