In 1918, a group of educated Nagas formed Naga Club in 1918. The NBCCs role in improving education and instilling Christian principles continued. In May 1975 the Liaison Committee of the NPC, consisting of Rev. They came with craftsmen who rebuilt . It was his first rally after he addressed one in Gujarat in November last year. Nagaland - Religion. Few schools were also opened by the Government in addition to the Mission school. Village Council sent sixty warriors to escort Clark. Chang Baptist Association 4. While Godhula and Clark were drawn At first, the name Naga Baptist Church Council was used but after the inauguration of Nagaland as a separate State, a consequential amendment was made and it was then regularized as Nagaland Baptist Church Council as it is used today. Longri Ao, Kenneth Kerhuo, L. Lungalang, M. Aram, and Lungshim Shaiza, had requested Kevi Yalley to be a spokesperson for the Nagas. (1876), and on to Impur (1894), and beyond, is indeed a spiritual fruition of In the annual meeting of the Council in 2009, a Committee was set up to look after this programme. For some time, Bishop Marengo had also stayed with the missionaries for the translation of a prayer book in the . Dr. Anjo Keikung took over as the General Secretary from Rev. All Associations, women and youth organizations, including local Churches, were requested to contribute as much as they could towards the establishment of this centre. [2] Rev.Miles Bronson made another visit on Namsang village at the end of 1839 to study the possibility of living there with his family and of starting a elementary school for the Naga children and preach Gospel of John and Mathew to the Nagas. That day, 620 candidates were baptized by 20 Ministers. The first missionary in the Naga hills is believed to be Rev. It was during this time that Supongmeren The NBCC is a dynamic and growing Organization. Gospel, he was convinced that this God would liberate them from every possible However, no positive agreement could be reached as a result of these talks. This was in one way a better plan and finally, the Patkai Christian College was established at Chumukedima, and the NBCC became one of the major sponsoring bodies. The Clarks as well as the Rivenburgs recognized that Kohima was an ideal centre for Missionary work for different Naga groups in that part of the country. As the Council continues to grow and expand, the need to have an additional permanent structure has been felt. By 1952, the NNC, led a guerrilla movement. The mist-shrouded hills and the steep landscape makes access difficult. The story telling sessions included moralizing accounts of Abraham, However, on their arrival at Molungkimong, Michael Scott with the object of the restoration of peace. Another Naga, Longchangleplepzuk from Merangkong village, was baptized by E.W. The first followers were fishermen from the region of the Sea of Galilee and were usually called in pairs. Rev. 17K. This changed in the 19th century, when the Burmese Empire launched several invasions of Assam between 1817 and 1826, which led the Nagas to briefly fall under Burmese rule. I refused every invitation for I knew that there was Phillips, who was the Secretary, had written to the Mission office in America thus: After this we solicit your prayerful regard to the Naga Hills. In World War II, a larger number of Nagas enlisted in the BIA and fought in the Burma campaign against invading Japanese forces. It came into being in 1962 as an offshoot of Naga Baptist revival in the 1940s and 1950s. end of three days they were convinced that he was not a government spy but a The Council also began to expand its Ministry beyond Nagaland and for the first time under the leadership of the NBCC General Secretary, the Shillong Naga Students Penetration Programme was held in September, 1982. Two years later, on March 18, 1913, Edwin Clark entered into his rest. the constant topics of conversation. (BMM, 1872, Aug. 10). Who was the first christian missionary if Nagaland? On 31 August 1972, the Government banned the three Naga bodies, 1) The Naga National Council, 2) the Naga Federal Government, and 3) the Federal Army. Sports has also been identified as an instrument of bringing the youth together and instilling in them discipline and leadership qualities while using sporting events to promote evangelism and discipleship. This day 147 years ago in 1872, the first Church in Nagaland was established by Dr. Clark. A complete solution for peace, which remains crucial for the people of Nagaland and the development of India's northeastern states in general, has not completely been found.[13]. 1 Now there were these prophets and teachers in the church at Antioch: Barnabas, Simeon called Niger, Lucius the Cyrenian, Manaen (a close friend of Herod the tetrarch from childhood) and Saul. Longri Ao joined the Council service in January 1967 as Executive Secretary, at the invitation of the Executive Committee. Sema Baptist Association 12. This initiative of the NBCC called the Nagaland Christian Forum was formed with a simple framework of functional guidelines and enabled misunderstandings to be set aside. Church in Nagaland was established by Dr. Clark. to Godhula and Clark and the formers acquisition of basic English and Here's a look at how history of Christianity unfolded in our land. The state is divided into seven administrative districts. To strengthen the communication between the Council office and the member Associations as well as the local congregations, the Council began to publish a quarterly newsletter. of head-hunting, famine and plague and that they will be alleviated of all honor and entire freedom of conversation was allowed. The first legislative assembly was formed on February 11, 1964. and to all labourers in Gods vineyard. Clark engaged two Nagaland finally became the sixteenth state of the Indian Union in 1963, before which it was a district of Assam. In 2007, it was once again renamed as Nagaland Missions Movement. For three days no man, woman The NBCC also secured land near the Secretariat Complex at Kohima for establishing a Convention Center. Phizo rose to power in Nagaland after he was made the president of Naga National Council (NNC) in 1946. The NBCC launched a special scholarship programme enabling Church leaders to acquire higher education within and outside the country. We believe that the present indications lead us to maintain constant readiness to occupy new stations in these hills, extending the work on the Assam side to meet the progress of the Missions in Upper Burma. (Cited by J.E. 25 April 1860 - The missionary registers begin, with Joseph Fielding Smith being the . Khala's father helped to plant 200 churches in Arunachal Pradesh, an Indian state north of Nagaland. However, the work was a good beginning as this would lay the foundation for the later Churches in the subsequent years. It was also urged that youth and women branches of Mission be established in all Churches and institutions across Nagaland to strengthen the faith movement. December 1870 till October 1871 at Sibsagar and was baptized in 1871 by Clark The first round was held on 1819 February in New Delhi and the Naga delegation was led by Kughato Sukhai, their Prime Minister. Clarks own words During the next few months the number of parties coming to Counting from 1937, therefore, the Nagaland Baptist Church Council celebrates the completion of seventy five years in 2012. This coming with them saying that he is a servant of the Master and in His name and The Councils Constitution which has been in use for many years was revised, to make it more relevant to the needs of the day, and an amendment was adopted in 2005. I saw that they were anxious for something better for their In 1911, 81-year-old Edwin Clark's health began to fail, forcing him to return to America. The Council has also initiated the Clean Election Campaign from 2011 and renewed efforts are being made to create awareness through seminars and publication of literature on elections. The BWA verbally expressed its hope on the leadership of the NBCC and desired the active participation of the Council in its activities. devotional service was conducted at the Chapel hall where Clark delivered the Tanquist and others had sown the idea of a united Naga Baptist Churches for fellowship and solidarity of witness. childrenbut as for me the risk was too great to be taken at that time.(Bowers However, the neighboring British Empire annexed Assam in 1828 following the 1826 Treaty of Yandabo. Clark, Godhula and Supongmeren set out for Molungkimong from Sibsagar on Introduction - NAGALAND. They arrived in Sibsagar in March 1869 and relieved William Ward who had long need of furlough."1 to that end, one representative of every clan would be baptised. Supongmeren was More so, Naga Hills was beyond the control of the British flag, but The Annual Session at Kohima, from 11th to 13th October 1966, went further to suggest a prohibition of liquor shops and bars. Some believe that the word Naga has evolved from the Sanskrit word Nagna which . evangelism, fifteen more natives were ready to accept the new religion. Rajesh Singh The name Naga is generic term that refers to a group of over thirty tribes inhabiting not only in Nagaland but also some hilly region of the states of Manipur, Assam and Arunachal Pradesh. Click 'Start Quiz' to . The minutes of the Council show that financial assistance came from the Council of Baptist Churches in Assam and Manipur (now CBCNEI), the support of the Field Directors or Secretaries of different Associations recommended by the Executive Committee of the Council to the CBCAM. evenings, the villagers along with the nine newly baptized members and those Miles Bronson in 1839, who stayed for a short period among Nocte Naga in Namsang under Tirap district of present day Arunachal Pradesh. Miles Bronson established a Christian Mission Centre at Namsang village in 1839. village, followed by the curious villagers, Clark first went to see the Chapel His evangelistic work came under the purview of the Nagaland Missionary Movement as this was part of Mission and Evangelism programme of the Ao Mungdang. Nagaland is governed by a Council of Ministers, headed by a chief minister, which is responsible to the 60-member Legislative Assembly (Vidhan Sabha). Supongmeren also met Dr. Clark P. Dozo was released from his post as General Secretary and Rev. For the first time in Nagaland religion has emerged as major poll plank for the 13th Nagaland Legislative Assembly elections. A Convention Centre is also being constructed in the New Capital Complex at Kohima to cater to the needs of the Churches and the community. It can be argued that various socio-cultural traditions of the Ao-Nagas have been changed due to intervention of Christian Missionaries in Nagaland. from. man in their village, which prepared the eager villagers to receive the group. The BWA even nominated two representatives to work with the NBCC in the Healing and Reconciliation process. monuments of Gods miraculous work and His sustaining Grace for all Nagas. However, for administrative reasons of the Mission, his vision could not be fully realised and the Naga Baptist Churches of Nagaland as well as of Manipur remained an integral part of the Baptist Mission in Assam under the American Baptist Foreign Mission Society (now renamed as the International Ministries of the American Baptist Churches in U.S.A.), and the Council of Baptist Churches in North East India. The six districts have 20 of Nagaland's 60 Assembly constituencies. BEVERLY HILLS, CA (ANS) Nagaland, one of the world's most mysterious lands tucked in the mountainous, jungle covered northeastern corner of India near the Burmese border, has 10,000 missionaries poised to take the Gospel to nearby lands. As a result of the visit of missionary with king, the door was opened for work of . Today, more than 95% of Naga people identify as Christians, mostly Baptist. The nine names were then registered as members of the Sibsagar Baptist Church. or child would speak with him socially. Nagaland is one of the few states in India where Christianity is the dominant religion. Clark set up his Mission Station here until it was shifted to Impur in 1894. The Council began to strengthen its network outside by becoming a constituent member of the Council of Baptist Churches in North East India (CBCNEI) as well as a member of the Asian Baptist Federation (ABF) and the Baptist World Alliance (BWA). Dr. Clarks visionary prayer at Molungkimong on his first arrival. Dr. E. W. Clark and his wife Mary Mead The The holding of an occasional Naga Baptist Convention, to meet along the lines of the annual session of the Council, had also been regularized by this time. P . [Source: UNDP Human Development Report Nagaland 2008, p.18]. In the following year, a delegation consisting of one Lotha, two Smis and one Angami, attended the 41st Annual Session of the Ao Mundang at Ungma which was held from 13th to 16th November, 1937. Missionaries, like J .E. [8], On 14 August 1947, the day before India gained independence from British rule, the Nagas were the first ethnic group from the northeast to declare their territory an independent state, not belonging to the new nation. After sometime some Smi boys would drift into schools in Kohima and Impur, become Christians and go back to their villages and they either went back to their old life or remained as secret Christians. The Touch Kohima movement saw Power Points being formed in different colonies where people from different Churches gathered to pray. However, this little movement among the Smis was unfortunately not followed up, and their fervour melted away. Instagram. In the following year, he was joined by his wife and his sister, Rhoda Bronson. Phom Baptist Association 11. In all peace talks in New Delhi, the Naga delegation was led by Kughato Sukhai. April 2, 2006 1. The final round of talks with Indira Gandhi was held in New Delhi on 3 October 1967. At the 33rd Annual Session at Molvom, from 24th to 26th October 1969, a strong Nagaland Central Committee on Liquor Prohibition was formed to further work on this issue (AEC-69/59). According to their traditions, each village is an independent republic; initially, they wanted to be free from all outside domination. Stakes are high for the BJP ahead of the counting of votes on Thursday for three state assembly polls as results will signal if it has deepened its roots in Tripura, a Left bastion captured by the party in 2018, and made further inroads in Meghalaya and Nagaland, or the opposition has managed to dent its influence. The traditional list of Jesus' 12 disciples includes: Peter. enemies, deadly diseases and famine. Three leaders from the Mao Naga Baptist Church Association also participated in the fellowship as Observers. Since it was a dangerous The NBCC continued to develop a strong relationship with the Baptist World Alliance. The first administrative headquarter established by the British in Naga Hills: First Chairman of Naga Peoples Convention: First Political Martyr in the Naga Independence Struggle: First president of the Womens Federation, Naga National Council: First Superintendent of Police (SP) Office in Naga Hills District : First police station: Kohima North Police Station, 1933. (To-day, hear His voice). the whole village. problem and fear. The immediate result was a large scale surrender of arms and personnel. In the 1870s, Dr. & Mrs. E. W. Clark worked among the Ao people. But after years of education, consultation and theological deliberation, some Churches took the initiative to address the issue. Sibsagar, women and children wept, and to do him proper honour fourty men was To reach out to the youth, NBCC continued to spearhead the True Love Waits (TLW) movement through its Youth Department. Representational Image. strategic plan, the natives sent out smoke to signal the arrival of the White This marked a turning point for the Council as its scope began to increase. In pursuance of this stance, the Naga Baptist women conducted demonstrations and protests in many towns in Nagaland and the Baptist Associations across the State zealously supported the liquor prohibition movement. to care for the spiritual needs of Naga students. Tanquist, The Gospel Among the Nagas, as reported in 1936). Assamese Evangelist, Godhula, and also came in contact with the Ao Nagas who Before the end of the decade he had taken an extended break and returned as a medical Doctor. King on 30th August, 1885. Thus on 9th March, 1956, the two missionaries inaugurated the new mission in the presence of about 300 Catholics. The second Saturday of March has been set aside as the Nagaland Day of Prayer and Fasting, with prayers and fasting being observed at the State as well as District level. The NBCC is also one of the sponsoring members of the Clark Theological College (CTC), established in 1972 at Aolijen near Mokokchung. The work among the Lothas continued with Haggard reporting in 1899 that an Assamese Preacher had been sent to work among the Lothas, and that they were also considering the possibility of sending someone to work among the Smi tribesmen. Here Are Some of the Most Alluring Festivals Celebrated in Nagaland -. They became members of the Sibsagar Baptist Church, but on returning home, these new converts built a Chapel in the village and worship services were conducted by Godhula. Sidney Rivenburg were among the first American missionaries of the Baptist church who brought their message of Christianity to Nagaland. It is on record that Lhousietsu, the first Angami convert, was baptized by C.D. His family managed to survive because he accepted employment as manager of an indigo plantation in the interior of Bengal. Sibsagar in March 30, 1869. Talking of Godhulas Christianizing Under Wic-Wic, people were called to wipe their life slate clean with Christ before entering the new millennium. Later, talk began for the baptism, and the Village Council Kohima, Oct. 22 (EMN): It was on October 15 1977 at Pfutsero in Phek district when churches affiliated with the Nagaland Baptist Church Council (NBCC) made a covenant with God to send 10,000 missionaries into the world to spread the Gospel, the message of Christ Jesus. NAGALAND, home to the many Naga tribes, is a hilly State spread across the northeastern hills of India. In 2004, the Women Department of the Council set up Miqlat, a centre that assists and rescues women who have fallen prey to the flesh trade. The exact name of the Council cannot be ascertained for lack of documentary evidence; however, it was known as the Naga Hills Baptist Church Advisory Council. of representatives were given out, some other zealous natives also volunteered The NNC agreed to the unconditional acceptance of the Indian Constitution and surrender of arms. promised to visit Molungkimong. "They sailed from Boston on October 20, 1868 in Bark Pearel via Cape of Good Hope under the Missionary Union as Missionaries and Printers. 9 and 10). Then a new day of Christian Mission dawned among the Nagas. Villages containing NNC members, persuaded them to cease their clandestine activities. strength he can go with them. that God would deliver peace and harmony among the people. To build up academic standards, uniform questions for term examinations were set for all member schools of the Council. The Rev.Miles Bronson was the first Missionaries to contact with the Nagas(1839). Dr. Anjo Keikung, the Council continues to expand its role and vision. The Incredible Story of the Nagaland Doctor Who Was Indias First Football Captain! The idea was to expand this network to the global prayer bodies. In Manipur particularly, ethnic violence erupted between the Nagas and Kukis, with both sides suffering hundreds of casualties. The Nagaland Assembly announced Indian English as the official language of Nagaland and it is also the medium for education in Nagaland since 1967. The Council having understood the responsibility of the Church to address the needs of society and to address socio economic issues, began to reach out to impact society. After some research, I've come to the realization that Christ hadn't been recorded going to Cyprus. In the 1870s, Dr. & Mrs. E. W. Clark worked among the Ao people. The first contact of the American Baptist Mission working in Assam with the Naga tribesmen was with the Tirap Nagas. [6], Protestant Christian missionaries from America in the nineteenth century were successful in converting many among the Nagas. Fratricidal violence among revolutionary groups continued into the 1990s. Hence, a budget allocation was made to bring in the local resources, and naturally more contributions were expected from the stronger Associations. teach all nations thinking about the many people who were accessible to the Clark recounts the event in the As his interest grew in the promise of the Clark, safe yet exhausted, arrived at the Molungkimong village gate escorted by First American Baptist Mission in Naga Hills: First Naga tribe to embrace Christianity: First daily Engligh Newspaper of Nagaland: First Newspaper in Nagaland to be published in multi-colour: First Mobile Service launched in Nagaland: Nagalands first satellite television network: First girl of NCC Nagaland to fly a sortie: The First Transgender Model from Nagaland : The First Naga (Woman) Bollywood Film Producer: Rebecca Changkija. village, persistently invited Godhula and Clark to their village to teach them necessary$selfBdefiner$for$most$Nagas$andcannot$be$questioned!$This$is$why$ even$ in$ Naga politics,$ both$ "Overground"$ and$ "Underground",$ the Church$ strong friendship with reciprocal interests. He came with a rich experience of faithful and dedicated Ministry under the CBCNEI, as Teacher at Jorhat and Missionary to the Konyaks. expedition for Clark, more so it was beyond the British flag, and a very risky They are made up of 13 tribes (some say 20-40 ethnic groups), all having a different language and customs. Vikesheswu Vikesheswu 04.09.2020 Sociology Secondary School answered Who was the first christian missionary if Nagaland? The mission was led by Rev. Calcutta, and after travelling by trains, steamer and elephant, arrived at Press and general mission work of the Assam Mission. Hotokhu Zhimomi. The Government of Nagaland finally took heed and passed the Act on Total Prohibition of Liquor in the State of Nagaland on 29th March, 1990. Preparing to enter the new millennium, the Council took up the Wiping Clean With Christ (Wic-Wic) and MEG programmes. through Godhula and within a short time of acquaintance; the three developed a Therefore, the Council began a Guest House project in 2002 and was completed in 2011, and named it the Kenneth Complex. This revival came in two phases. In 2006, the NBCC published a booklet stating its position toward HIV/AIDS and the Council has since been actively involved in addressing the issue. interested in these simple people, I learnt a little of their language, and as The State consists of eleven Administrative Districts, inhabited by 16 major ethnic groups along with other sub-groups. His name was Hubi, but he died the following October. As the Council continued to make rapid advances in work, the number of staff expanded to meet arising needs. The Council continued to use education as a tool to imbibe Christian values and this led to the setting up of the Oriental Theological Seminary (OTS) in 1993. NAGALAND, home to the many Naga tribes, is a hilly State spread across the northeastern hills of India. Dr. E. W. Clark and his wife Mary Mead following his appointment as missionary to India, left Boston in October 20, 1868 and sailed for one hundred and sixty days in the bark "Pearl" bound for Calcutta, and after travelling by trains, steamer and elephant, arrived at Sibsagar in He served the Council from 1960 to March 1967, and helped build the organization to its full stature. 3rd Step: On the notification page, look for the "NBSE HSLC Application Form" link. Executive Secretary: Rev. In its third Convention held at Wokha from 31 January 2 February 1964 which was said to have been attended by 5,000 representatives from all ethnic groups of Nagaland, the NBCC made a historic resolution welcoming the proposed "Peace-Talk" and to request the Government to make available the services of Jayaprakash Narayan, Bimala Prasad Chaliha and Rev. Some Naga tribes are also found in the north western part of Myanmar bordering India as well. According to the consolidated view of M. Savino, L. Kijungluba and Longri Ao, who were present at the first meeting, the Naga Hills Baptist Church Advisory Council was organised at Tanquists Bungalow on 5th April 1937. Michael Scott, an Anglican Churchman; Jayaprakash Narayan, a Gandhian and Sarvodaya leader; and B.P. Assamese. P. Dozo took over as the General Secretary and he worked to strengthen the Baptist Churches by organizing prayer and fasting, conducting seminars and Pastors conferences. In 1891 he was supposed to have said this about the situation of his work, Preparation: no harvest, no earning, no flower, not even germination so far as I can see. He decided to change the approach to his Missionary effort among the Angamis. During national and international crisis NBCC has made an effort to reach out and provide assistance whether in Orissa (post cyclone relief), Japan (Tsunami and earthquake) or flood affected Thailand. at the Mission Chapel as the new converts accepted the ordinances in broken 2. There were two significant actions taken during the initial term of the Mission Secretary. She was known for her opposition against religious conversions that were taking place in Nagaland then and was a staunch nationalist. These discussions finally resulted in the Shillong Accord signed on 11 November 1975, by the Governor of Nagaland L.P Singh representing the Government of India and the NNC leadership represented by Assa and Kevi Yalley. 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