Announcer: Now, welcome one and all. I must find an outfit suitable for this occasion. That's how I beat Gordon. Hoot-hoot. Robbie Rotten: That's right. Garble: At least Spike, those puny ponies, that boy and that tank engine won't go to the Railway Show now. Thomas: It stops in Brendam Docks, remember? Midnight opened rifts to Equestria in order to understand all the magic in the world. Principal Cinch: I don't care anymore. Narrator: Meanwhile back at the Dieselworks, Diesel had some problems of his own. I can't possibly compete! Linda Alpha Megatronus Overlord Makuta Midnight Sparkle Drako Ultimate Ninja Ultron Sigma Kilobot Lucemon Zarc Makino Morphos Mortum Terrorax Coredegon Slycerak Exostriker Mandibor Mag Mel Magmion Lavion Obscurio Magor Naga Whisp Ryan/The Chimera Shredderette: You're quite right. The Fat Controller: I say! After washing up on the Island of Sodor, they meet Thomas and his friends. Connor was cracking a joke. Mayday: Saw her watching Connor crack a joke. Duece Gorgon: Yeah! Ah. Tubb: Not everything goes according to plan you know. Narrator: Back at the Steamworks on Sodor, Thomas was still feeling rather sorry for himself. Shooting Star: You won't think that I'm ridiculous when I win the Great Race. And, in light of the sacrifice and efforts he has made to help another engine, Thomas the Tank Engine from Sodor! Princess Celestia: But we knew they were here. [The film starts with Ryan running. Wait, did you say Shunting Challenge? At the end of the day it is you who survive! Vinnie: Anyway, I better get ready. Vinnie: Show me what you little guys got! This is Sodor's last chance. Linda Alpha Megatronus Overlord Makuta Midnight Sparkle Drako Ultimate Ninja Ultron Sigma Kilobot Lucemon Zarc Makino Morphos Mortum Terrorax Coredegon Slycerak Exostriker Mandibor Mag Mel Magmion Lavion Obscurio Magor Naga Whisp Galvatron Megatron Ryan/The Chimera Shredderette: We'd better go and help him. The winner of the Best Decorated Engine is James: Oh, thank you, thank you, you're too kind. [The crowd laughs as the engines blow The Fat Controller's hat off and he picks it up, sheepishly and Princess Celestia and Luna spotted the heroes and Thomas]. Thomas: Fire! Rarity: Where is Twilight and Spikey-wikey? You'll never know what hit you, Crophopper! Violet Parr: We have to stop Vinnie and the villains from cheating. That should have been me! Sally: But Sodor didn't win anything, Twilight. I win! Fireman Sam: And you have to go ahead and pull off a risk like that to get to him?! Thomas: Thanks but no thanks, Percy. Adagio Dazzle: Well, he can still function well it seems. I actually think it would be cool. Chug: That's what you get for not letting Cruz achieve her dream! [Thomas sighs and the scene changes to the engines and Ashima passing through Vicarstown station with lots of people cheering as they pass]. Narrator: Thomas was still going pretty fast as he arrived at the big station in Vicarstown, the last main line stop on the Island of Sodor. Fireman Sam: I know. And also there's something I came to tell you about. Bunga: Besides, best friends always help each other. Look! Thomas: I'm going to work on my shunting. [They set off while the signalman collapses unconscious. I had quite enough of this streamlining lark. This is a gallery subpage for Percy and the Bandstand (DVD). How do you know that? Ashima: That's true. Diesel: Having problems with Ashima, are you? Edward, Norman, Stanley and Duck: Please Sir, I beg you I just have to know Will you won't you take me to the Railway Show? Announcer: So the last of the big events are over for today, ladies and gentlemen, but there's still a chance to Gordon: Just call me Gordon. Mai Lacey: No way, Robbie! Sodor trains united together! [Twilight put her hoof on Ashima's buffer beam]. Thomas: Oh, wow! No wonder you had an accident! Fireman Sam: Well, I think he doesn't like to talk about things he wants to keep to himself. What are you doing? Queen Chrysalis: That means from now on, in order to achieve your goals, you two must work together. The Irelanders' Super Adventures of Thomas & Friends: Big World! The scene changes to the yard where Axel is on the turntable whilst Percy and Gordon puff together]. You're Sodor's only hope! Yes, sir! Time for another trip to Sodor. Thomas: Oh, of course. [They run and Ashima pull Thomas back just as the pole hits the track and starts sparking then a workman shuts it off]. Charlie Jones: Especially towards sibling rivalry. Njano: So, why don't we stop them from going to the show? Flying Scotsman: That's because on the mainland, Twilight, there's no coal and water between London and Scotland which is long distances. So we'll get ready you in first place! Filled with adventure, secrets are unlocked, revealing a magical connection. (laughs). Can you hear the birds singing? He's known as the Master of the Railway and a member of Connor's team, The Irelanders. Here are all the promo images from the followup series "The Adventure Continues". Toad's Adventure (Pstephen054 version)/Transcript. Queen Chrysalis: Jafar, his allies and Scar's army are joining us as well. Lightning McQueen: Besides, it's his once-in-a lifetime opportunity. Bunga: You mean to say, you gave those extra loads to the other competitors and caused Henry to lose? Sunset Shimmer: [getting an idea] Allow me! Diesel: Oh, thank goodness. Red Alert (Unicron Trilogy): And he work for Diesel 10 a couple of times. There are a million other fans out there. [The story begins with the intro of Thomas and Friends playing before steam clouds the screen and fades away to reveal James and Gordon passing each other under a bridge as the title appears then vanishes] Narrator: Buzzy Bees. Robbie Rotten: Well, guys, I'm gonna aim Thomas with this cannon then I'm gonna shoot him out of the challenge like a circus clown. [The Fat Controller glares that his engines lose while Mai, Princess Celestia and Luna looks on]. [He uses his creature pod to look inside the crates]. King Sombra: Our leader would be most pleased to have LazyTown's most tricky villain on the time. The Irelanders' Adventures of My Little Pony: Equestria Girls is an upcoming YIFM/MLP:EG crossover film made by Connor Lacey. (growls) Stupid flying horse! A bird flew by then a leaf lands in a pool of water, causing it to ripple. The only one here who can take it is you! Twilight Sparkle: I thought Connor was in love with Ashima. Full steam ahead! Diesel: If I was under a crate, I be able to [There's a creaking sound and Happy Hook drops a crate on Diesel], [Paxton, Twilight, Den and Dart laugh as the villains snarled then the elevated turntable lowers down and Diesel has seemingly vanished]. Arnold McKinley: But we can't leave Thomas here. Noire is the CPU who presides over Lastation and the older sister of Uni. Plus, we told Mai about what had happened. (whistles). Red: (wants do know how does Mayday knows that). Bolts of magic land on the engines], [They use their magic and close the rift]. On Track 1, we have the French diesel-electric Etienne, who'II be trying to beat his own world record today. Ashima: Yes. [Njano, one of Shupavu's skinks crawls up], Zach Varmitech: AAAAAH! I didn't recognize you at all. Diesel: I can see to it that she'II be get rid of off this island. In Canterlot, Tempest delivers Twilight to the Storm King, who absorbs her and the other princesses' magic into his staff. They used to call me devious, Diesel: But please, you must believious I'm not that bad (giggles, then honks, scaring a crow) Well maybe just a tad. Iago: Yeah, all because of Diesel's trick. Robbie Rotten: There! Sterling: All because he didn't have his safety valve. Martin Kratt: Like a talking cat would say "Everything's gonna turn out purrfect". [He press the fast forward button and the bulldozer goes fast and pick Connor up but just as it's about to throw him far away, Rainbow Dash zoom in and snatch him from the blade]. [Ashima saw some of the trucks moving on their own]. Connor Lacey: Yeah. Linda Alpha Megatronus Overlord Makuta Midnight Sparkle Drako Ultimate Ninja Ultron Sigma Kilobot Lucemon Zarc Makino Morphos Mortum Terrorax Coredegon Slycerak Exostriker Mandibor Mag Mel Magmion Lavion Obscurio Magor Naga Whisp Ryan/The Chimera Shredderette: As for Twilight, she was going to be a little help of ours. Philip: Hello guys. Mike Flood: I mean on Learn about Jobs day, the same thing happened. Besides, it's an accident and accidents happen. You should have just left him to it. And may the best engines win. Thomas: But look at me! Salty: (laughs) Don't be silly, Thomas! Connor Lacey: Twilight, I cannot believe you! Linda Alpha Megatronus Overlord Makuta Midnight Sparkle Drako Ultimate Ninja Ultron Sigma Kilobot Lucemon Zarc Makino Morphos Mortum Terrorax Coredegon Slycerak Exostriker Mandibor Mag Mel Magmion Lavion Obscurio Magor Naga Whisp Ryan/The Chimera Shredderette: Got it! (To Robbie Rotten) Who's that guy? The Fat Controller: But you should've known better than to pull so many trucks on your own! Announcer: And they're off. Gordon: No, I'm not waiting! Queen Chrysalis: Thomas has won for Sodor. Cranky Bugs/Transcript. [Then Twilight Sparkle flew in through the entrance]. Shooting Star: Yes. Njano: We can use it to our advantage. When Twilight's friends infiltrate the city and defeat the Storm King's guards, he conjures a tornado with the staff, betraying Tempest as well. Paxton: But it is very hard to hear when you're under a crate, Diesel. Fish Impression 14 14. Ellie Philips: What's happening over there? Princess Celestia: Until evening when he goes back to North America. Hopefully we're not too late! The Fat Controller: Yes, Thomas. [Thomas and Norman look at their selves with annoyance], Discord: But it was "hiss-terical"! I had something I needed to do. Diesel: Diesel 10 calls him puffball not me. D. Daisy's Perfect Christmas/Transcript. Diesel: Oh, no. Dusty Crophopper: We can do this, Victor. [Then they heard a whistle and see a big green engine with two tenders reversing into the station]. [to Vinnie] You want revenge for him standing up to you. Emily: That's the one! You need to be ready. Robbie Rotten: (laughs then gasps as he turn to look at Ashima, Gina, Raul and Ivan) I better prepare the cannon. Nice to see you again. What have I done? Excellent. Twilight Sparkle: I've gotta warn the others. Only it got on his chocolate bar as well. Gordon: Yes, Thomas. No one's ever build that kind of engine. Briar Beauty: I can't wait to see Thomas again. Plot. They join Penny in Jupiter and they set off for the garage through the streets. I simply didn't realize you were behind me. The ponies of Equestria prepare for their first Friendship Festival, which is overseen by Princess Twilight Sparkle in Canterlot. This is the script for The Irelanders' Adventures of Thomas & Friends: Hero of the Rails. Gourmand: Exactly. Thomas: Yes, sir. How are you gonna help me? Twilight Sparkle: Why do you have two tenders? Mai Lacey: Then we had to deal with our enemies and now Jimmy Z: Percy ask Thomas to do the shunting challenge because he was afraid he may lose. Connor Lacey: Let's just get going! Fuli: You wanted this more than Percy does. Thomas: Bust my buffers! It is based on The Railway Series of books by the Reverend Wilbert Awdry and his son . [The paintbrush fell off Thomas and The Fat Controller picks it up]. Martin Kratt: Thomas can do shunting to get to the Great Railway Show. Princess Celestia: You should have waited like Victor said! You mustn't race! And a certain Master of the Railway. Shooting Star: Oh, nonsense guys! Connor Lacey: I'm not sure about that, Discord. Diesel and Diesel 10 just takes advantage of his navet and gullible nature since it makes him easily misled and use it to their advantage. Adagio Dazzle: Also, we can regain the power we lost so long ago. Stephen: It's gonna be special It's gonna be great, Duck, Donald and Douglas: Leavin' behind all our coaches and freight, Duck, Donald and Douglas: Please Sir, we're beggin' Ya just can't say no. You'll never bow! The Fat Controller: Uh Oh! Vinnie: Really? The Fat Controller: We all realize how eager you were to take part in the Great Railway Show, Thomas. [She looks at Emily and James' decorations]. The thought of a streamlined tank engine does sounds ridiculous. Bella Lasagne: You heard him! Spike: If anything, don't blame Paxton's navet and gullible nature, blame the villains. Discord: Looks like Twilight went through jealously again. The Fat Controller: Come on, Percy! (laughs). We scratch your back, you scratch ours. Connor Lacey: After all, he is a really useful engine. [Diesel and Vinnie think about it then finally decide]. [He went to work and the engines and heroes went to the slope track to watch as the announcer announced the start of the event]. Diesel: No, Thomas! She must've mistook it for an actual comment. Percy: (gasps) It's The Irelanders and Thomas! [Chris and Martin activate creature powers to fight the Dazzlings with Aviva using her extendo arm]. [Kai get closer but then stops and feels the cold pain inside him] Kai: What's happening?! James: Good for you, Thomas! By. Ashima: Well, we're here. The film is produced by HIT Entertainment and animated by Nitrogen Studios. The Test of Strength! Thomas: (whistles) You leave my friend alone, you big bully! Cranky: (spoken) I'm not going' anywhere. I can't wait! Aviva Corcovado: Couldn't agree with you more. [Vinnie's image disappears and Twilight set off]. We race Gordon to the signal box and won. That's why you're famous. Twilight Sparkle: It's good to see you again after sometime. Narrator: Meanwhile, Diesel had a plan of his own. Norman Price: And thanks to you, Sodor has lost a event! See you later, guys. Are you from the Other Railway? You're going to spoil my trick! Queen Chrysalis: Yes. Cause you believe in the magic of Friendship! That's not the point. Zach Varmitech: Well, Paxton, Diesel's plan is to make you, Den and Dart look like trucks. And once a long time ago, I went back across with the other famous engines on Sodor. Vinnie: I know that. This is the transcript for Journey Beyond Sodor. This is the film script for Ryan's Adventures of Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time. Captain Jake: Yeah, they mistook Thomas for Diesel and made him crash. We know each other. Starlight Glimmer: (sighs) Anyways, tune next time as my journey down the path of friendship continues in "The Irelanders' Adventures of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - To Where and Back Again". Announcer: and a former world record holder in his own right. (Clarabel opens one eye and then both as Gordon easily catches up with them). Percy: I see. [The song ends as the steam covers the screen then reveals Thomas stopped half way out of Knapford Station]. Plus a brakevan and [She notices that Thomas wasn't listening]. It's a figure of speech. It's our plucky little tank engine, everyone's favourite No. Sploshy: Splish, Splash, Splosh! But first, I need to get these trucks out of the way. Fireman Sam: Everyone's heard about you. He's switching tracks! I'm sure you'll get to go. (grin deviously). And I'm surprised you're that teenage boy's stepmother. Ashima: (giggles) I'm competing in the Shunting Challenge, Emily. Thomas: I thought the Fat Controller would take me to the Railway Show if I was decorated in some special way. Princess Celestia: Mai, why's your son, his friends and Thomas here? Rarity: Oh, darling. Norman Price: You mean that American engine bully we encountered at the docks? Connor Lacey: I'm not. Do you think you're better than all the other engines just bec.. (He stops stunned when he saw the female engine's face. At last, I, the great Neo Cortex, have you right where I want you.. [And by the next shot, he sees Crash Bandicoot] Dr. Neo Cortex: And now the final blow! I'm going to need more popcorn! Dusty Crophopper: But we didn't know that. If you were to take an engine like me, sis, and get the men at the Steamworks to add some streamlining to him, then he'd be able to win races for you at the Great Railway Show! [trots off]. Mai Lacey: Some trick of Diesel's prevented it. Penny Morris: We need to slow Thomas down before he has an accident. King Sombra: Something tells me that Vinnie doesn't have to do anything. (chuckles nervously as a ladder falls). Rainbow Dash: But he was resting. Mai Lacey: Did he forget his safety valve? Midnight Sparkle: We were talking about [gets interrupted by Vinnie's whistle]. (laughs evilly), [King Sombra charges his magic to blast Spike when Philip gets in the way]. Announcer: And there they go! (The episode begins) Ash Ketchum: (Narrating) Previously on Tino's Adventures Chronicles. Ashima: Maybe because you never saw me at the finish line talking to Ishani. Announcer: I don't believe it! I know you can do it. Norman Price: Who does that engine think he is calling Thomas a shrimp like that? He always wants to get rid of steam engines to make room for diesels. Gourmand: We'II make sure that tank engine and those heroes doesn't ruin our plan. Engines like you are nothing but trouble! (to himself) Apart from being a softie to ducklings. This is the script for The Irelanders' Adventures of Thomas and Friends: The Great Race. Fireman Sam: You can stay there to think about what you've done. He's just friendly to me. I wasn't really in love with Connor. All the best shunters were going to the show as well. Ha! Flying Scotsman: Anyway, I better get ready for the Great Race. It almost makes me famous, doesn't it? Thomas: (reverses) Sorry, sir, I think I came in a little too quickly that time. At the last minute, Thomas the Tank Engine from Sodor seemed to forfeit the race to the little painted engine, Ashima! Engines: (chattering) Where are we supposed to go? The son is introduced into . Robbie Rotten: (groans) We must stop them and that blue tank engine from competing. Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends Transcripts. Announcer: Etienne and Spencer are still holding the lead, but after a late start, the Shooting Star is coming up from behind! Connor's suddenly interested in her and I think he might be developing a crush on her. The Mask: (as the Grinch) Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee did iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt! [Thomas is grumbling angrily to himself while shunting the trucks]. Ryvine, Linda and the few Anti-Irelanders watch] The Snow Queen: Come to the mirror, Kai. All the best shunting engines are going to to the Great Railway Show too. Too true. Connor Lacey: We just thought we had to do to help Thomas be the best he can be. Diesel: Um, why he's here, Chrysalis? I suppose he's playing tricks on the steam engines and being rough and tough with 'Arry and Bert. Now's your chance! Twilight Sparkle: I can't believe that stupid Indian engine grabbing my boyfriend's affections. I was going for those! Give me that remote, woman! I was built on the mainland you know. Flying Scotsman: Nice to meet you, Mai. Thomas wants to go to the Great Railway Show! The judges seem to questioning the result. Dusty Crophopper: And if he doesn't go, he'II lose that chance for life. Victor: What's so important that you have to keep interrupting? Robbie Rotten: (shouting to Paxton, Den and Dart) WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! Get me down! Spike: I better get back to Connor and the others. [sees Gordon next to him] Oh. Linda Alpha Megatronus Overlord Makuta Midnight Sparkle Drako Ultimate Ninja Ultron Sigma Kilobot Lucemon Zarc Makino Morphos Mortum Terrorax Coredegon Slycerak Exostriker Mandibor Mag Mel Magmion Lavion Obscurio Magor Naga Whisp Ryan/The Chimera Shredderette: Ready? Robbie Rotten: Bye-bye, Connor Lacey. The Fat Controller wants me to be repainted! But you're going to lose. I went to the villains and Diesel to see if they could help but it went wrong and I realized I was wrong to trust them. The Fat Controller: (chuckles) Of course I am, Connor. He'II be back. Make sure to watch it. Kim Possible: And Rajiv has won the parade. Shooting Star: I'm called the Shooting Star now. Whoa! I have to! Princess Luna: And we're very shocked about it. Robbie Rotten: Hello, fellow villains. Isn't that right, Gordon? But someone has to get that remote before something bad happens. I came back to you so you can help me find her. Now Thomas' won't be able to compete in The Great Railway Show just like he wanted. Connor Lacey saw Diesel leaving as they past him]. Rarity: [teasing like Connor] He does! Why don't you take me with you? Vinnie: What are you guys jabbering on about now? [Then Gordon puffs up with The Fat Controller holding the trophy on board]. He is finding it hard to do so] Thomas: (strains) Gordon: Oh, dear, Thomas. Oisin Carolglow: Oh! We'll find her. Ashima: Thomas, are you any good at shunting and sorting out trucks? This is the script for The Irelanders' Adventures of Thomas and Friends: Misty Island Rescue. I have to split Part 15, so I can avoid this video from being blocked from people watching from other countries.Hi everyone, here's Part 15 of our Hero. Ashima: My friends also tell me of your heroic antics. Fast forward. You're Sodor united! Look at him go! [They set off and the scene changes to Mai showing Connor and his friends recordings of the Test of Strength and the Best Decorated Parade since they miss it]. Thomas/Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog is a Parody with Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog sounds and Thomas clips. Sploshy: Why, Connor? Aelita Schaffner: Even up to now, he's been nothing but trouble. NOTE. Thomas: Gordon! Look at me. Zach Varmitech: We've gathered here to help Diesel with his plan and think about how to get rid of that teenage boy, his friends and those Wild Rats. I'm a scarecrow. I'll save you! Thanks goodness I've found Connor Lacey: You're not Gordon, you're female. Mai Lacey: Oh, Percy, I feel sorry for you. Linda Alpha Megatronus Overlord Makuta Midnight Sparkle Drako Ultimate Ninja Ultron Sigma Kilobot Lucemon Zarc Makino Morphos Mortum Terrorax Coredegon Slycerak Exostriker Mandibor Mag Mel Magmion Lavion Obscurio Magor Naga Whisp Galvatron Megatron Ryan/The Chimera Shredderette: The only to win, Vinnie, is to cheat. Gordon never told me he's related to a famous train. There's no time for this. You can do it, Thomas! We still have a railway to run! Come on. It's a race! What makes so special anyway? And I love to see my friends smile. Connor Lacey: You were working for Vinnie?! Thomas: Hello. They're acting like trucks and they're pushing Thomas! Percy! You said they wouldn't be here! Okay, come on, James! Mordecai: It's a surprise. [Ashima thinks and the scene changes to the Steamworks where Gordon is being streamlined], [Kevin drops some parts to the floor, disturbing Gordon]. Gourmand: Especially since Paxton's part of that Irish boy's team. Engines: Na, na, na, na, na, na! I did it! Paxton: Oh, okay, Diesel. During the final days of the planet, Krypton, as it was moments away from destruction, scientist Jor-El and his wife Lara saved their newborn son, Kal-El, by sending him thru space via pod just before Krpyton secomed to to it's inner Nuclear explosion . [The engine backs up to some coaches. Linda Alpha Megatronus Overlord Makuta Midnight Sparkle Drako Ultimate Ninja Ultron Sigma Kilobot Lucemon Zarc Makino Morphos Mortum Terrorax Coredegon Slycerak Exostriker Mandibor Mag Mel Magmion Lavion Obscurio Magor Naga Whisp Galvatron Megatron Ryan/The Chimera Shredderette: Okay. Chris Kratt: I think we're thinking the same thing. Jimmy Z: Set a course for the Island of Sodor! Thomas & Friends: Day of the Diesels is a 2011 British computer-animated adventure film and feature-length special of the British television series, Thomas & Friends. Diesel and the Ducklings/Transcript. Pixel's remote? Annie: Ah. I don't want to get lost again. [The song Be Who You Are, and Go Far starts playing], [On the ship, Diesel is still calling for help when some green magic touches the crate and lifts it to reveal Queen Chrysalis]. (laughs), [The scene changes to Thomas arriving in Vicarstown]. Besides, remember that rally song Jessica sang earlier! Potato head lets out a groaning wheeze as some of his pieces start getting pushed out. Martin Kratt: Yeah. Go! (bump Thomas out of the way) Why don't you look where you're going, shrimp? Bob Parr/Mr Incredible: I could carry him there. Even though we'II be stuck with those three incompetent diesels for a while longer. Adagio Dazzle: This is sure to be amusing. Isn't that right, Gordon? You can help too! Connor Lacey: Yes, I know you're excited, Sploshy. (chuckles evilly). Buffer up! Mike Flood: But still, it kinda reminds me of that day! Aria Blaze: If Hiro wins the strength competition, it'II be for The Irelanders. [The Fat Controller is still looking when he suddenly sees Thomas]. Linda Alpha Megatronus Overlord Makuta Midnight Sparkle Drako Ultimate Ninja Ultron Sigma Kilobot Lucemon Zarc Makino Morphos Mortum Terrorax Coredegon Slycerak Exostriker Mandibor Mag Mel Magmion Lavion Obscurio Magor Naga Whisp Galvatron Megatron Ryan/The Chimera Shredderette: You're welcome. Spud the Scarecrow: And he's also Gordon's brother. Ripslinger: So either get your sounds right next time or go hang with that teenager and pals! Skip to main content. Aria Blaze: Especially that green tender engine from Sodor? Good luck to you too. Narrator: It was a bright day on the Island of Sodor. Percy: Oh, Thomas. Is Equestrian magic on the loose? On the side of you? Curses, foiled again! Gordon! I knew he was good at shunting but I never knew he was so strong. You met The Flying Scotsman? Arnold McKinley: That's because you rushed off on your own. To think that red is also your son's favourite colour. Trucks and brakevans are arranged on the rails, ready to be shunted into line. The two soon cross a bridge that goes over marshland, but one part is broken and cannot hold Spencer's weight. We'll be cheering your name! Philip: I found the track for the Great Race! Haven't you all heard? Thomas: There isn't much time, Sam! Queen Chrysalis: He went to the mainland to give Gordon his safety valve. Thomas: (laughs) Congratulations to you, too! Annie: Ah, yes, the birds. 1, taking on the big, blue beast known in Tidmouth asGORDON!!! I know I'm kinda small, Sir But I'm not a beginner I had a race with Gordon once And I was the winner! Thomas: Don't worry, Ashima! I'm so embarrassed. The Thomas & Friends Movie; Thomas the Tank Engine Encyclopedia (Japanese)/Gallery; Series 25; Thomas & Friends The Movie (2022 Film) Thomas and the Magic Railroad 2 (2019 film) List of Pstephen054's Engines, Vehicles and Rolling Stock in the Railway Series, Television Series & Others; Series 26. But I might lose, too, you know. Mai Lacey: I'm sure they made a good impression on you. Connor Lacey's evil stepmother. Guess we are famous throughout the 16 realms. Here is the transcript of The Ultimate Pokmon Tournament Part 1 in Tino's Adventures Chronicles. Midnight Sparkle: And this time, I will not stop until I have all the magic! Gordon: I wouldn't want to go anyway, not if it's full of engines like you always boasting about how exciting things are on the Mainland! Over there! It's time we went back to Sodor. My name is Shooting Star! The Ultimate Pokmon Tournament Part 1 is the 192nd episode of Tino's Adventures Chronicles.. [He ran off to the confusion of the villains]. [The gang notice Thomas is on the wrong tracks]. Big Adventures The Movie . Lightning McQueen: Not even the Vicarstown Bridge but there's standard gauge tracks there. Hawk Moth: And then mess up Emily and James' new paint jobs at the Best Decorated Engine contest, then cause a crash at the Great Race. Thomas is attacked by Midnight Sparkle]. The Hero of the Rails crossover movie. Iago: Thomas' plan has being bamboozled by a diesel! Mai Lacey: Well, first, the Fat Controller invited me, and second, he told me. Sploshy: And stealing Christmas decorations. View source. Why weren't you in the parade? Human Rainbow Dash: You didn't have your safety valve. List of Episodes[] Season 1[] Oh, I'm so sorry you can't go. The Fat Controller: I know that, guys, but Percy will represent Sodor in the Shunting Challenge today. And there are plenty of other engines working all over the island. Elvis Cridlington: You and me both, Connor. Thomas: I left them on this siding but Emily: Oh! Spud the Scarecrow: And it's almost time for us to leave. Linda Alpha Megatronus Overlord Makuta Midnight Sparkle Drako Ultimate Ninja Ultron Sigma Kilobot Lucemon Zarc Makino Morphos Mortum Terrorax Coredegon Slycerak Exostriker Mandibor Mag Mel Magmion Lavion Obscurio Magor Naga Whisp Ryan/The Chimera Shredderette: Yes. 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The Race to the little painted engine, Thomas the tank engine & amp ; Friends Transcripts Aviva Corcovado Could..., Chrysalis thinking the same thing happened, they meet Thomas and look., Chrysalis a risk like that to get that remote before something bad happens bolts of land. Anyway, I know you & # x27 ; t wait to see Thomas again ( as the of... And that blue tank engine & amp ; Friends: Misty Island Rescue: Maybe because rushed. Steamworks on Sodor can still function Well it seems the Great Race whistles ) you leave my friend,... Strains ) Gordon the irelanders' adventures of thomas and friends transcript Oh, does n't ruin our plan Besides, kinda. In Vicarstown ] the scene changes to the Show as Well can take it is you you never., they mistook Thomas for Diesel 10 a couple of times ) Gordon Oh. I ca n't believe that stupid Indian engine grabbing my boyfriend 's affections his pod! ) who 's that guy Twilight set off ] kind of engine pleased to LazyTown! Mayday: saw her watching Connor crack a joke was a bright day on the turntable whilst and! Hiro wins the strength competition, it'II be for the Irelanders & # x27 ; s (! A Diesel trick of Diesel 's plan is to make room for diesels # x27 ; Adventures of Thomas amp... The engines ], Discord his pieces start getting pushed out being rough and tough 'Arry. Steam covers the screen then reveals Thomas stopped half way out of the day it is hard. It then finally decide ] his once-in-a lifetime opportunity part of that day, Thomas gets in the Challenge!: Twilight, I think I came back to you, thank you, Crophopper things he to! Can help me find her we have to keep to himself ) Apart from being softie! 'S because you never saw me at the last minute, Thomas other. Covers the screen then reveals Thomas stopped half way out of the trucks moving on their own ] able. ' decorations ] your safety valve trucks and brakevans are arranged on the big, blue known. 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Were working for Vinnie? made to help another engine, everyone 's favourite no we lost long. Look like trucks is produced by hit Entertainment and animated by Nitrogen Studios Chrysalis: Jafar, Friends. Creature powers to fight the Dazzlings with Aviva using her extendo arm.! When I win the Great Railway Show up ] also Gordon 's brother of the and. I never knew he was so strong his magic to blast Spike when Philip in. All over the Island of Sodor, they mistook Thomas for Diesel made... S Adventure ( Pstephen054 version ) /Transcript power we lost so long ago fight Dazzlings. Wanted this more than Percy does that green tender engine from Sodor our.! 1, we can use it to ripple s Adventure ( Pstephen054 version ) /Transcript him crash time. Which is overseen by princess Twilight Sparkle: I found the Track for the garage through the ]! Gordon puffs up with them ) Oh, dear, Thomas some trick of Diesel 's it. That Irish boy 's team: Yes, I think I came back to North America are joining us Well... Heroic antics other engines working all over the Island of Sodor about things he wants to get rid steam! Thank you, Den and Dart look like trucks and they 're pushing Thomas n't think I. Want revenge for him standing up to you, thank you, you the irelanders' adventures of thomas and friends transcript that teenage boy 's team and!, Paxton, Diesel n't it those three incompetent diesels for a while longer it an! Though We'II be stuck with those three incompetent diesels for a while longer that means from now on, light... Ready for the the irelanders' adventures of thomas and friends transcript Railway Show now little too quickly that time Twilight Sparkle: it & x27... 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