Im convinced that he did the same to Shanann. Same with NK. Nor did any part of whats left of a moral consciousness scream what are you doing?!!! I learned all about a Sleeper/Chokeholdhated that part of SO academy, but is a great way to gain upper-hand, control over a perp and render them unconscious with one thump of my forearm on their neck/carotid artery.,, you black out immediately! Your thoughts? The t-shirt she was found in looks very similar to the one she is seen wearing in the neighbours cctv footage of her arrival back home. I am new to this case, a couple of months of watching/listening to your videos Nick, and I am now working my way through your books. I did hear shananns mom say let them in her daughters house. @Nickvdl IMO I think he strangled her from behind and on their bed. Celeste and Bellas bodies were each inside one of the tanks. Gallstones form over a period of time, raised hormone levels in pregnancy contribute to them. In that sense when you learn her OCD was a significant factor, you ask how significant. So weird. Shanann is very OCD about organization and planned the entire wedding. Could Bellas mouth injuries have occurred postmortem when he shoved her through the hatch? @Nick I think she was killed by a surprise carotid choke (blood choke) rendering her unconscious within 3-6 seconds, hence no defence injuries, and dead in 30 seconds at the most. As a woman, I never go to sleep with my bra on. Under anaerobic conditions (absence of free oxygen) acids such as lactic acid, acetic acid and butyric acid are produced during decomposition, as well as a number of alcohols which include butyl alcohol, ethyl alcohol and acetone. Thats why no defense wounds. The carpet was cleaned, and laundry done in the Peterson case. We cannot have that thing on earth with us. Or after kids went to bed, and Im sure she didnt want to become an instant Mom! Thankyou. Hes a piece of crap but make no mistake, they would be alive if not for Shannan. I guess he did want to get rid of them all, and do it all over again with her. The body is that of a well-developed, well-nourished although decomposing Caucasian female whose appearance is generally Or it might be that a place for everything and everything in its place is a good way for me to manage time being able to grab what I need when I need it without having to faff around looking for it. Just kind of odd. I took a lot of interest in the K9 footage as I had a SAR Shore Rescue dog for 13 years (best nose in Cornwall). I wrote a book that tried to integrate information, not just throw the information in the air and shrug. Chris came home and gave consent to search and said that he found Shananns wedding ring on the night stand. He said those were consistent with trying to flee while being smothered. Isnt it coincidental that Chris saw her on top of CeCe & when he got into the room it was at the exact moment that CeCe died!!!! It was all a complete lie. I chose this thread that details the grisly aspects of the deaths to post it because, after reading the entire thing, it almost seems that there was an unrecognized accomplice in the Watts family murders. And if the girls mentioned a nikki shanann may just assume her friend. Its definately not most. Even flailing my legs they werent even reaching him. But there were some issues. But think about it. I expect they also make youtube channels of women doing things wrong to say why they hate women, even if men usually do more of those things, If he killed her downstairs how would there have been no movement on main floor shortly after she got home. ShanAnn claimed to be pulling down $80,000 a year. Even if he raged and killed Shannon because she killed her girls, I would much rather be guilty for killing Shannon because she killed my babies then be a monster guilty of killing my daughters so I would have called for help so the cops could do their job and get the evidence to back up my story. That is what this whole thing boils down to, Chris not wanting a divorce for the simple fact of having to pay child support on 3 kids. If Chris had not had the affair, he would not have killed his family! Lastly, he lies constantly to the police, why is this self serving story all of the sudden believable? That got me too it sounded more like Shanann was trying to do CPR if she was already blue! Then he felt he had to kill CeCe too. Inhaling ethanol fumes would make them all instant drunk and completely defenseless. Therefore your theory is not valid. How was she with her phone? ( oh & yes there were handprints in both sides of her neck according to autopsy ) on his arms? He really thought he could get away with this? So what Was his motivation for that? Yes, Posted Youtube videos shows that her office was messy. However, this method is especially brutal, sadistic, and intimate, as he he would see their dying eyes. Makes sense since Shanann has zero marks indicating a struggle, I thought from the jump that she wasnt even awake when he killed her., She wasnt OCD, and even if she was, what does it matter? OCD can be like gluten-sensitivities. How does pretending to be asleep and cowardice align with murder? In the case of Lacey Peterson, fecal matter *was* found in the house. Like someone took over his body. I love that guy. Much more interest in the case in his home state; in Wisconsin, hes just a number. Thats fine, but since thats the case, its better that you head elsewhere where youll feel more comfortable. (883931) Full autopsy reports of all 3. Chris Watts is a narcissistic cold blooded killer of children and their mother. A tee-shirt and undies is a Sleeping Uniform for many women, another fact. Why was the oil/sludge found in Bellas stomach? Typo. Ive linked an article below for everyone to read about how harmful perpetuating this lie is. Ugh. He knew now that he had to kill Shanann because she would find out. Why else would he go there with 3 bodies? Of course we dont know what shes talking about. No, I dont believe she was drinking at all, considering she was pregnant. I'm not sure whether the restrictions on health related information had a bearing on this aspect, or the Thrive aspect, or both. (Oh and the bra with pregnant women 100% The T and underwear sleep outfit? There is no soul in his eyes. He had only a few friends. They should have been talked to later. His aversion to it is so blatant, and its obvious why. The DA explained that it is due to decomposition and the body breaking down. Chris probably told shannan that shed never see the kids again.. Something that might help with perspective is this financial article in which a wife writes in for advice, because her husband has started sending hundreds of thousands of dollars to a cult: . The manner of death is homicide, the autopsy report says. Was there no evidence of feces on the girls beds either so maybe they were not killed in bed? Blood Alcohol. I do believe that she may have been the one who smothered the children because she was so controlling, according to friends and family, that she didnt want another woman around her kids. It is a condition that causes you to have irrational and uncontrolled thoughts, and the only way to make the thoughts stop, is to perform a ritual. He kind of giggled & said like you mean like on TV like a magician. I have always slept with a bra on and I am 43 years old, always. He still murdered a sick pregnant wife and two innocent children. Chris went to an oil well job site to check out it. If you look at other cases where someone is strangled to death, the amount of defensive wounds, including bruises, is extensive. After reading the 2000 page discovery & the autopsy report & listening to the FBI agent talk about other cases I learned that smothering by manual force is done very frequently to children. If Chris *hadnt* killed them, would he have gone to so much trouble to hide the bodies? They asked him ways to murder somebody & he said shoot someone, hit them with a club, stab them, run them over, throw them off a cliff, a bunch of other weird ways but steering wide of strangling. If the girls were dead by ca. The reports also show that Shananns fetus had been expelled from her body, which was buried in a shallow grave. Her office was described as unorganized and sort of messy, as were closets, drawers, and things out of sight. Triggers related to cleanliness and symptoms related to washing make up only a small part of the range Defining post mortem bruising requires qualified scientific investigation. I would put the blame on Chris! Police reportsPhotos of the Watts family in the police reports. Unless youd take that as he was going on the run with them, which I highly doubt. Like 1 in the kitchen by her purse. while he killed them one after another., There are more details about the Watts precarious and declining financial situation in the body of this article as well: Its actually not uncommon. It seems as if the account Chris gave once he was finally in jail and writing letters was the truth. They were out of town and it was still spotless. I think he was doing this so she would feel comfortable when she got home, and would be able to sleep. But yeah I really think he was being nicer to her to assure she had her guard down when he murdered her; which was when she was sleeping, on the sofa upstairs on her phone or laptop, or god forbid he initiated some kind of intimacy that turned into her death. Surprised he didnt run them thru the washer. Not a single drop of blood on the bed sheets, and she winged him apparently with her nails on his neck. Carol, I think you are absolutely spot on, and on all points too. This put undo pressure on the marriage and Chris being the douche bag he is, it was too much pressure to perform I beleive. A person who is killed and immediately wrapped up and taken out of the home within an hour isnt going to be in rigor in that time- the first rigor shows up in about 1-2 hours, and then takes about 12 hrs to fully develop Then dissipates again about 12 hours later. Also zero evidence that she was in bed. That could explain what possibly happened to Bella if she woke up and was going to see what was going on. I dont think enough people are looking at the theory that Chris had flipped a switch with her in the days leading to her death. Im just saying if her friend had never come over. Netflix viewers believe a murdered wife sent police a clue from beyond the grave after spotting something "creepy" in the doco about her brutal murder at the hands of her cheating husband. Hey, I appreciate ppls input but to act all high and mighty and be disrespectful of others by trying to make them look and feel like idiotsI dont care how much you know or how smart you are. I have high praise for you, you are excellent at what you do. It's difficult to speculate what the norm would be in a criminal case, especially where an autopsy would need to be performed on both the mother . Air chokes have been associated with fractures of the larynx or hyoid bone and are considered less safe than blood chokes in these applications. I mean, nothing can be done of course, it is done and is over of course, I am stating the very obvious. The autopsy report said that Shanann had a "history of being reported missing and subsequently found unresponsive in obvious state of death in a shallow grave." The cause of death was. Shed been drinking?? Watts, a 33-year-old Colorado oil worker, killed his wife, Shanann, who was 15 weeks pregnant, along with his two daughters aged three and four on August 13, 2018. This sick bastard should have done everyone a favor and took his own life. And in his own words under his own free will he admitted he act it killed his kids twice before that was ever said. He is not only a monster, but also a coward, by quickly disabling his victims. I go back & forth wondering if he planned on killing the kids, or if Bella saw & then he had too. Some people believe his story that Shannan killed the kids like he said. its pretty clear they went to bed like normal >>>How is it pretty clear? Bella Watts Autospy Report The police reports contain a conversation Chris had with his father. The police reports contain several photos showing the oil drums where the childrens bodies were found. Ive slept in my bra for 25 years since I got my first breast implants. @huey Please read todays post where it reads It was on an automatic answering thing. As a former forensic detective I dont completely agree with the DAs comment that it is normal. The autopsy is commenced at 1030 hours, on August 17, 2018 on the body of Shanann Watts at the McKee Medical Center, Loveland, CO. I think he had mental issues too. He had a plan to kill them all, all along. Chris Watts is the subject of a new Netflix series called American Murder: The Family Next Door. The two girls were found in oil drums. Not on his hands around her throat? And the fact that theyd had a bankruptcy in 2015 apparently hadnt helped her wise up at all. There are a lot of types online who get off on blaming victims for what others do. Also I agree much is still withhhed from the public. In the video of Chris Wattss confession, previously published on CrimeOnline, investigators appear incredulous that he was able to fit the bodies into the tanks, but Watts claimed he was able to do so without difficulty. The autopsy also made no references to elevated levels of any Thrive-related chemicals. Will we ever know the order in which they were killed? I had assumed all the way through that he had used a pillow., But Celeste didnt have oil her stomach. Not the best proof, but it adds to the chance there was planning. There is a text I think to chris. And then you test it in various scenarios. Remember Nickols son found her cell phone in-between the cushions of the upstairs couch. The girls were described as light sleepers, and I wonder if this was because in fact they were sleeping too much, because wow, that is a lot of sleep, even for their ages. This would also suggest that the Stranglehold was done with a right arm, as this would correlate to the right-sided internal bruising, and the left-sided external bruising. Fecal traces also missing in the Zahau case. Addendum: The cadaver dog wasaso very interested in the washing machine and his handler, Jayne, says quite clearly that her dog has scented death by the machine (check the K9 video, but watch the volume, the cadaver dogs bark is quite shrill! Youll never see the kids again! WHATEVER!!! It takes 4 5 hours for a stomach to empty after eating. Bellas stomach contained 75 milliliters of green-black fluid, the report states, which was most likely from the oil tank she was placed inside. As previously reported, Shanann Watts was 15 weeks pregnant at the time of her murder, with a baby boy the couple had already named Niko. Chris Watts' plan was to make his family disappear. I always slept in a bra when I was in my 20s and 30s. Areas of bruising, internal. They went to her house and observed her car in the garage. Nick, have any of her docs said she had clinical OCD? If youre not OCD, it doesnt mean Shanann wasnt. Shannan was a hypochondriac, who was gonna turn her kids into the same. The same instinct that we as parents have to call somebody for help when our children our hurt. No traces of fecal material found, but in the Rohde case there were fecal traces. Any attacking motion he made that Shanann saw, even for a second, would have prompted her to scream. What was Shananns cause of death? With that much free time in the day, she could have gotten a part-time job and brought home real money. He couldnt get into anyways so I dont know what the plan was gonna be after. like others, cannot wrap my brain around his behavior. I am not sure that he planned the murders. And that she looked at him as she died. > Most do not, really? Chris only saw things with one lense. I worry he may have had the girls dead and sprawled out waiting for her to come home and watched her reaction from the baby monitor. However, the autopsy does not detail the size or spacing of these marks sufficiently to form an educated opinion. through the skin in heated arguments which are undetectable to the human nose in the same way attraction pheromones are undetectable to our noses ). I believe it was to make her feel more at ease, able to sleep instead of up all night crying. Meanwhile, the part of your brain that regulates involuntary functions is shutting down. The plea deal meant that he was spared the death penalty, and was instead sentenced to multiple life prison terms without the possibility of parole. of OCD triggers and symptoms. Its typical that children be smothered as opposed to stabbed etc. Chris thought that she was dead? That is simply a common misconception/stereotype that is very harmful and untrue. Poor Bella was smothered with extreme force to her face that it left bruising. Theres just too much, including motive, he wanted a life with Nicole with no disturbances. He says he never saw what happened to Bella because he was downstairs. This behavior is opposed to the dignity and respect of another person. Do you think her phone ended up where it was because thats how and where it left her hand? The manner of death is homicide, the autopsy for Bella said. Had he planned this out, he would have killed them earlier, left in the middle of the night, in the dark, to dispose of the bodiesnot as the sun was coming up as seen in the tape. FACT: This whole thing is terrible. Its something so outside my wheelhouse that I didnt even know it could me done. What about rigormortis? What do you think about the 8 inch thief hatch, and the narrowest section of Ceecees hips being 9.5 inches, according to the autopsy? I feel like maybe she did meet them. According to the arrest affidavit and footage from a security camera in the interview room, he failed a polygraph test and subsequently confessed to murdering Shanann. Thanks! (RJ Sangosti/The Denver Post via AP, Pool) Autopsy reports released Monday afternoon reveal in the greatest detail so far what, exactly, Christopher Watts pleaded guilty to, and why he'll serve the rest of his life in prison.The reports for Watts' pregnant wife, Shanann Watts, 34; Bella Watts, 4; and Celeste Watts, 3; show Watts killed his . But thats me. Please explain. He in cold-heart and with much caluculation waited for her to return Shanann did not stand a chance! Shanann Watts. Or look up the video of the DA talking about the autopsies. [UPDATED] | True Crime Rocket Science / #tcrs, Watts Sentencing: Live Coverage and Analysis [Updated throughout the day] | True Crime Rocket Science / #tcrs, Crime News November 2018 | True Crime Rocket Science / #tcrs, The murder of the Watts children at CERVI 319 as Dramatized in FAMILY MAN, FAMILY MURDERER | True Crime Rocket Science / #tcrs. Not everyone poops when they die, in fact most do not. Does this mean Bella was still alive when she was dropped into the tank? Nickole called Chris several times and he kept giving different arrival times. Not whether you or most people would or wouldnt do that do you think Shanann was the type of person to do that? My question is how do you smother someone with your bare handscover/press their nostrils and mouths? Cause if it was the way CW said she would have fought back. 19th Judicial District Attorney Michael Rourke said that Watts totally and deliberately ended four lives, smothering the girls. Simply stated, you are an ignorant human being, Badmouthing the vicitm like that when she can not defend herself. I also believe in my heart that Shannan did not hurt her babies If she was murdered in bed, why isnt there any evidence of that? I also believe Shanann was also sleeping when the attack occurred which could explain her lack of putting up a fight. These may have been caused by an object, such as a necklace worn by the victim, or fabric, such as heavy-duty leather (such as a motorcycle jacket being worn by the murderer), and being compressed between the arm of the assailant and the neck/face of the victim. One thing that was truthful that came out of NKs mouth was that he lied about everything. Or perhaps he left when the sun was coming up because thats when he usually left for work. The lack of a broken hyoid bone (called thyroid bone in the autopsy?) She wanted to be, and really thought she was, a great mom. Not a chance she would have run the risk of waking up the children by going into their rooms she knew theyd be fine as shed often said Chris was a good Dad. 5. Chris Watts destroyed three fully formed, perfect adults. Before I became a police officer- I was an EMT and I worked for 8 months for a company that transports dead bodies from where they die to funeral homes or the medical examiner. I believe the frenulum injury could be explained from the process of stuffing her head through the thief hatch post mortem it was a tight squeeze with the larger child. Never mind! Shannann even said that he was like another person. Chris Watts advised that blankets and stuffed animals were left by the sheet which was near Shananns grave. Ive seen hundreds of bodies both recently deceased and WELL decomposed and I can assure you- while SOME bodies dedicate/urinate due to the relaxing of muscles at the time of death- its certainly not most. Ive been reading this whole thread and as I always respect other ppls views and opinions as much as I can, there is one contributor to this conversation that thinks they know everything sigh. I am very new to this case, only a couple of months ago, end of November 2020 to be precise. Along comes NK, (a pig in her own right) who rocked ol Christophers world! 75 mls is about 5 tablespoons or a third of a standard cup. She didnt try to bite him? This was the 6th MLM that ShanAnn had been involved in she was apparently a MLM junkie. Murdering someone through strangulation doesnt take that long. He runs into Ceces room & walks up to Shannan. Like a scene from Friday the 13th. Ive been sleeping in my bra during my pregnancy- because my chest hurts all the time and taking it off even to shower is extremely uncomfortable. He organized the bins in the basement. Those were my kids. He claimed he saw Shanann on top of Cece and that they were blue. He said he lost it and choked Shanann. Chris and or others..I tend to agreeShan ann was imodefinitely disabled at some pointBella maybe not..she fought hard. And anyone on this thread acting as if the mother plays any part(or the mistress) for that matter..well you are just as psychotic. Did you mention in your book that Shannan thought her marriage was wonderful and things started changing around the time your Hero Chris Watts started having an affair? Also, in the 2-4 minutes it took him to kill Shannan, this father who would never hurt his kids, never looked at the visible baby bump and thought Im killing the baby too, I need to stop. There is no sympathy for that psychopath period. So she wasnt in rigor at the home and was likely just starting to show signs while he was burrying her at the site. Please God Forgive me for everything.. You can pooh-pooh OCD if its not you, but OCD especially for someone with a chronic disease tends to be quite significant. The tank Attorney Michael Rourke said that he planned the entire wedding their bed car in the day, wasnt... Shanann may just assume her friend had never come over 6th MLM Shanann! An automatic answering thing dont know what shes talking about over again with her nails on his.. Of CeCe and that she looked at him as she died body down! 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