endobj The State of Tennessee retained the services of Williams Jennings Bryan to prosecute Scopes. Which of the following Native American societies was the MOST mobile and relied the LEAST on agriculture for survival? All multiple choice questions are taken from the 2017 APUSH Practice Exam. The dynamic town-and-country economies west of the Blue Ridge predisposed its peoples to favor banks, internal improvements, and other forms of economic modernization. Herman Husband and another Regulator leader, John Pryor, were elected to the colonial representatives, a small victory for the movement. In addition, this question No longer a novelty of the wealthy, the efficient assembly line lowered the cost of a car enough that over 30 million were owned in America by 1930. 0000029200 00000 n Simmons would allow only native-born white Protestants into his organization, and he referred to Americas melting pot as nothing more than a garbage can. Klan membership rapidly grew to a peak of five million members in 1923. <> Wages for women typically remained low, especially when compared to the salary of a male performing the same job. These traits also identified the Virginia backcountry as an element of the much larger British colonial backcountry, which extended from central Pennsylvania to the Georgia uplands by the mid-eighteenth century. On June 4, 1919, the issue went before Congress once again, and this time it passed. Many states started to require students to attend school until the age of sixteen or eighteen. These tensions continued after the Revolutionary War ended. Subscribe to the American Battlefield Trust's quarterly email series of curated stories for the curious-minded sort! Sign up for our quarterly email series highlighting the environmental benefits of battlefield preservation. Fleeing outlying farms and unfortified open-country neighborhoods, farm families sought the security of garrisoned towns such as Winchester. Darrows strategy was to point out Bryans literal beliefs in the text of the Bible, including that a great fish swallowed Jonah, that Eve was created from one of Adams ribs, and that Joshua had stopped the movement of the sun. ACT Blog When the Model T was introduced in 1908, its price tag was $850, but by 1924 the car was selling for no more than $290. The first call to action against these injustices was a speech given on June 6, 1765, by schoolteacher George Sims, a planter from the Nutbush township of North Carolina. 0000016437 00000 n The eastern region was the home of the provincial government and most of the royal officials. "In 1739 arrived among us from Ireland the Reverend Mr. [George] Whitefield, who had made himself remarkable there as an itinerant preacher. A. France B. Holland C. England D. Portugal B (Holland) D. The rise of the trans-Atlantic slave trade. (b) Explain ONE historical reason why Thomas Jefferson eventually excluded this excerpt from the final Declaration of Independence. endobj significant proportion of colonists who remained loyal to Great Britain during the American Revolution b. growth of social tensions between backcountry settlers and coastal elites c.development of economic differences between the northern and southern colonies d. colonists' difficulties in effectively resisting the British military during the by the use of Indonesian, rather than ethnic language, at home). Darrows intention was to make Bryan appear irrational; a tactic that many reporters and spectators considered successful. The judge presiding over the trial ruled that scientific testimony would not be allowed. They attacked Fanningm leaving him severely injured,and then marched to his house where they looted the house and barn, and then burned both down. Valentino, one of the first film idols and considered to be consummate Latin lover, captured the attention of millions with his silent films The Sheik and The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. D. British government attempts to impose greater control over the colonies in the late 1600s, 8. <> <>13]/P 19 0 R/Pg 155 0 R/S/Link>> The coastal elites would face three major concerns: threat from the Native Americans in the west, treats from the Spanish in the south, and a fear of slave revolt in a colony that had . 79 0 obj 01 Mar. His personal ambition was to seek the 1920 Democratic presidential nomination, so he aimed to give the public more of what it wanted. D. The emergence of racially mixed populations in the Americas, 5. How can Chantal change the employee's, Explain how you got your answers pls 1.After 1863, which of the following MOST fulfilled the "new birth of freedom," that the excerpt refers to? Many cities braced for the worst and federal troops were placed on standby, but not one demonstration took place that day. A new Ku Klux Klan, one focused against foreigners rather than blacks, was established in 1915 by William J. Simmons, a former preacher. (c) Explain ONE event from history that contradicts the views that Thomas Jefferson presents in this grievance. We invite you to learn more about Indians in Virginia in our Encyclopedia Virginia. 2020-09-16T09:46:50-07:00 The patterns described in the excerpt most directly foreshadowed which of the following developments? uuid:60aa4697-af5d-11b2-0a00-50baed010000 However, it quickly became apparent that the other government officials would not let them pass any legislation. The colonizers brought along plants and animals new to the Americas, some by design and others by accident. 85 0 obj You can also check out the larger version on page 16 of the Practice Exam. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Our Products The backcountry settlers mostly shared similar backgrounds and social levels. In Chicagos gang wars of the 1920s, mobsters killed about 500 rivals in an effort to control the billion-dollar business of the underworld. Therefore, when the farmers inevitably could not pay both their taxes and their new debts, the merchants, who had no ties to the rural population, were swift to take the indebted farmers to local courts which were controlled by the wealthy British. groups, making the between-group competition and social comparisons particularly. Those who stayed in North Carolina were defeated, disbanded and forced to go back to the lives they lived before they took any action against the government. What did Massachusetts governor John Winthrop mean when he said, "We shall be as a city upon a hill"? The Regulators refused to disperse, prompting Tryon to read the Johnston Riot Act and warn them that he would fire on them if they did not comply. 0000003965 00000 n That's easy it's the best way to study for AP classes and AP exams! Earlier films, including 1903s The Great Train Robbery, were shown in five-cent theaters, known as nickelodeons. In the 1920s, movies began to show their true potential, reflecting the social climate, adapting to new technologies, and giving rise to a shared experience nation-wide. economy drew settlers together, its limited nature meant that settlers had comparatively little desire for personal economic gain. 0000020474 00000 n .In sum, the remaking of the Americas was a team effort by a set of interdependent species led and partially managed (but never fully controlled) by European people. They believed that science and religion could not only coexist, each could support the others tenants and principles. The growth of the ideology of republican motherhood Greater independence and diversity of thought Movement of settlers to the backcountry The pursuit of social reform Question 3 60 seconds Q. Palmer attempted to regain public support by warning of a massive terrorist protest around the country on May 1, 1920. Reporters from large cities camped in the small Tennessee town reporting on the trials spectacle. <>78 0 R]/P 6 0 R/S/Link>> 7. 193 0 obj The publication of his first two novels, The Sun also Rises (1926) and A Farewell to Arms (1929) marked the beginning of a writing career that would include a Pulitzer Prize for his 1952 novel, The Old Man and the Sea. }}floating,abovebrightandgaudycitylights. A. floating above bright and gaudy city lights. Citizens began regularly visiting speakeasies, secret bars where individuals gathered to socialize. Her films such as Mantrap and It demonstrated her depth and range, and inspired many young to emulate her. Queen Anne signs the Act of Union. Eventually, public opinion started to turn against Palmers crusade as people began to question the constitutionality of the raids led by Palmer. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Congress, reacting to this widespread sentiment, passed the Emergency Quota Act of 1921. very fractionalised settlements with many ethnic groups were more likely to adopt this Carolina developed in the tradition of Barbados, with its economy based on staple crops. Many opponents of prohibition believed that the only way to change the law was to break it on a massive scale, so they tried to undermine enforcement efforts so that the law would be seen as meaningless. B. Ellington started playing at Harlems Cotton Club in 1927, during which time his compositions, including large ensembles of twelve to fourteen instruments, foreshadowed the 1930s swing movement. The Regulators were not seeking to overthrow the government, but rather to destroy the corruption that dwelled within it. At this time, North Carolina was somewhat divided between the wealthier and more settled east and the more rural, less settled west. Near the beginning of the twentieth century, the Womens Christian Temperance Union and the Anti-Saloon League crusaded for legal prohibition. Question : The change in settlement patterns in 1700 to 1775 best explains the My New Answer : Growth of social tensions between backcountry settlers and coastal elites , the people who have money stay near the trading routes and the safety of big colonies . This is a natural venue for creative tension, criticism and debate whereby tensions are normal and healthy. In light of all these events, the writer F. Scott Fitzgerald dubbed this postwar period the Jazz Age.. Bootlegging became a major business, as many smuggled alcohol into the United States. In the summer of 1768, the Regulators were finally able to meet with Governor Tryon who came to certain agreements with the protestors; however, he soon retracted all promises of change that he had made. endobj 340 0 obj<>stream Aboukhadijeh, Feross. chsideoftheSyrianArabRepublic-Trkiyeborder,2009-17Landusetypeclassication,2. In fact, Great Britain would abolish slavery before the United States would. Praxis Prep, Our Blogs A. It created a need to manufacture more tires, glass, and petroleum products. In 1920, more than eight million women worked outside the home, and that number increased to well over ten million by the end of the decade. Motion pictures, mostly a novelty until WWI, found a purpose in war propaganda with the Hang the Kaiser films. endobj Z{&]N8z*"U/X? Managerial Finance. 0000008904 00000 n endobj 0000015520 00000 n About Us The change in settlement patterns from 1700 to 1775 best explains the A. development of economic differences between the northern and southern colonies B. colonists' difficulties in effectively resisting the British military during the American Revolution The majority of the Regulators signed the oath, and those who would not comply went into hiding or exile. Excerpt from Thomas Jeffersons Slavery Grievance in the first draft of the Declaration of Independence. C. The gradual shift of European economies from feudalism to capitalism More than ever before, education was a priority in Americans lives. B. British governments failure to protect colonists from attacks by American Indians Still, he never freed his own slaves during his lifetime. 83 0 obj Fundamentalists believed that these new ideas minimized the importance of the Bible and contributed to the moral breakdown of young people. However, competing The popularity of the film was also attracting the nations attention to another noveltythe movie star. b#f;liMP&{Dm0a6=`'n,#)%v u_=7fS]l Discovery and Settlement of the New World, The Middle, Chesapeake, and Southern Colonies, Transcendentalism, Religion, and Utopian Movements, Presidential and Congressional Reconstruction Plans, Consequences of the Civil Rights Movement. floating,abovebrightandgaudycitylights. JohnDewey. Edward Duke Ellington, a significant innovator of early jazz, moved from Washington D.C. to New York City. SAT Prep In the end, the noble experiment of prohibition did not succeed. The change in settlement patterns from 1700 to 1775 best explains the The emergence of this system by the close of the eighteenth century marked the end of the frontier period in western Virginia. PDB^uCf_7}s)- + kiv9;@z,z>;1R&C% "Social Tensions" StudyNotes.org. 14 0 obj endobj Nearly 10,000 Europeans live in the Shenandoah Valley. backcountry violence in the eighteenth century and how such violence affected the social and political world of eighteenth-century American communities. Growing challenges by dissenters to civil authorities Jamestown had once been the bustling capital of the Colony of Virginia. The origins of backcountry distinctiveness are themselves traceable to deep and conflicting historic currents set powerfully in motion not only by the evident tensions between American Indians and Virginians over territorial claims, but also by the stress of imperial conflicts and anxieties over colonial security in a rapidly expanding slave society. The American Battlefield Trust is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Garvey was an influential political leader whose platform was based on promoting black expressionism and racial pride, ending imperialism in Africa, and unifying the dispersed black populations. Under this act, a new quota system would stem the influx of foreign-born citizens into the United States. Although the Seattle strike was considered orderly and the demands made by those on strike deemed humble, the fact that pro-communists helped organize the walkout raised a number of concerns among conservatives. The sensational Sacco and Vanzetti trial in 1921 underscored the anti-foreign attitude of many Americans. This kind of reciprocal economic development on an isolated frontier was encouraged further by a long period of largely peaceful relations with American Indians, with whom a trade in skins and furs advanced everyones interests. A Professional theme for architects, construction and interior designers Approximately 110,000 people immigrated to the U.S. in 1919, and that number increased to more than 430,000 in 1920 and more than 800,000 in 1921. 0000010048 00000 n B. effects of industrialization The wealthy British officials in power were known to most of the lower-class North Carolinians as the courthouse ring, a group of corrupt officials who often preyed on the poor and unjustly extorted the colonists for their own gain. The pattern of commerce, not too accurately called the Triangular Trade, involved the exchange of products from colonial farms, plantations, fisheries, and forests with England for manufactured goods and the West Indies for slaves . It shows a womans sad face floating,abovebrightandgaudycitylights.\underline{\text{floating, above bright and gaudy city lights. In the United States, a small handful of individuals took notice of the promise of the new Russian government and formed their own communist party. 77 0 obj SAT Blog 306 0 obj <> endobj 0 Privacy Policy <> z?/ :%[MnnZ'=z~Wi]o?Wj2_&,wA@}%k(SJe``::## C. C. floating, above bright, and gaudy, city lights. The officials would then often take the goods andsell them as their own,pocketingthe profit for their own gain. endobj Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself. When the battle ended, the number of prisoners taken by the militia varies among sources but remains between 12 and 15 Regulators that were taken, prisoner. By the time Congress enacted a national prohibition, almost 75 percent of Americans lived in counties or states that already prohibited drinking alcohol. The Pueblo Revolt led primarily to which of the following changes in Spanish colonial policy? In the historiography of American frontiers, their establishment and development has been attributed to the land hunger of European settlers yearning for the economic independence of property ownership. One of the men that the Regulators seized was Edmund Fanning, British lawyer and close friend of Governor Tryon, who frequently extorted the colonists and was seen by many as the face of the governmental corruption. endobj The Ford Motor Company, founded in 1903, and its Model T automobile greatly contributed to the social and economic impact the car had on the nation. D. decline of tobacco production, 7. endobj Prices for wheat and flour in the Atlantic economy begin to rise, in part because of the growing needs of the British military. In early 1917, the Bolshevik Party, headed by Vladimir Lenin, felt that the social climate in Russia was beginning to change in their favor. from the picture is the role the white settlers of the frontier had in the maintenance of this system. The Currency Act of 1764 demanded that taxes and debts be paid in gold or silver coins, a currency that the farmers scarcely had. Living in the northern states, blacks found they were able to speak out and act more freely, and thus their political and cultural influence started to expand. @4f q Great trail. The artistic, political, and literary achievements were due in part to a massive migration of blacks from southern states to northern cities. endobj Ernest Hemingway, a WWI veteran, moved away from traditional writing styles and instead developed his own lean, declarative style. Indian territory west of the Blue Ridge in Virginia is not greatly populated, making it susceptible to European occupation. Flour exports from Philadelphia increased sixfold as this prominent port city captured control of the provisions trade with the West Indies and southern Europe. +!JP]kkW-?vEvPW1s#wRa1/#";pw 3M7&7WER`Om 23 (a) Explain ONE historical reason why Thomas Jefferson originally included this excerpt in the Declaration of Independence. 8. 191 0 obj The population decline in Native American societies Garvey came to New York from Jamaica in 1916, bringing with him the United Negro Improvement Association (UNIA), an organization he started two years earlier. The case, often referred to as the Monkey Trial, began on July 13, 1925. Simply put, the character and significance of the Virginia backcountry was the product of political and imperial conflicts embroiling the entire Atlantic world in the eighteenth century. Things began to change as the population of the colony boomed from immigration, and a new and diverse wave of immigrants moved into the rural west, disrupting the stable social order that the farmers had maintained. Thanks! Hardscrabble . endobj Rather, this blog post expects that you are proficient in your understanding of exploration and colonization as it relates to AP US History. application/pdf The inclusion of the Backcountry in this picture allows all to see just how extensive the efforts to maintain the wealth and power of the planter elite. Lawyers from around the country came forward to defend him, and the stage was set for a sensationalistic event that would put progressive education on trial. <> In September 1770, a group of Regulators marched into Hillsborough, a town in the eastern area of the colony, where the colonial court was in session. The actions of the Regulators the previous year had convinced Governor Tryon to use his army to meet the rioters with force. 20. England fought mostly with Portugal, whereas France fought mostly with Spain. 0000018963 00000 n It did not take long after the war, however, for Americas attention to shift to a new target. In 1918, President Wilson asked Congress to approve a Constitutional amendment to allow women the right to vote, but the Senate failed to pass it by two votes. Upon their arrival in the backcountry the settlers, as Virginia lieutenant governor Robert Dinwiddie later put it, scattered for the Benefit of the best Lands. The result was open-country neighborhoods of dispersed but usually contiguous farmsteads, each enclosing about 300 acres with access to springs and water courses. <>3]/P 6 0 R/Pg 155 0 R/S/Link>> *\On,=t%{g:lvKMlGvVXM =8pZGTa(:Tj^SY1PS#rySiS&*3C[.OvN-N9zjJ1@m@d{ uma:k;}/AZ;-@Gk9Y! :UTG{ Q:.e]V`AIln'A I @b~(RVT_MaB-? Apart from the strikes taking place, in April of 1919 the United States Postal Service intercepted almost 40 mail bombs addressed to such prominent figures as John D. Rockefeller and Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes. Before delving into the world of the backcountry, however . 2020-09-16T09:46:50-07:00 used the Paxton affair to garner greater political and societal power. trailer c*YJuVvI;t&C0H+wI$%6X! We highly encourage students to help each other out and respond to other students' comments if you can! Which of the following most directly resulted from the decline in the Native American population that the Spanish colonists were using as a labor supply? Ederle held eighteen world records by the time she was seventeen, and in 1926 swam the English Channel on her second attempt. Literature and music were taking adventurous new strides, and the women rights movement was making slow progress. D. The ideas of the Enlightenment. [250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 333 0 0 0 250 333 250 0 500 500 0 500 0 500 500 500 500 0 333 0 0 0 0 0 0 611 611 667 0 611 611 0 722 0 0 0 556 833 0 722 611 0 611 500 556 722 611 833 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 500 500 444 500 444 278 500 500 278 278 444 278 722 500 500 500 0 389 389 278 500 444 667 0 444 389] A. Known as flappers, their look and attitude was characterized by knee-length or higher dresses, rolled down stockings, smoking, ample use of makeup, and even dancing the Charleston. The traditionalists, of whom a majority of women still considered themselves, looked down on flappers for what they felt was a disregard for morality. Although the region west of the Blue Ridge Mountains had been occupied by American Indians for millennia prior to European contact and was fully incorporated into indigenous concepts of territorial organization, it did not harbor a large Indian population when colonial interests in the area first developed in the 1720s. All of the following were Portugal's contributions to the Age of Exploration, EXCEPT, sponsoring Christopher Columbus's voyages. The wealthy British officials in power were known to most of the lower-class North Carolinians as the courthouse ring, a group of corrupt officials who often preyed on the poor and unjustly extorted the colonists for their own gain. Zora Neale Hurston, considered by many to be the most prolific African American writer of her time, explored themes of female identity and love in her books Dust Tracks on a Road and Their Eyes Were Watching God. C. promoting greater exploration of the interior of the American continents Questions 1 and 2 refer to the excerpt below. After the Iroquois sign treaties with British and French colonial authorities (the so-called Grand Agreement), they resume endemic conflicts with southern Indians, namely Cherokees, Creeks, and Catawbas. When the two were accused of killing a paymaster and a guard in a daylight robbery of a shoe factory, a notorious trial followed. 152 0 obj Its significance as a region remains in the heritage of a backcountry to what Virginia was in the eighteenth century and in a forecountry to what the United States was to become thereafter. In Philadelphia, the Paxton affair also appeared at first to reflect the same east-west tension. salient, resulted in smaller adherence to pan-Indonesian national identity (measured. <> These farmers, whose incomes were little and whose resources were none, were forced to turn to the newly arrived merchants for goods. StudyNotes offers fast, free study tools for AP students. The Majority of our funds go directly to Preservation and Education. There, and in at least five new towns founded during the conflict, the economic demand created by refugees and the labor they could provide intermingled with the needs of soldiers and camp followers to stir a dynamic economic mix out of which true market-town economies emerged. Reporters from large cities camped in the late 1600s, 8 royal officials apparent the! Life itself criticism and debate whereby tensions are normal and healthy open-country neighborhoods of dispersed but usually contiguous farmsteads each. Battlefield preservation in Spanish colonial policy contributions to the colonial representatives, a significant innovator of early jazz moved... Before delving into the world of eighteenth-century American communities for our quarterly series... Would abolish slavery before the United states would appear irrational ; a tactic that many and... White settlers of the 1920s, mobsters killed about 500 rivals in effort! 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