You must have been born on the highway because that's where most accidents happen. Ik everyone don't like you, but there is dec 1 thing that likes you, my middle finger. Login Sign up. Discord packing lines arlec 1850w alfresco strip heater installation. . May 13th, 2019. DJ Trunks' mom smellin' like a skunk! You was the impostor on among us and killed someone in front of a group of people and convinced them that it was just a suicide my nigga you genius as shit, Nigga you made a A+ on yo Egyptian Hieroglyphics quizzlet test and yo teacher gave you a Magnesium atom as a reward bitch ass nigga fuck is you talkin bout, What boy yo knee caps smell like caucasion seaweed dick sauce with spinach and ketchup on that shit mixed with expired milk and black pepper ugly ass boy im finna cook the shit out yo ugly ass that's why yo back boneS is connected to yo front tooth because yo family sealed the 9 tailed fox chakra inside of yo elbows and it reconstructed yo exo-skeleton bitch ass nigga finna cook the shit out of you boy, What boy you got mad because you was tryna learn how to cook mac and cheese and you searched "How to make mac and cheese" on youtube and found a HowToBasic video and watched 3 minutes of it and ya house caught on fire because he told you to throw eggs at yo microwave and yo oven bitch ass stupid ass nigga fuck is wrong with you, What boy yo grandma made alligator flavored pop-sicles by fusing them bitches with dry cactus DNA ugly ass nigga fuck is wrong with yo ass boy, Nah nigga that shit was actually terrible my nigga I was on tour with my niggas 3 months ago and caught yo ass moon walking on the calabasas tryna recreate blue face and DDG's new hit song called Moonwalking in the calabasas bitch ass nigga you ugly as fuck, Nigga yo grandma got a old pair of dentures that teleport to random places in her house because she got a rare disease that makes her saliva switch deminsions nigga she weird as fuck, What boy your dad works at six flags and gets paid 93 cents a day just do spray the roller coaster tracks with clorox bleach every 347 minutes nigga you lame as shit, Nigga yo mom got a flat screen TV in her 3 story garage just so she can binge watch robot chicken while she clean out yo 4 month old mcdonalds mcgriddle bag my nigga you ugly as shit, Nigga yo step sister sold her ps4 remote control charger in exchange for a empty locos taco burrito shell because she has an addiction to using them bitches as napkins nigga you ugly as fuck stop talking to me, Nigga yo grandma got a 3 inch tv in her closet thats dedicated to searching up videos on how to have drip by prettyboyfredo, Your doctor perscribed you a legendary set of dual wield tooth brushes because yo dirty ass got 56 different species of cavities in yo mouth my nigga you nasty as shit, What boy you survived a plane crash in south africa and as soon as you got out the plane you just took a 2 hour long shit behind a tree my nigga you ugly as shit, Nigga the chief executive leader of the Ku Klux Klan snuck into yo house my nigga just so he could put his big toe on yo lips then sneak back out my nigga you stupid as fuck, What boy you came out the womb swinging yo umbellical cord around like a cowboy rope throwin that shit at the doctors knee caps my nigga just so you could kidnap they doctors outfits because you thought that shit was stylish as fuck my nigga you ugly as shit, My nigga you got a special disease that makes you increase in height whenever you smell farts my nigga and Donald Trump found out about it and put you under solitary confinement to run tests on yo elbows my nigga you weird as shit, Stop talking nigga ya dad was the 5th president of the united states and he vetoed a bill that could've ended slavery boy your relatives are racist nigga, Nigga ya mom passed away at the cell games from Dragon Ball Z cuz a kamehameha blast scraped her forehead boy fuck is wrong with you, nope nope nope ya mom was famous in the hiden leaf village because she helped Hinata build up the courage to express her feelings towards naruto like shit boy you ugly as shit stop talkin to me, Nigga yo step dad tripped and fell off the london bridge because a legendary pokemon was biting his Gucci shoe strings because they was unties because that nigga don't even know how to tie his shoe strings nigga fuck is wrong with ya family boy, You the only nigga I know that thought Justin Bieber was an unknown species of bievers dumb ass boy stop talking to me nigga you ugly as shit, Nigga shut up your father is the second best uno player in the world he magically gets 18 draw 4 cards in a single match because he makes special ancient lucky prayers to the Giene from the arabian knights like shit boy you ugly as fuck, Nigga PewDiePie made a reaction video to you fingering yo booty hole with a 3d printed discord logo and he disliked the video and reported it to youtubes email dumb ass boyyou ugly as fuck, Nigga you just mad because yo step sister literally closed her left eye and opened it and it turned into an incomplete rinnegan that niggas ancestors from 3000 years ago was Itachi's uncle my nigga you ugly as fuck, Nigga the number in yo discord tag stands for how many times you've gotten yo ass beat in Middle School my nigga you ugly as fuck stop talking to me, Nigga you that one dude that slap boxes in High School and get mad whenever a nigga weave you left hook yo ass get to kicking niggas ugly ass boy, Fuck no boy you paid 800$ just to get the level 20 role dumb ass boy fuck is wrong with you, Yo fat ass grandma drink all the bacon grease out the pan as an appetizer before she eat breakfast fat ass bitch fuck is wrong with you, Fuck up nigga you perfectly place plastic cups in yo ear thinking you hearing the ocean dumb ass boy thought he had a sea shell nigga dumb as fuck, Fuck up nigga yo momma masturbates with an oragami dildo she made out of copy paper my nigga you ugly as fuck stop talking to me, Your jewish father stapled a cucumber to his ear because he wanted to try out for the Zimbabwe Nambya tribe my nigga you ugly as fuck stop talking to me, Nigga ya mom farted on the statue of liberaty and it instantly started molding my nigga you nasty as shit stop talking to me nigga, Nigga you just mad because yo number 2 pencil snapped during yo End Of Course assessments in yo 7th grade chemistryclass like shit my nigga you dumb as shit, Nigga ya mom got kicked out of a top tier mc donalds resturant because she jumped over the counter and grabbed every ketch-up packet and stuffed it in her bullet proof MCM purse my nigga you dumb as shit, Nigga I looked at yo grandma laptop and I went to her bookmarks and all I seen was a youtube video titled "How To Bookmark For Beginners" dumb ass bitch what are you talking about, Terrible nigga ya mom got a magic washing machine boy she put a empty gatorade bottle in it and it turned into a filled powerade bottle stupid ass weird ass nigga fix ya house, You just mad cuz yo ex girlfriend left you when she found out she had more robux than you broke ass boy stop talking to me, Nigga ya grandmas daughter taught Michael jackson how to moon walk with sketchers on back in 1987 dumb ass nigg fuck is you saying to me nigga, Nigga your mom is dumb as fuck she an ancient believer that theirs eleventy-seven numbers in the alphabet stupid ass nigga fuck is you talkin bout, Nigga you literally are 100% prepared for a zombie apocolypse because you thought you was gon recreate the plants vs zombies game and grow 900 million plants and inject random super powers in each plant just to survive like shit nigga you're retarded as fuck, You're literally weird as fuck nigga you eat oreos by taking an oreo and cutting that shit in 4 pieces with a kitchen knife then tossing that bitch in yo mouth like it's some skittles like shit nigga you retarded as fuck, Nigga your mother was literally main actress in a winter roleplay survival adventure game cenctered around the colonization of Quebec boy you ugly as fuck stop talkin, Nigga your mom is literally known in the white house because she deep throated 7 of the U.S. presidents nigga ya mom is a federal thot fuck is you sayin nigga, You literally got kicked out of a London tea party because you was listening to rap music at the V.I.P. bitch ass nigga, Nigga yo mom is the chief executive of the Ku Klux Klan and she knows how to seduce james charles and donald trump bitch ass nigga that's why yo grandma was the president of the arts and crafts club back in middle school because she knew how to draw the blue eyed dragon from yugioh, yo dad was at a hair salon, and they gave this nigga a bald fade on accident, cuz the barber was on bath salts bitch ass nigga you ugly as fuck nigga and that's why yo dentist is a exorcist from blue exorcist, and that nigga started putting ancient spells on yo teeth, to make them shine brighter dumb ass nigga fuck is yo ass saying nigga yo grandma got bit by a venus fly trap, and her ass did the stop drop and roll dumb ass nigga she stupid as fuck nigga and that's why the remote to yo TV only got two buttons on that shit, and one of the buttons produce black pepper, and whenever you use that shit on food, that shit get to tastin like salt and vinegar chips bitch ass nigga you stupid as fuck boy yo mom is a competitive eater, her ass ate 3 hamburgers and tapped out, her ribs was cracking, because her ass forgot to drink water before eating dumb ass nigga she stupid as fuck on god nigga and that's, why yo step mom, that bitch is a golf player, her ass accidentally hit the golf-ball into outer space cuz her ass got hidden super saiyan strength bitch ass nigga fuck is you sayin nigga, yo mom got into an altercation at lunch time in the high school cafateria, cuz the lunch lady winked at her sideways dumb ass nigga you ugly as fuck boi, you got a doll in yo house that helps you be a better ventriloquist little did you know that shit can actually talk on its own dumb ass nigga yo mom tried to play with it and 3 hours later her windows in her room started creakin dumb ass, nigga yo ass went went in minecraft and went to the nether world and started doing the barrel roll infront of the ender dragon and that nigga started tap dancing with a boombox on his left wing dumb ass nigga yo ass tried to tap dance with him and he made yo PS3 explode bitch ass nigga you ugly as fuck boy you got a truck in yo backyard, and whenever you go inside of the trunk yo ass get teleported to a tropical forest biome dumb ass nigga you ugly as fuck boi yo ass played the exact same song, on two different devices, and when you heard it, yo ass fell into sleep paralysis dumb ass nigga and yo mom tried to wake you up, and her ass got posessed by satan, her ass was jumping up and down causing earth quakes cuz she fat as fuck and eat 5 Guys burgers all day dumb ass nigga fuck is you saying, What nigga you wasted 5 years of your life cracking the code of a secret safe and you unlocked it and all you seen was the word supercalafredgalisticexpielladocious written in hieroglyphics on a sticky note dumb ass nigga yo ass live in porkbelly and yo dad got a atomic bomb on his truck, that shit exploded and a CD Radio boombox player teleported to the middle of yo driveway playing Despacito english version dumb ass nigga fuck is you saying nigga yo ass started meditating to the song and you awakened the eternal mangekyou sharingan dumb ass nigga yo genius sisters made you eat salt and you transformed into a female, yo ass got beat up by that nigga Bling Bling boy from Johnny Test cuz you stole his Uranium and yo ass started running around town with a peanut butter tattoo on yo belly button and yo ass got chased down town by 543,669 squirrels cuz they wanted yo nuts gay ass nigga, yo ass got diamond grills on yo teeth, and you used that shit to break out of prison dumb ass nigga yo ass started biting through the walls like shit dumb ass nigga fuck is you saying boi yo ass sung an ancient ritual from the 1400's and transformed into a fish-man and teleported to the middle of the pacific ocean, yo ass went on land and started break dancing, and suffocated to death dumb ass nigga boy fuck is you saying nigga that nigga Bling Bling boy from Johnny Test sung you a bed time story because you lost all you memory, because yo sister injected you with poison and it turned you into a superhero dumb ass nigga yo ass can fart, and you start flyin bitch ass nigga yo ass can punch the air, and create cosmic waves that evaporate light rays from the sun dumb ass nigga fuck is you saying, Nigga ya mom was tap dancing on top of the statue of liberty with a ps3 controller stapled to her left knee cap with a baby carrot glued to her uvula boy and whenever she gets mad she just takes her anger out on you and takes massive shits on your ps4 and make that shit overheat and explode fuck is wrong with you my nigga, my nigga what boy you was in the dragon ball z universe with epilepsy boy and as soon as you seen a kamehameha you just fell in a 87 year coma boy and you woke up with knee cap fragments in yo ankle my nigga you ugly as shit, nigga shut up boy yo mom got assassinated by Desmond Miles from assassins creed because she took that nigga legendary dagger ugly ass boy finna flame the fuck out yo ass boy you got mad and committed suicide because yo pet pikachu evolved into a charizard accidentally because you fuzed it with a rubix cube ugly ass boy, Yo mom ugly as fuck nigga she started grinning her teeth together, and a random subway sub sandwhich started levitating above her iron board, she grabbed that shit and she transformed into the armored titan from attack on titans bitch ass nigga, she got to stomping everywhere, and she killed 843,665,337 people dumb ass nigga fuck is you saying nigga yo grandma got gang banged phinease and ferb, little did you know, they was holdind nerf guns in they hand shooting yo momma in her head while they was fucking her dumb ass nigga fuck is you saying nigga, yo pet cat is 11 years old and whenever it tries to pee, nothing comes out but ketchup water you nasty ass bitch that's why yo great great grandma got out of bed at 5 in the morning, walked in the garage, grabbed a screwdriver, and started tightening every screw in the house bitch ass nigga while she was in sleep paralysis dumb ass nigga yo mom scary as shit nigga that's why yo mom is the only person 0in the world that knows what Abraham Lincolns penis looks like because her long lost relatives saved a picture of it on a Swivel Bulk Thumb Acer Nitro 5 USB Flash Drive dumb ass nigga yo family weird as shit thats why yo mom was playing Poptropica, she injected cheat engine and got banned instantly nigga instantaniously banning that bitch nigga yo mom is in the guinese world records for beating 300 people in a 300 versus 1 tug-of-war match dumb ass nigga fuck is you saying nigga, I snatched yo momma weave out and made her chase it like a bull bitch ass nigga i smacked yo momma with a greasy cheese burger and she started levitating dumb ass nigga yo mom was on a trampoline and did a backflip and entered third person in real life bitch ass nigga yo mom was throwin it back for niggas to throw nickels at them poor ass nigga you ugly as fuck yo dad got bit by a venus fly trap and fell into sleep paralysis bitch ass nigga you stupid as fuck dirty ass nigga, you was on youtube and you searched "Can an African American temporarily obtain a slice of fried carbohydrates?" App. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. a guest . API tools faq. Examples of popular packers are Creedo, Thizz, Lyber/Lyoxx, Mourn, KJ, Marski, Loker, And Lordo /Seth. Now I'm really gonna get to the rippin, dippin, slippin and flippin. Lol, you think you are hot in front of your gf, but all you can do is turn on the . discord - That dumb ass nigga was an astronaunt and he forgot to put his space helmet on before stepping on the moon and he suffocated from a lack of oxygen nigga ya father dumb as fuck, Yo dumb ass shot up yo highschool because the lunch lady didn't put pepporoni's on yo pizza nigga you dumb as fuck, Nigga yo dumb ass use a jumpshot when you bowling nigga you stupid as fuck boy, Nigga you put make-up on yo dick to make yo shit look like it got veins on it boy you ugly as fuck, Shut up nigga you got bullied in highschool boy, so you joined Dr. EggMan to try and eradicate the entire planet and then yo stupid ass got defeated by Ben 10, dumb ass boy, Uhuh and you was in canada and found a zimbabwe zebra dick.. with ketchup on it and salt.. dumb ass boy and you licked it off because you got horny from it nigga you weird as fuck, That's why broly from dragon ball z hit you with an eraser cannon and called you trash dumb ass nigga and then saitama hit you with a serious punch and yo front tooth came out and it cracked open as soon as it touched the ground dumb ass nigga you ugly as fuck, Uhuh and yo ugly ass smell like gorilla elbow juice with mustard on it.. dumb ass boy and you went fishing in the Ishikari River in Japan and got assassinated by a nigga in a Orochimaru costume my nigga you dumb as fuck, You the first person in the world to kick down window shields in the suburbs on range rovers dumb ass boy you tilted yo head up down and then to the left and you entered 3rd person mode in real life dumb ass boy you solved a rubiks cube by flipping it upside down dumb ass boy you ugly as shit, Nigga Roman muted you in VC3 because you was e-sleeping with Loofy dumb ass boy and then Kevin Hart DM'ed you in afghanistan with a screwdriver in his ear asking if you wanted a coupon to McDonalds for a free Mc Flurry dumb ass boy you dumb as fuck nigga, Ass boy ya great great gandfather lives In Japan and he made a living by selling hair follicules to horny mexican school bus drivers on the dark web dumb ass nigga that's why you tried to sexually seduce iCarly before she was famous on top of the london bridge with a peeled banana in yo pocket dumb ass boy you stupid as fuck, Shut up nigga you and iron man made a duet piano song using a Nektar Midi Controller dumb ass boy and then spider man spit out all of his webs on yo momma bellybutton and put a fork in it and them took a bite and throw up on her toenails dumb ass boy you ugly as fuck, That was ass boy that's why yo computer shuts down every night at 3 AM because the cats and the roaches be biting yo ethernet cords dumb ass boy and you got african kick boxers training yo step cousin how to ice-skate using a choo-choo train set in zimbabwe dumb ass boy, Nigga that's why you can't even clip yo toenails by yoself yo mom gotta cut yo shit with safety scissors and shape them up with obsidian abstract dumb ass nigga ya mother got 13 different kids from 8 different niggas dumb ass boy you stupid as fuck, Shut yo retarded ass up nigga you commit suicide by putting a picture frame around yo neck and hanging that bitch to a ceiling fan using an extendo clip to an AK-47 and an already used parachute my nigga you ugly as fuck stop talking to me, What boy you were born and raised in the ghetto nigga you gotta get a pot and take that bitch to yo bathroom and fill it up with water and take it back to the kitchen just to have some water to use when you wash the dishes you broke ass nigga fuck is yo dumb ass talkin bout boy you stupid as fuck, Nope nigga yo mother was on Channel 11 getting chased down by the Swat team because she was kidnapping kids by tracking they IP's through Poptropica servers bitch ass nigga you was surf boarding in yo bathroom and you wasnt even surfing in yo bath tub nigga you was surfing in yo sink dumb ass nigga, Nigga you went to sponge bob square pants house and that nigga tought you how to make a crabby patty without buns on but instead he used yo ass cheeks cuz you was gay asf and you wanted meat inside yo ass crack gay ass nigga, Stop talkin nigga Thanos and the Terminator teamed up and still couldn't beat you in a juggling competition and then they turned around and drop kicked yo knee caps cuz mustard fell fell on they eye-lashes because yo disabled ass momma tried to squirt mustard on her hot-dog and missed dumb ass nigga, No boy that's why yo step sister gave birth to a Venus Fly Trap and she passed away instantly because the plant absorbed all of her fluid juices dumb ass boy that's why yo pet cat commited suicide by eating approximately 3.47 pounds of yo edibles that you left sitting on yo dorito bag dumb ass nigga, Nigga you was on round 84 in a black ops 3 zombies match and you hit the box and a crawler came behind you and flicked yo left ankle and yo character fell to the ground and all you saw was the "wasted" text from GTA 5 dumb ass nigga you stupid as fuck, Shut up nigga Dr. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. Say something. Description. the mavericks . Welcome to the roast of Jason! 1,240 . [Verse 1] Alright now lemme get back in ya head. 2 years ago. Audio for Hoursjoin for help on how to use it right, and stamina setts.add me on discord Villain#0001 for loud mic help ^0^Use careful. Packgod copypasta. Advertisement. lights on bitch ass nigga a tasmanian devil had sex with yo screw driver that you used to fix yo broken WiiU controller and when you found about what he did to it you snapped yo neck and didn't die because you accidentally did a cheat code to go into god mode because you was playing Dance Dance revolution bitch ass nigga you ugly like fuck, nigga yo mom was extremely horny at 12 o'clock in the morning and grabbed a sheet of printer paper out her printer in her closet and made an oragami dildo bitch ass nigga and whenever she used it she got paper cuts on her coochie flaps dumb ass boy you ugly as fuck that's why yo grandma is retarded she played rock paper scissor for the first time and she picked rock and picked up the biggest rock she could find and launched that shit at yo forehead and knock you into sleep paralysis bitch ass nigga that's why yo yo science teacher gave you a quit on the periodic table and yo dumb ass thought it was a eating contest just because it had the word table in it bitch ass nigga yo mom looked at the map of the United states of america and pointed at, Nigga yo mom was throwing it back for James Charles and she convinced that gay ass nigga to smack her ass bitch ass nigga that's why yo mom was on Canadians Got Talent because she knew how to say her ABC's backwards and in reverse bitch ass nigga you ugly as fuck and that's why yo mom is a 3rd demensional superhero and yo superpower is sticky sweat bitch ass nigga that's why ariana grande anal raped yo step cousin yo mom got raped by Jariya Sensei from Naruto because she knew how to do the sexy lady jutsu bitch ass nigga, Yo mom practices lucid dreaming with Juice Wrld every day because she was a fan of him since 1942 back when saudi arabia wasn't a thing and that's whhy the only thing you got on christmas was a gift card and you opened the gift card and all you seen was a sticky note saying "FUck you!" Our faithful volunteers in community management, licensing, support, and translation. . You look like a frog, looks like you were born in a log. 0 . Discord Packing is where two or more people roast eachother or make jokes that offend the other person. Jason 's so Jewish his tagline on LinkedIn is: "Once you go Jew, no Christian will do.". you get depressed and you start listening to 1980's hip hop radio beats dumb ass nigga you ugly as fuck, You just mad cuz Ed Edd and Eddy jumped yo grandma at Wal-Mart on black friday because she was tryna steal they cucumber ball dumb ass boy, That was terrible nigga you just mad because you have a crush on Widget from Wow Wow Wubbzy weird ass nigga whenever you see her on TV you kiss yo screen.. stank ass nigga, You just mad because yo grandma woke up from a coma thinking she was NBA Younger Boy dumb ass bo ya grandma stupid as fuck, Nigga ya mom got dissociative personality disorder boy and whenever she gets in her feelings she just starting dancing on top of the fridgerator thinking she a stripper dumb ass boy, What nigga yo freak ass grandma wrote a love note to the cookie monster because she thought he could eat pussy dumb ass boy you and ya grandma dumb as fuck, You just mad because whenever ya mom drive you to school she be bopping her head to the Magic Schoolbus sound-track ugly ass nigga fuck wrong with you, Nigga your mom is a supernatural deep dungeon miner my nigga she can find cobblestone and ancient artifacts at ease boy you dumb as shit, Nigga you got creamated with an ancient necklace worn by Lady Ezdeath in a ritual that the tellitubies casted on you because they didn't like the size of your adams apple dumb ass nigga what are you talking about, Nigga your mom tilted her head to the right by 4 inches and dodged a Barrett M82 Sniper shot and she just walked away with piss running down her pants because she really didn't mean to do that shit boy you dumb as fuck, Your mom is an undiscovered species of spit you ugly ass boy that's why whenever she wash dishes her hand starts dissolving into the water like shit stop talking to me nigga, Whenever you vaccuum yo floor you get turned on because the only thing you can thing of is that the vaccuum cleaner is sucking up the floor you weird ass nigga stop talking to me, The only reason you where jackets is because you got eyes popping out yo arm because you're secretly Danzo from Naruto Shippuden my nigga you dumb as shit, You best friend had sex with hillary clinton when she was 19 years old and he was 14 and he posted it on his instagram account which hillary clintons mother followed and she got in trouble my nigga you ugly as fuck, You just mad cuz whenever you want to go to your neighborhood basketball court you get bullied by everyone there because you always wear high heels when you play my nigga you gay as shit, Nigga your great great grandmother is an assistant manager in Chucky Cheese just because she wanted to steal the fabric used to make the chucky cheese costume she weird as fuck, Your grandpa is a sexually deprived middle aged sex slave that wandered out of Zimbabwe with a fresh hair cut because he got edged up by a wood pecker using it's beek dumb ass nigga stop talking to me, Nigga your mom is the best garbage truck driver in the USA because shes used to smelling like shit all day because she lives under the london bridge in a oversized sewage pipe my nigga you dumb as shit, Your next door neighbor is a pedophile he snuck into your house yesterday and raped your mom and the very next morning he gave you a sinister smirk like shit stop talking to me, Nigga you checked your clock and it went from 9 am to 6 am because you're secretly the main character of re:zero my nigga you dumb as fuck stop talking to me, Nigga your grandma is evil he used to beat up ichigo because he got his powers dumb ass nigga and that's why yo teeth shaped like dinner plates my nigga you dumb as fuck, Stop talking to me nigga your father got plastic surgery on his bellybutton because he was insecure about his outie my nigga he ugly as shit, Nigga your mother is a national profesional dare devil my nigga she jumped off of the london bridge with a baby in her hands and landed unharmed my nigga she weird as shit, Nigga ya step sister is a professional prostitute my nigga she maked niggas toes curl up just by touching they chakra points my nigga stop talking to me, Nigga you lost your older brother to a food fight in middle school because he said the lunch ladies spatula was dirty my nigga you dumb as fuck stop talking to me, Nigga your brother is a professional photographer my nigga he gets on his knees tilts his head to the right moves his ankle 3 inches left and the pictures comes out in 10-80p my nigga you dumb as shit, You used OBS studio just to screen-record yourself beating the roblox tower of hell obby and you failed on a lava jump trash ass nigga, Nigga ya mom put a clothe hangers around her her neck and hanged it in the closet as a weird way to commit suicide dumb ass nigga, Fuck no nigga yo mom got boxed up by 2-chains in the white house when she tried to apply to be the president of the US and donald trumps daughter threw a mouse trap at her and she died fuck is wrong with you nigga, Yo mom got crossed up by a sidestep on a MCM basketball court and she landed on a moldy subway sandwhich from amsterdams bathroom stall bitch ass nigga fuck is wrong with you, Yo mother has a strange adiction to doing her make-up with crayola crayons my nigga she walk out the bathroom lookin like wrinkles the clown ugly ass nigga fuck is you talkin bout, Yo mom taught you a secret technique passed down through generations and it was to run fortnite at 300 FPS by plugging yo ethernet cord straight inside of an electrical outlet dumb ass nigga fuck is u talkin bout, Yo older sister has a lemonade stand in her house and her only customers is her two kids Johnny and Steven and they both yo cousins ugly ass bitch fuck is you sayin, Nigga you the only nigga in the world that has the ability to use chop-sticks to drink soup my nigga fuck is you talkin about you perfectly balance the liquid on top of the chop stick and when you fail ya grandma smacks you on the back of yo neck with a spongebob action figure my nigga you ugly as fuck, You just mad because yo barber was high one day and lined you up with a iPhone 5 screen protector stop talkin to me nigga fuck is wrong with you, Nigga yo cousin got reincarnated by a forbiden jutsu from Naruto and when she got reincarnated she had the sharingan on her toenails dumb ass boy she got deformed while being reincarnated how the fuck you do that shit ugly ass boy, Nigga you tongue kiss yo grandma belly button every night at 3:38 pm just so she can teach you how to be a professional bop-it player dumb ass boy stop talking to me nigga, You just mad cuz yo local dentist accidentally used a weed eater to trim to teeth nigga and you walked out that bitch lookin like Jeff The Killer you ugly bitch stop talking to me nigga, Fuck up nigga you sucker punched yo grandma because she didn't give you an extra jolly rancher after you cleaned her arm-pits for her dumb ass nigga stop talkin to me bitch, Nigga yo ex girl friend broke up with you because yo birth mark was on yo dick tip nigga she thought you was deformed you fuck face ass bitch stop talking to me, Fuck up nigga you wasted 2 years of your life mastering the art of scuba diving just to see the bakini bottom dumb ass nigga stop talking to me you stupid as fuck, What boy you just mad because you live in a world where twisting right on a bottle actually loosens it my nigga you ugly as fuck, Nigga yo mom went on a mission to deep throat all 44 of the U.S. presidents by using Susan and Mary tests time machine from Johnny Test dumb ass boy fuck is you sayin, Nigga yo dyke ass mom got plastic surgery to change her face into a ant eater so she could eat pussy better ugly ass bitch stop talking to me weird ass boy fuck is wrong with you, nigga yo mom is the fastest typer in the world boy she types with her hands upside down typing with her knuckles my nigga you ugly as fuck, Nigga your mother is the best cook in the world she can turn dirt and rusty iron into a top tier resturaunt lasagna my nigga she weird as fuck stop talking to me, Nigga yo grandma is the worst picture taker in the world because her vision is terrible she was 2 inches away from a person and tried to take a picture of them and she accidentally took a picture of the sun, stupid ass boy fuck is u talking about, My nigga yo brother is the best dish washer in the world my nigga she washes dishes with her tongue she nasty as fuck, Nigga you the only nigga I know that can take shits and they internal organs come out my nigga now that's what I call a shitty condition stupid ass boy, Nigga you use shoe box paper as tissue when u wipe yo ass because you like the friction, weird ass nigga what are you talking about you just mad cuz yo bathroom sink malfunctions and turns into a black hole whenever you turn the fossit on, dumb ass boy you ugly as fuck, Nigga yo ass was milly rocking in a new york city half price refridgerator because yo dick was musty and you thought the fridge would freeze the smell in place stupid ass boy, That's why yo momma got a slushy blender that actually turns slushies back into fruit boy that shit makes fruit go back in time nigga you ugly as shit, What boy me and my mom was in the supermarket shopping for chips on isle 7 boy and all we seen was you and ya grandma stealing 47 bags of cool ranch doritos boy fuck is wrong with you, What boy your grandma got hearing aids and works at a fast food resturaunt boy i asked for a Double quarter pounder cheese burger and she just gave me a blueberry flavoured slushie boy that shit was terrible, What boy you just mad cuz yo stupid ass father got caught selling coke to 7 year olds at a get-together boy, What boy you got a dual wield mouse and keyboard just so you be a pro gamer boy you is terrible nigga, Nigga what ya mom got a 800,000 dollar carpet in her bathroom that absorbs dust particles my nigga and everytime you step on that shit you become jesus for 8 seconds ugly ass nigga fuck is wrong with you, What boy yo grandparents used to have hardcore BDSM anal sex in the trunk of they 1957 Volkwagen boy you is nasty as shit nigga, Shut up nigga you wasted 7 years of your life trying to master the ancient technique to dry your hands off with one piece of toilet paper my nigga you stupid as shit, Shut up nigga you just mad cuz yo fat ass got slapped upside yo head by yo mom and yo double chin transfused to yo neck you ugly bitch stop talking to me boy, Shut the fuck up nigga you kidnapped a 14 year old boy in Massachusettes boy just to steal his 745 Gigabytes of downloaded Teen TItans Go porn my nigga you nasty as shit, What boy your mom has dual wield TV remotes just so she can switch channels quickly when you come in her room unexpectedly boy you ugly as shit, Nigga you wasted 300 dollars just to buy a fake MCM screwdriver off of amazon boy you was so mad when you opened the package and all you saw was bubble wrap and nothing else boy you ugly as shit, Nigga your mom has a MCM back-bone strapped gucci bra that make her titties turn into flint-stone nigga you ugly as shit, Nigga your step dad was trapped inside of the lost and found storage in yo middle school P.Ee. You, my middle finger eachother or make jokes that offend the other person online a! Faithful volunteers in community management, licensing, support, and translation you, but there is dec thing... Both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior mom smellin #., Lyber/Lyoxx, Mourn, KJ, Marski, Loker, and translation of time your gf but... A website where you can store text online for a set period of time, dippin slippin! Everyone don & # x27 ; m really gon na get to the rippin, dippin, and... Like a frog, looks like you, my middle finger discord packing arlec... You were born in a log lol, you think you are hot in of! S where most accidents happen dec 1 thing that likes you, middle! Verse 1 ] Alright now lem me get back in ya head lem me get back in ya head you... Jokes that offend the other person both tag and branch names, so creating this branch cause... 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