I have to say though that youve done all of the hard work, but its pretty amazing what can be achieved! 101Questions Answered About Separating With Children, https://www.gov.uk/legal-aid/domestic-abuse-or-violence, https://1gu3xt3qq8id2mr6f51sklsr-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/FLP_Factsheet_-_Arrangements_for_the_children_following_relationship_breakdown.pdf, https://find-legal-advice.justice.gov.uk/, Ships that pass in the night Working out child arrangements when you work shifts, Communicating with a co-parent post Child Arrangements Order. Can you clarify which city? The father has entered a court application and has lied on this but we have no one to turn to for advice. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Now that we are separated, what are the chances of that happening again? IDAS is the largest specialist charity in Yorkshire supporting people affected by domestic abuse and sexual violence. It gathers information on user's interaction with the SurveyMonkey- Widget on the website. Lines open: Monday to Friday 9am-5pm Call for FREE expert advice & service info We had an agreement yesterday and he should call his son with video on Wedneday evening and visit him to take him to the local park on Sunday afternoon, while Cafcass is investigating to do a section 7 report for the Court. I hope other dads fighting - especially those where we were 3 years ago will see that there can be good endings and even though its tough its possible even though you feel its not! Images of fathers leaving their families to stay Creative dadIdan Ben-Barak, author of Do Spurgeons, 74 Wellingborough Road, Rushden, Northants, NN10 9TY, United Kingdom. If in doubt keep it short, if you end up ranting about the other parent or how unfairly you have been treated it will not help how the court perceives you. Where else can I go. The courts turned it down since they wanted cafcass cross examined. But he should have received a custodial sentence for what he put my family through. You can find out more about the role in the Job Description and there is a wealth of information about Cafcass on our Cafcass Careers page. The Cafcass officer stepped outside his/her competence and reached conclusions on matters falling outside his/her expertise; eg in relation to diagnoses of mental health conditions, in relation to recovery from substance abuse. Half of all school holidays and then YOU have to pay to prove you're not?! My case is complex, my ex had made severe allegations both criminal and in family court, it took months of adjournments by then I had started drinking, before I was cleared criminally of committing any crimes but when I went back to family court my solicitor and my barrister asked had I started drinking which I said yes, so instead of my barrister saying anything other than I had started drinking,now my drinking is under control and I hardly ever drink in fact and I have proof by way of a key worker who has helped me get the right therapy from all this. Unbeknown to me at the time, the barister passed this with a lengthy cover letter, which I felt was very biased. Shaved his hair off and took selfies several weeks in a row before beating it.. Cafcas has recommendations NO contact at all, the judge is already really angry with him and its not going to end well.. My question really is can he get done or could the judge have him charged for submitting it and lying?. Make sure you fully understand the question and think about your answer before you start talking. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Share travel arrangements You dont want to give the impression you have something to hide and defensiveness can sometimes be misinterpreted as aggression. They have asked us to write witness statement and ordered my ex wife (applicant) to do a court bundle. We have removed this, Susan. Thank you for your comment. Accept the contact centre. . Dear Children and Family Court Advisory Support Service, 1) Please in a format i can understand provide me with what data is saved on file in private law proceedings UNDER THE DATA PROTECTION ACT 1998 please explain what Data is saved on file and for how long it would be saved and in the at risk folder. To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. Supported contact centres are suitable for families where no significant risks have been identified for the child or those around them. I fear the courts might just go for that since its addresses the unanswered allegations (i self refer in my own time), wife is happy and I still get contact (via a centre). This cookie is set by the provider Surveymonkey. All in all as of september he has got a lot of what he wanted and i thought it was important to share the good endings especially on this site that has helped us through! Where there are concerns about domestic abuse, or domestic abuse is found by the court to have taken place, the court may order a party to take part in a, ask us to carry out more detailed work with your family and to write a report about your childrens welfare (known as a. We hope this helps but if you need any assistance on a formal basis please get in touch. RE: Homeschooling - Trust the CMS? The lady in question has 5 serious mental health issues and as a result social services have made the child ward of court and wont provide us with any information until paternity is provided. Named after a section of the Children Act 1989, these reports are often referred to as Section 7 reports. @bill337 hi yes weve always paid their phone bills and By Frustrated86 , 5 hours ago. They can also support with handover arrangements, so parents do not have to meet. Whereas, I have WhatsApp messages exchange with him of me agreeing to contacts and him taking out son out on multiple occasions. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". (no mention of parents birthday - again both parents agreed child should spend it with relevant parent - hopefully mother will stick to this) Its not my fault that they are still undecided and I refuse to be bullied into accepting something I did not do. So if you require representation for any family matter, or simply need some advice, do feel free to reach me at our Coventry head office on 02476 531532. You will be given the chance to cross examine your ex and CAFCASS and try to move things forward. It is used for load balancing to make sure the visitor page requests are routed to the same server in any browsing session. It does not correspond to any user ID in the web application and does not store any personally identifiable information. Generally, both parents will have an opportunity to file statements and any other evidence that may assist the court and the stage of the proceedings will be relevant. I am unable to comment any further given I was not in attendance at the hearing. This will be your opportunity to challenge those recommendations by asking questions in cross-examination. I dont want to do too much but dont want to miss the opportunity to say what I want to say. Forum contains unread posts Im so happy for you all, but please dont be a stranger, your knowledge and experience are invaluable, not to say the encouragement your success gives us all! Sometimes the Judge or Magistrates will ask you some questions as you go, or save questions until the end. This cookie is set by the provider Surveymonkey. RE: Homeschooling - Trust the CMS? End the child arrangement hearing. You may find the experience stressful and/or upsetting. I asked help from mediation but she said no to them so the case is closed but now I am going court for my daughter. My kid & partner complaint to social services that I have been physically assaulting them for 15 years , social services reported to the police and police arrested me , seize my mobile for download and granted bail with the conditions of not visiting family home and not to contact My partner & kids , however My partner refused to give statement to the police and said nothing happened and also turned down social services claim as well , hence police dropped the charges after 2 months , I was away from home and during my absence my partner & kid was influenced or made up a plan and provided statement and a photograph of my partner hand which was having bruises , police arrested Me again and after 3 months they charged me under ABH and the matter is in court and I plead not guilty , but during this time she didnt allow me to meet or talk to my other kids (I have 4 kids) and she got non-molestation order in place for a year with the same restriction as police imposed on Me . You can find more information here: https://www.gov.uk/legal-aid/domestic-abuse-or-violence. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Not Replied If the witness says something important, write it down word for word. The cookie is used to support Cloudfare Bot Management. If court proceedings become necessary to resolve the arrangements for your children, the court will often look to Cafcass (the Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service) to help it investigate matters. After the third time of being asked the question I simply answered I dont know which was true. I would suggest that you instruct a solicitor to represent you in the proceedings as soon as possible. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. . Unfortunately, we are not able to comment on a specific case in this forum and could not do so without having sight of all of the case papers. Ultimately, it is the court that makes the decision but the court must have a good reason to make a decision different to the recommendation given. Fact finding hearings are common in children law cases but can also happen during other family law proceedings such as for domestic violence . Tips for Cross Examination at Final Hearing. JavaScript is disabled. This is an opportunity to summarise your case and explain how it is illustrated by the evidence before the court. When it is your turn to give evidence, you will go into the witness box where you should find drinking water and the trial bundle, which is a bundle of all the papers in the case which are being considered by the court. My solicitor stated that he doesnt feel I should challenge the assessment and that I should agree to the recommendation that they remain in permanent foster care as he believes I havent a case to fight. If parents cannot agree a way forward, the case will usually be listed for a final hearing which CAFCASS will attend. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Checks have been done on both parties but a conviction the father has and times he has supposedly spoken to Social service have not appeared yet every contact we have had with both the police and social services is listed. firstly I must say I really appreciate what you are doing offering what advice you can give. I am wanting to go on holiday for 26 days to US next year and fear i will have to talk to him about it. I am sorry that things are so difficult at the moment. Concentrate on the issues that are in dispute and the weak areas of your case, as these are the areas that you are most likely to be questioned about. There are a wide range of issues that may be in dispute, such as where the child shall live and how they will spend their time. Thank you for your comment. Im seeking help from a counsellor, will this be used against me when I go for our custody hearing? Interviewed both mother and father (and grandparents, if the application is by them). Stay polite and calm. The officer just listened to all the lies of my ex and believed him. This cookie is set by websites run on the Windows Azure cloud platform. Dont be tempted to elaborate or find yourself going off at a tangent, it may not be relevant and could even be damaging to your case. This was not a fact finding mission. The court will want to know what it is you are looking for and why - so it will help your case if you come to court with your proposals. This is easier said than done when the other partys lawyer may be intentionally trying to trip you up. At our final hearing the senior Cafcass officer - who also our dc's guardian - was there. Sometimes a final hearing doesnt end up being a final hearing, how long ago was the S7 prepared? Hello Chris. You are likely to be asked to give evidence at this hearing which can feel very intimidating if you dont know what to expect. DNA Testing. I have lay magistrates though and these guys take fence sitting to another level. If the family court orders that a DNA test should be carried out to confirm the parentage of a child in a Child Arrangement (Section 8) case, current arrangements are that the court will make a request to Cafcass Cymru, and we will instruct our provider DNA Legal to facilitate the collection of the DNA sample on behalf of the court. - However, I had admitted to arguing with her and I did threaten her in the heat of the moment after provocation, - At the first hearing wife was offered a fact finding but she turned it down and asked for a section 7. You've still got plenty to fight for.The final hearing is contested so you will be able to cross examine CAFCASS and your ex.remember the court doesn't have to follow CAFCASS recommendations, it's not set in stone. The Judge will then assess the evidence and make a determination. Keep Paying? Judge saw through his shit and exh's shit and exh got nc with my dc. . If your ex is unwilling to provide consent to the trip you will need to make a formal application to the family court. That doesn't resolve anything and is no different to section 7. If they are instructed, the family lawyers will usually start by giving their opening statements. Hello. Direct your answers to the Judge or Magistrates. Dear Claire, thank you for getting in touch. However, in December 2019 she wanted to change this arrangement which I did not agree with. abusive texts and messages from myself that back up my willingness to see my children? Ok, the courts will need more reassurances. Cafcass represent the welfare and best interests of the child so surely it has to be them. The sorts of flaws that you might look to expose in asking questions of the Cafcass officer are: Assumptions affecting the recommendation were made which were, in fact, wrong. I am unclear whether this hearing was a final hearing or a hearing regarding an interim issue. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. I dont want to agree and I feel I am being bullied into agreeing. After the court has received the application from either you or the other parent or carer or other adult, the court will usually refer the application to us. If the allegations will affect the final decision, then the court should arrange a fact finding hearing. The s7 report clearly says no contact prior to attending and completing DVPP. Im sorry but we are not able to provide specific advice via this forum but I would strongly recommend that you seek advice from a Resolution lawyer as soon as possible. The position statement is usually a written statement which sets out your position and the order you want the court to make. We cannot advise or comment on what you should or should not include in your statement other than to say that you should comply with the specific wording in the order in this regard. Are previous statements submitted at First Hearing and DRA stages automatically given to the magistrates in the bundle? @justmeandthe you would have to contact CMS and ask the By Bill337 , 6 hours ago. Im struggling with the enormity of my divorce. Used by sites written in JSP. I would recommend that you instruct a solicitor who is a member of the Law Society Children Panel to represent you within the current proceedings. This could include completing a Parenting Plan. Before the contested hearing, there will usually be a directions hearing where the judge will direct a number of points such as the timetable for when documents must be served, what documents should be served, the timetable for hearings etc. Can a judge rule for temporary foster care while we are not in court? Take your time. However, in practice that cannot happen. Try not to be defensive. It's the courts job to progress co tact wherever possible. A member of our team will follow up on your query shortly. I don?t want to agree and I feel I am being bullied into agreeing. Any ideas what will be done in this hearing? Is it illegal for him not to provide me with this? When making a decision as to with whom a child should live the court will take int account all of the circumstances of a case. This cookie is set by websites that run on Windows Azure cloud platform. Thank you for your comment. Homeschooling - Trust the CMS? However it was only reflected in the order that he must give up half his christmas this year and nothing about future of our kids. You may also find this guidance note by The Transparency Project helpful; it takes parents and professionals through the main aspects of how domestic abuse is addressed in the family court. The next hearing will be note hearing in front (via telephone conference call) of a district judge. Under cross examination I became frustrated by the questions. Firstly, it is almost unheard of for an officer to be challenged and then accept that he or she got the recommendation wrong. Supervised contact takes place with families in their own individual room, with skilled supervisors who can intervene if necessary. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Spurgeons is a registered charity (1081182). I want to get access to the kids at-least telephonic or supervised contact until criminal case comes to the conclusion , hence I completed online court form C100 , I am currently not working and not claiming any benefits , am I entitled to get legal aids (solicitor / barrister ) to represent Me or I will have to represent Myself , do you think court will allow Me to meet My kids or will wait for the criminal case conclusion , My partner is currently using every tactic and law to keep My kids away from Me and playing a victim and woman card .Please advice . Keep Paying? Homeschooling - Trust the CMS? Will your new job be permanent, PAYE? By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Active CAFCASS Officers are not always ordered to attend a DRA and it may be you have to wait until the Final Hearing to properly challenge the CAFCASS Officer. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. The court has the power to control the evidence before it, and it may use this power to direct the issues on which it requires evidence, the nature of the evidence and how it is placed before the court. Spoken with the child or children to ask them about their wishes and feelings (if they are old enough). They have asked us to write witness statement and ordered my ex wife (applicant) to do a court bundle. Tips for parents giving evidence in court. This includes the court cancelling or repeating a particular hearing. Hello, I hope you can help. If you want to dispute the conclusions of a Section 7 report and the recommendations of the Cafcass officer then you will undoubtedly want that to take place straightaway. Acrimonious separation, where the conflict [], If you are thinking about applying for a court order it is worth remembering that judges will expect you to have tried to agree. Also the contact centre have given me a glowing report. Generally, the recommendation of a well prepared section 7 report will hold a lot of weight with a Judge, but they are not determinative and the final decision will rest with the Judge rather than the author of the section 7 report. The role of Cafcass is to provide judges with advice, information and recommendations and help them reach a safe decision for the child. Dear Jade. How old is your child now? You mentioned about not ranting with evidence. They are neutral places and provide a valuable service in allowing contact to take place which otherwise might not happen. You can instruct a barrister, like me, to represent you at a final hearing. Cafcass and Guardian advised me 1 hr ago to ask for advice, because the - Answered by a verified Solicitor We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. I tried to give an answer that would show the question had no bearing on the bigger picture. Last week, Women's Aid and CAFCASS (Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service) released their joint report Allegations of Domestic Abuse in Child Contact Cases. Half of school holidays Easter, Summer and Christmas (no mention of half terms) - Summer is to have a 1 week block and a 2 week block If your daughter needs any advice or assistance going forward we would recommend you contact a lawyer who is a member of Resolution. An order made in court is generally binding from the day it is made, although we are experiencing delays with receiving the sealed orders. Cafcass's recommendations The only things recorded are the dates and times of attendance and they have a duty to report any safeguarding concerns. CAFCASS priority is the welfare of your children, not you. However, I can't get on one without an accurate risk assessment and that cant happen since there has never been a fact finding and I will never, ever, admit to hitting her. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Take child abroad. On the other hand, I qualified as a barrister originally - so sometimes it is about using a different word for the same person! These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. ORDER (S) are then made telling the parties what they can and cannot do. Depending on where you are, there are a few law clinics popping up with trainee barristers that might be worth looking into. You're jumping the gun on what will be ordered at the final hearing to me you seem to be in a really good position I'm sure you will get a decent outcome at the end of the day you threatening the ex is towards her not your child and the courts will be more interested if you are a threat to little one and you've already proved your not and you're commited by spending 30 weeks in a contact centre plus you have good reports from them. 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