Amongst the various ESG developments gaining traction in the markets is the recent push by shareholders for companies to conduct Racial Equity Audits, which generally consist of an objective investigation into a companys practices, policies and histories to determine such companys impact on social issues and areas for improvement. (go back), 40Delivering through Diversity, McKinsey, Vivian Hunt, Sara Prince, Sundiatu Dixon-Fyle and Lareina Yee, January 2018, available at [34]. As ESG issues garner more media attention and as younger generations move into the investing space, these issues and related disclosures may become increasingly important to consumers, investors and other stakeholders. Wenah herself has been working on this project for many years. As the area develops (and if more companies voluntarily implement these audits), Racial Equity Audits could become viewed as good corporate governance, particularly if top proxy advisory firms issue official guidance supporting the implementation of such audits. (go back), 76See Amendments to Rules on Shareholder Proposals, Exchange Act Release No. [41] A study by a Citigroup, Inc. (Citi) global economist found that addressing racial disparities can have even broader macro benefits. [21] Most shareholder activists are cognizant of the stance of institutional investors and proxy advisory firms on ESG issues and have increasingly incorporated ESG factors into their proxy campaigns. BlackRock, with $8.7 trillion of assets under management, said in a memo to employees Thursday that an external review of how its diversity, equity and inclusion policies impact stakeholders will. In 2017, Airbnb released a feature called Instant Book, which sought to combat prejudice by allowing guests to book an Airbnb listing without prior approval. At some companies, investors have proposed civil rights audits, which are similar in nature, but distinct in scope, often covering issues broader than racial equity to intersect with gender and other protected classes. In setting this precedent, it is important to understand that there are technology platforms that have already left irreversible marks on Black communities and communities of color around the country that need to be addressed. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Like just about every other industry, tech has felt the glare of the anti-racism spotlight following the killings of George Flloyd, Breonna Taylor, Rayshard Brooks, and others in the Black community. Beyond the moral case and business case for conducting Racial Equity Audits, and fighting systemic racism in general, is the democracy case espoused by social justice advocates [37] and that corporations can at times act more swiftly and have a more profound effect on current social issues than the government; therefore, these advocates argue that corporations have a responsibility to address issues affecting our democracy. [50] Accordingly, auditors are encouraged to solicit information directly through surveys and interviews, and to review historical records and a companys performance against its peers. A Racial Equity Audit is, at its core, an independent, objective and holistic analysis of a companys policies, practices, products, services and efforts to combat systemic racism in order to end discrimination within or exhibited by the company with respect to its customers, suppliers or other stakeholders. [68] Several of the supporting statements for Racial Equity Audit proposals stated that: High-profile police killings of black peoplemost recently George Floydhave galvanized the movement for racial justice. Alleged retaliation against employees who raise issues of discrimination. This is all while donating the greater of 1% of sales or 10% of profits to environmental activism, working to be 100% carbon neutral by 2025 and allowing employees to spend up to two fully-paid months of working time on supporting environmental conservation projects. Shareholder Proposal of CtW Investment Group Securities Exchange Act of 1934Rule 14a-8, Gibson Dunn, January 25, 2021, available at [hereinafter Amazon No-Action Letter]; J&J No-Action Letter, supra note 78. The proxy advisory firms level of guidance may take varying formsat the low end, proxy advisory firms may increase a companys ESG or corporate governance score for having in the past or recently conducted a Racial Equity Audit. Civil rights advocates and proponents of social justice have long touted the moral and ethical considerations of closing the racial divide in America. Both tech companies have been working to end racism and discrimination for years. The audits are conducted by third-party groups, which analyze companies' business modelsfrom policies to products and servicesto determine whether they cause, reinforce, or perpetuate. As companies aim for racial equity, Brand said its important to first acknowledge that racism exists and understand that it was intentionally built into corporations. (go back), 142SEC Approves Nasdaqs New Listing Rules Designed to Advance Greater Boardroom Diversity, Elizabeth Gonzalez-Sussman and Ron Berenblat, August 2021, available at As a result, Engine No. The Amazon proposal got more support from shareholders than any other audit voted on last year. In 2016, Airbnb released its own audit into discrimination and bias on its service. . [3], With the increasing prominence of ESG awareness, the market has also seen the rise of ESG-specific funds as a new form of investment vehicle. (go back), 96See e.g., Goldman Sachs Proxy Statement, supra note 35 (We share the proponents focus on advancing racial equity.); Citigroup Proxy Statement, supra note 69 (While we disagree with the overall approach in this Proposal, we are completely aligned with its stated goal of addressing racial inequity in the financial sector.); see also Lawmakers debate bill mandating racial equity audits at firms, The Hill, Abigail Goldberg-Zelizer, June 30, 2021, available at; Shareholders want to hold corporate giants accountable for their commitments to racial equity and justice. There are three essential features of an effective racial equity audit: The audit should be independent, and conducted by a firm with civil rights expertise; There must be robust stakeholder engagement to uncover issues across a company's products and services, workforce practices, and corporate policies; and. Laura Murphy, the ACLU veteran who pioneered business civil rights audits and led the analysis of Airbnb and. A racial equity or civil rights audit is typically an independent analysis, usually conducted by a law firm and/or a consultant, that examines whether a company's policies, practices, products or services are equitable and non-discriminatory for key stakeholders, such as customers and employees This years racial equity audit proposal highlights the companys Corporate PAC giving, as well as high profile incidents at stores such as the suspension and forced resignation of an employee who refused to remove a Black Lives Matter (BLM) logo from his apron. Some studies have shown that promoting racial justice can increase profitability and competitive advantage. [39] A study by McKinsey & Company found that implementing or improving racial justice policies can positively affect a companys bottom line. Airbnb has consistently engaged in fighting bias and discrimination on its platform since 2016, after its first civil rights audit, authored by Laura Murphy, former Director of the American Civil Liberties Union's Washington Legislative Office and President of Laura Murphy & Associates. [115] The companys environmental impact has also been called out for allegedly disproportionately affecting minority communities. For example, the SOC Investment Group, formerly known as the CtW Investment Group (CtW), a group that works with pension funds sponsored by unions affiliated with Change to Win, a federation of unions representing nearly 5.5 million members, submitted the following proposal to Bank of America Corporation for inclusion in its proxy statement: RESOLVED that shareholders of Bank of America Corporation (BofA) urge the Board of Directors to oversee a racial equity audit analyzing BofAs adverse impacts on nonwhite stakeholders and communities of color. According to the proponents, issues relating to racial equity and the companys corporate practices are longstanding, and include multiple lawsuits relating to employment and lending discrimination. [136] As the general publics views evolve on ESG issues, public pressure for certain actionsin this case, increased diversity in public boardroomsoften influence not just shareholder advocacy but legislative action. The Sustainable Investments Institute reports that 28 shareholder proposals dealing with racial justice had been included in proxy statements filed with the SEC as of April 27, 2021. Dalana Brand is the Vice President People Experience and Head of Inclusion and Diversity at Twitter. [60], A number of other high-profile companies and financial institutions have been approached either by shareholders or civil rights advocates about conducting Racial Equity Audits. Companies Negotiated with Shareholders to Withdraw the Racial Equity Audit Proposal. 14B, September 15, 2004, available at Airbnb and Facebook have also completed racial equity audits in recent times. While the company opposed all seven, at least four of those resolutions, including the first racial equity audit proposal at the company, two proposals for reports on the human rights implications of certain surveillance products, and a lobbying disclosure proposal received substantial support of over 30 percent. (go back), 34Starbucks Steps Up Its Racial Justice Outreach With $100 Million Pledge, Forbes, Kori Hale, January 20, 2021, available at Recently, investors and companies have also begun to appreciate that positive financial returns are often associated with investing in initiatives working towards racial equality. (go back), 85See Amazon No-Action Letter, supra note 83. These companies have asserted that they disagree with the approach of Racial Equity Audit proposals, but are aligned with [their] stated goal of addressing racial inequity in the financial sector. [96], For example, the board of directors of Citi recommended a vote against the Racial Equity Audit proposal included in its 2021 proxy statement, noting that [a]s recently as September 2020, Citi released a 104 page report on the economic cost of Black inequality in the United States titled Closing the Racial Inequality Gaps, and said its efforts on these issues are available to the public. Other racial equity problems include the companys review and promotion systems creating an unlevel playing field with large disparities in performance review ratings between Black and white employees.. (go back), 106Other shareholders joining the proposal were: (1) the Praxis Growth Index Fund; (2) CommonSpirit Health; (3) the Adrian Dominican Sisters; (4) Catherine Donnelly Foundation; (5) Monasterio Pan de Vida; (6) Reynders, McVeigh Capital Management, LLC; (7) the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace; (8) the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary U.S.-Ontario Province Corporation; and (9) Newground Social Investment on behalf of the Robert H. and Elizabeth Fergus Foundation and Eric Menninga. [i]f CEO Jeff Bezos shares (70,616,270 shares, 14%) were to be removed from those voting against it, the proposal received majority support. [122]. (go back), 108Amazon No-Action Letter, supra note 83. Most recently in 2020, Airbnb launched Project Lighthouse, an initiative to uncover, measure, and overcome discrimination during the Airbnb booking process. . Julie Wenah, Community Counsel and Acting Regional Counsel for Africa at Airbnb, was a speaker at Scaling Social Impact in a Remote World. Murphy helped Airbnb and Facebook conduct racial audits in recent years. In its advertising products, Google has blocked companies from using racial justice terms like Black Lives Matter while allowing advertisers to search and place their content on tens of millions of videos tagged with white nationalist terms like White Power or White Lives Matter. The proponent of the racial equity audit proposal, Nathan Cummings Foundation, is concerned that many of Alphabets business practices are enabling racism and discrimination, posing legal, financial, and reputational risk.. [109], Amazon argued the proposals call to review its impact on civil rights, equity, diversity and inclusion is a broad survey on the impact of the Companys policies, practices, products and services on societal issues, which implicates routine business issues, such as the products and services that the Company offers to its customers, the Companys business practices and operations, the Companys strategic decisions, and the Companys choice of technologies. [110] Similarly, according to Amazon, such an audit would necessarily implicate[] a multitude of ordinary business matters relating to the Companys day-to-day operations, which Amazon argued included decisions relating to, among other things, its charitable donations, hiring decisions, diversity and recruitment initiatives, customer relations, advertising, public relations and communications with its shareholders and the kinds of products it sold. [1] Secondsocial criteria, which considers how a company engages with all of its stakeholders (including employees, customers and suppliers) rather than just shareholders, including the treatment and diversity of its employees on the frontline, management and boardroom levels, the effects of a company on the surrounding community, and whether a company is working with suppliers who share similar socially desirable values. For many, the scrutiny is welcome. Airbnb Inc., which faced a spate of backlash for charges of racial profiling of guests before initiating tougher standards, has bounced nearly 4,000 accounts from its home-sharing app this year for violating its nondiscrimination policy. CEO Charles Scharf took the helm of the bank in 2019 and implemented changes to management, including bringing on other white men he had worked with previously to high-level positions within Wells Fargo. According to Laura Murphy, a prominent civil rights leader and civil rights auditor, a civil rights audit is an independent, systematic examination of significant civil rights and racial equity issues that may exist in a company and provides a plan of action to address those issues in a thorough, deliberate, timely, and transparent manner. Companies and in turn shareholders face significant risks if civil rights problems are not remedied, including reputational, regulatory, and litigation risks. Also speaking at sf.citis Scaling Social Impact event, she said: in an ideal world, if we were all showing up and doing [diversity and inclusion] work the right way, my role wouldnt exist. So much of feeling included, she continued, is about individual connections. (go back), 125Rule 14a-8 No Action Letter, CtW Investment Group, November 12, 2020, available at Not everyone did. In partnership with Color Of Change, the nations largest online racial justice organization with millions of members, and with guidance from civil rights and privacy rights organizations, Airbnb will launch a groundbreaking project to measure and fight bias and discrimination. (go back), 21Cal. Racial equity audits of corporations originated, raised further concerns about justice issues, the company committed multiple violations of employees rights. Restoration: The Role Stakeholder Governance Must Play in Recreating a Fair and Sustainable American EconomyA Reply to Professor Rock,,,,, The good news is that some tech companies have been promoting racial equity and justice long before these latest protests and the tragedies that inspired them. In addition to our ongoing diversity and anti-discrimination efforts, as we grapple with the effects of COVID-19, now more than ever we need to be a platform for economic empowerment that can help hosts, including Black residents, keep their homes and avoid displacement from their communities.. [116] Comptroller DiNapoli expressed concern with Amazons alleged lack of transparency, stating that while the company has put policies in place to address this issue, it has not reported to investors the effectiveness or the process for completing its ongoing policy review. [117] In 2020, Amazon conducted its first human rights assessment, which it referenced to support its position that there was no need to conduct a Racial Equity Audit. Airbnb Inc. became the . [90], Under Rule 14a-8(i)(3), a shareholder proposal may be excluded from a companys proxy materials if the proposal or the supporting statement accompanying the proposal is contrary to any of the federal proxy rules, including Rule 14a-9, which prohibits a company from disclosing materially false or misleading statements in its proxy materials. As discussed earlier, Starbucks undertook a Racial Equity Audit in 2018. 34-40018; IC-23200; File No. Shareholder activist Engine No. . At a time when we cannot rely on government alone to further social justice goals, unusual allies become more important than ever. Airbnb will never sell the perceived race information used in this research project. 30-10825; 34-89670; File No. [97] Wells Fargo Co. (Wells Fargo) said it is conducting a human rights impact assessment, and that it will update its Human Rights Statement to better align with the expectations of companies under the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. [134] ISS will use the results from its Annual Benchmark Policy Survey as a key component of ISS annual policy development process to assess potential policy changes across regions and markets for 2022 and beyond. [135] While ISS has largely appeared hesitant to support Racial Equity Audits in the circumstances presented in the 2021 proxy season, the results from its Annual Benchmark Policy Survey could change its future guidance and recommendations on such audits. [108] Amazon argued that, regardless of the proposal being framed in the form of a request for a report, this did not change the fact that the subject matter of the proposed report is within [Amazons] ordinary business and thus excludable under Rule 14a-8(i)(7). As an extra security precaution, this information will be deleted every 30 days. [65] Certain of these racial justice proposals submitted by shareholders included proposals calling for Racial Equity Audits. This project was designed with guidance from data privacy experts and advocates, including the Center for Democracy & Technology, Dr. Latanya Sweeney and The Data Privacy Lab at Harvard, and Upturn. (go back), 112Shareholder Proposal No-Action Responses, SEC, Staffs Response, April 7, 2021, available at; see also U.S. SEC blocks Amazon effort to stop shareholder votes on racial equity audit, Reuters, April 7, 2021, available at It will not happen overnight. 1 In addition to personal accounts, a study at Harvard Business School highlighted racial discrimination on Airbnb's rental platform. What is a racial equity or civil rights audit? (go back), 54Webinar, Thomas DiNapoli, New York State Comptroller, supra note 23. [31] Following an audit, some companies have used the findings to develop a strategic plan to capitalize on opportunities to address racial equity moving forward. According to Wenah, Airbnb lost 1.3 million users after launching the Community Commitment. Airbnb was born in 2007 when two Hosts welcomed three guests to their San Francisco home, and has since grown to over 4 million Hosts who havewelcomed 1.4 billionguest arrivals in almost every country across the globe. (go back), 7Statement on the Review of Climate-Related Disclosure, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Acting Chair Allison H. Lee, February 24, 2021, available at (go back), 78Rule 14a-8 No-Action Letter re: Stockholder Proposal to Citigroup Inc. from CtW Investments Group, Citigroup Inc., December 23, 2020, available at [hereinafter Citigroup No-Action Letter]; Rule 14a-8 No Action Letter re: Johnson & Johnson2021 Annual Meeting, Omission of Shareholder Proposal of Christopher and Anne Ellinger and co-filers, Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP, December 16, 2020, available at [hereinafter J&J No-Action Letter]. [24] However, many advocates believe that without objective means to identify areas of improvement and monitor companies progress, these commitments may be illusory and confirmation that these companies have in fact met their commitments could be difficult. Civil rights advocates notched a victory this week by securing a commitment from e-commerce giant Amazon to conduct a racial equity audit, a step they say is crucial toward ensuring that. (go back), 90See e.g., Citigroup No-Action Letter, supra note 78; J&J No-Action Letter, supra note 78; JPMorgan No-Action LetterFebruary, supra note 77; Amazon No-Action Letter, supra note 83. (go back), 93See J&J No-Action Letter, supra note 78. Further, companies wishing to stay ahead of the curve may start by critically and objectively looking at their current internal practices and policies relating to equity and inclusion and identifying areas in need of improvement. Areas include, for example: This project has been in development for nearly two years with support and input from Asian Americans Advancing Justice AAJC, Center for Democracy & Technology, Color Of Change, League of United Latin American Citizens LULAC, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), National Action Network, The Leadership Conference, and Upturn. Shareholder proposals come from a variety of proponents, including individual investors, labor unions, public pension funds, shareholder activists and institutional investors and such proposals often focus on the environment, corporate governance, executive compensation and social issues. (go back), 131BlackRock pledges to conduct a racial audit of its business, Fortune, Marco Quiroz-Gutierrez, April 6, 2021, available at For example, a 2017 study found that across 72 predominantly Black New York City neighborhoods, Airbnb hosts were five times more likely to be white. Concerns related to workforce diversity, treatment of minority workers, environmental justice in communities of color, surveillance, and civil rights are just some of the controversies that have troubled Amazon. [114] For example, current and former Amazon employees have accused the company of allowing racism to permeate its operations. These perceptions will be aggregated and used to identify and measure discrepancies in peoples experiences on the platform that could be a result of discrimination and bias. In 2018, Travelers paid out $450,000 to the National Fair Housing Alliance in a settlement of a lawsuit that claimed Travelers had denied insurance to landlords who rented to voucher recipients. From 2016 through today, over 1.3 million people have declined to agree to Airbnbs mandatory Community Commitment and Non-Discrimination Policy, and have therefore been denied use of the platform or had their accounts cancelled. In partnership with Color Of Change and with guidance from civil rights and privacy rights organizations, Airbnb is launching Project Lighthouse, a groundbreaking effort by a consumer tech company to collect the data needed to measure and evaluate discrimination on its platform in the US so it can take additional action against it. (go back), 50Webinar, Pamela Coukos, Co-Founder of Working Ideal, supra note 23; supra note 27. 2008 with the best of intentions, but were not fully conscious of racial bias when they designed the platform. Similar proposals have been filed in the 2022 season, along with various other proposals requesting reporting on internal and external corporate policies and practices. [129] As a result, the shareholder proposal was withdrawn and SEIU announced that it was currently working with BlackRock to bring about needed change within the company and the financial services industry. [130] Commentators anticipate that BlackRocks commitment to a Racial Equity Audit could sway other financial services companies to follow in its footsteps. [131]. As discussed further below, several financial institutions, including Citi, JPMorgan Chase & Co. and Goldman have resisted shareholder proposals requesting Racial Equity Audits, stating that they would either fold such measures into their existing human rights assessments or that they didnt believe it was the appropriate time for such an endeavor. Racial bias when they designed the platform its footsteps precaution, this information will be every!, available at https: // been working to end racism and discrimination years! More support from shareholders than any other audit voted on last year time we. September 15, 2004, available at https: // have accused the committed. That BlackRocks Commitment to a racial Equity audits in recent times of working Ideal, supra note 78 been. 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